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VO.I. No. 5 5.
ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONy. faculty and three alumi, also bie i bll andl lase ball teani XstheW rihtK y Q '
theuh eirdUnion of Ath- nmadle assauditing committee ;the constitaitioli xwas adop)tedI an y laKey Co.
j1Itrst tLs Effected. argumtiel being that people seoti Id who has played one shubenled game
nht~ 5i&i 1 i i ot so readtily entrust money to the in either foolt-ball or base-ball1 is enl- 'gFor'sn a mportes G I
l teiatiie. n stciuetod tndents, if thre auuotiissweenot titleid to ativole for {i laiii 01 IlitIt adAit IGooGs, cod ~li Optd -
Ctst h morac tet li ocerloohedl by the faciolts-. 5Next tleant. 'lliis cleane ietas obijected to
itySirlar, tSanra c a loe the nmost iportant plrt of the because it seetlmdto grant large- lS Oraalrr h
itittybers the grge c-onstitution, the clautse regardiiig towers to thle captaini espiecially in PFinst Saciety Badge-ssitado it the.
ted, seas thpe interestthttefs-' the represeintationsini the idire-ctors-. the base-bill teani antI tossers, tooi, eorlm~ Sample iet uop p-
''leo its ajiiut hi e Article V , Section r,tirov ied that that miax- le used to his oiri ad- tetots
ttld - eacti ulass ini the lterars- aid lair te- vantage. For hie may play persioial
l~dkiai-iel ae seli' iiapartments hasve oiiedirector, andt favorites iterely to secure vottes. D W-botOda} i,-,)L 1J cBEk.,
Prf't1 - thiat the other dlepartmetits hiave one It wsas decidled piropser for the roit -
aprorit aftrmaarks d~ iirettor echai nd itfour iireitiirs omittee to liegiii soticititig fuiids feor 1401 OOt)WAEI)AVE.,
if e a resraen r to be electedl at large. ;\ ii anienid- the gyiiiiasiiiii at the earliest dtate.
cud flc-~i1, rid l I--- -iad f mniiinsi-as at oiiiii edisctotithis, It isas also tdecidtedito ldiilta eet- D6±tro - - y1 'h F
ngid-i prov1)15- 111it iing-ithat eclh idepairtment havie ilig.iffltt e assoicationtnetitSatuirda-i
- i as atIdelarlllilalonieidirectlorifori siery o - seer-to elject Iofticics 0-1111 ilictcisi.
C5 - I i ipi tie tirole ililfd ~ i OIO~I ShssieIss ' l I- i a f.nsas
l-i---c -iI
ees tlicj\Wadle said thaitsillile lhe- eliinc-i sitover tI,. lit 1' that iinumleriof personsi a iiiiteilfiroit 0;1aiist i I I
I <1 t l. eachIsuta utua e dul siatsient silii i zl 11:11 t- at li c tlass; sit tht Iile rttdieplart- be clpeliell by
asd fo agnea i-least one diieitir. -ietediIs-nitentlitii tuake slititiiis lfor
r rlathleticss setlie i-as iter - -- -ft Ad: S~hldS'I
tctedi,, - ussisiltfollowce-dl, in wishli it wa~s nl i-Irsli illof the asiiiia tiiiu -
I this iiiec-ing iecauise- ie lie - 1frirywt h
Ihe tha tn iii leli ils-i-ts ttlieldl, oniithe onie handlthtltfairchess (Iin thei iwhole,all shouldt- hank- friersiiliIlt
I Oc 1la thircinladct hbe retoftire, lteein shownc to fitl thaut thlt- meti-Imwsas so salirslai- ifty arv antd(utfitlters.
C15 ~ yni~ ct - th 1(1 letis Itie proufessiontal departiments, anid tort'- The luaruuionythtltprevaileit'
-taimcudb bane that the amenumntuolil create a islrely tdue tit the efflicincy aiiil (mbiie as
hett c, t msi o tiiela-iore geiteral interest itt these cde- tact sith wichetPlrotfessor \lcLaitgl- A Splenid Nest tine of Geistle-
Beet) on pa~litrtisienits by gis-ig theis a fair slhice lin ei ddoethmein
Onthe pa t f the stude tts lr simti- ten's U nde wear, G loves, Ties, & c.
heinsely ~~i athsletic saisagemet nient - (Outthe oilier -- '--
1°uOttgt tttact. cleatidh not have entosighlinterest Suitday tioriniig, at chapel, a Chap. "pei]er &
tief dolfont spioke some ssortds in the Athletic Assocatin to jinit very- iterestitig stnd-itistructive
tests it lie shotiuld have ito sote ini it. tteigsaslet tsesudrt 20 ;12 S. ft-ate+
6 tu itgreeiitgswithi ____________was__held.__It__was__under__the
ci tlrcWad tattigyitiasni The previis cutestioii sas thten auspices of the U. sf '.N Missiotn
il ciltaittetionily byun itited acl-tatted andc carried by a svote tif 2r9IBandi, andi its airni sias to aswakens a apipeal isas thsetnimade for funds for
tcnI tt 99. Tuhe amieniditettwias theni broatder msissionatry spirit anitl teep- D~r. Grant's support, aitd seventy-
- - Iligliart fotltossed, ad-cti -hu
Pi uhib opiitin shioutltibe cdii-
io( 1p ttile Ismportaince of atto-
Worlk.- Iithi the lielpt tf or-
tni cu ad the ipersotal swork oif
~ldits 1'otpeth that a gymutasini
"I'tepros-bled iii three ttr fttur
-Ir Tllttitiutsas itoseappoint-
SSecretary) ad it was movoed that
e contttion be readt and adopted
cto by section. This wvas done,
dalwent well until Article IV,
c',Was reached, when it was pro -
3'" that the advisory committee,
mp°See3 of foot members of the
rejected by a vlite oT 168 tt 25.
Anoethier taitendtiteiit was immteidi-
ately" resented, Iby- Mr. N.- A. Phil-
ips, otf the seiior lasw ilass, appoor-
tioniing the inimter of directuors ini
a deparmenmt ini proporionu to the
numnber if nnmnberi the associatiots
shall hiase in that departmient, but
to departnsent to, have iess thtain one
director. This amendmsent seemed
to meet the approval of all, aisdi oas
The rest of the constitution was
adopted without much discussion,
except the clause relating to the se-
lection of the captains of the foot-
er interest in the association's miis-
siontairy,Dri.-Granut, itoss ini (hina.
Sltr. Warrinter gave a short resunse
of mnissionaary stork, espec-hully ini
China. "Thifeirs't rk intthtat dark
land seas donle at the beginmning of
this century, lout inIS 85 but four
converts bail been gained. Shortly
after this, Chinese isorts were open-
ed to missionaries, antI frons that
time on the swork has steadily
Mr. Gardner then followed with a
few words concerning medical mis-
sionaries, especially those who have
gone forth from the U. of M. An
five dollars was pledgedl eaving a
tialaitee of rlu2a5 still to be raised lie-
litre Christmas.
The cainvass is niosw being piushed
andi it is hopes1 that before vacations
douses the swhole amioiunt of $800
wvill loe pledged-
At list Independent caucus Satur-
day the fifth ballot resulted as fol-
lows: Total cast, 36. Mr. Kelly,
1[8; Mr. Lowenhaupt, 15 Mr. Reid,
2; blank, m. But by all parlia-
mentary law blank ballots are ig-
nored. This would have resulted in
Mr. Kelly's nomination had the
facts been known.