-THE N W-i CLOTHIN'G HOUSE, II, 173, 175 Woodwasrd Avenue, Detot, Michia, I E1 L r H N ' H T te s N o v ie o s /\. I vi i 2 o ai u NEW BOOK STORES, ur pf ', a- 6 South MairlStreet. 4 Sol I State Stret .. .IIl~ EIl05 Medical I oki LawBos o >BAIIWiX i.KNs -~4% S 11 ,Ilook nlaed in City School. Stl s No t e Books and Padsl raft- Is 11)oNig thenLard4 h tok f 1 il ilt. so tttSo in othe imtilooct loitt in fSoi, oD Aoloioio ll thlatet hO 'iades.andi11noveltie10i5 Toi seri)ngs1 '5andi 'ntlee in o Sorin Cco .On Istumnt.t o ttingos. in'Vests c in Ite had otf Lr Stock ofFlounoht iien. N Warrnitedl Fountitn Ien(Gold) lori$1.50.No. 2 E.Washington Et., near Main. Q .''.~ JAMES M. STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, flJOINES PIIILOTOR r GRILDR GE ATEST"V A R I E TY LOWS PICES WM. t ARNOLDEEE (l1 11i ei LAMPS, ini this ectte. You woill sNtsr inoney y h i nof us. (hir~~ :l114Ssll'Hiehs.n eSTRtbEEiTs itottodo 0 chairing of wick and gises a1 clear white light. M. W . BLAKE, Soldt at 1i cenits per gallon, delivered to any part of the eity. 1PI:ClTRE, FRAMES, Alp 4lt4 tpae ogtSOUT'H rMAIN ST. jPEANP & CO- Anr GOODS. 1o west Huoo MADE TO OR DER- LXT1EST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MiCtH. HOIDAY HINTS., . Draws Near. NVhat will 5011 take, *home witolloo1. 'resenits itoe the '"Friendis?"' Our Stock of Holiday Goods and Novelties Will answethtis questioni for yoiu. . hundreds of Styles i .andkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, and Fancy Articles to select from. E, F. MILLS & 0O.1 20 South Main. Dhry Goods and Carpets. THE AMPS, lpa Nl Iogrr, ~cc. GI S o: FERDON LUMBER YARD, THE AMPS. ll~ia Ni lro~e01i. Ice.6. 90: Mianeseoieeeo sf ndlodesler in The ot i ito I asoiciety niece s Mu01sic. lss 01Mr. (Chas. Ilill. SGINIAW GANG SAWED LLUM SE recitantion, M .7.01 Msi or. Ii's i nd 10,1 li)Sis I-tviiigit , at 7 :30, i1n the lictielliC -Isi. i-ot- ____ ______ lalorilocs . Die p ioram no i.,ts via'l, Il. 701I. andtK. OKiannete. J. HALLER 0 t I t ;0 ctOri Xiiwith lnlc 1 lelati licsesolvcl, 'hat Ia lev;I.h in501 0 5tatll: 14'11'.N%' o. j 15 nenililice to thed nainval iteesaiine t isecmioai. -. constituti .~ ~ oould be for ihie best 0. M. MARTIN, Willthepc - (,n-ho7ooffal oV(,I- RALE tIN coat litvi i tto Irvfrom lieliirary tt\itist I.0vc.K" Cloth Caskets, M1etalic~ buildling ts esiot,t 11 Nihos, "re.looi. e. ANt) COMMON CoFFaIN. le sane lv to hoslco arol's office? '7 h els ~.I.icllaii. -J .PLEUS 71 noi~ 11.701. 11. and K. Qu)artette. -J. 'V ]E7 Thei Senior frito oswill holid ther ALSO 'BLS HACK AND BlAGGAGE S E cauens to-inittOw intol the fac t thfie niass North Main Street. Tesegigpry ossigo etnfrcmiigteahei ISY&SAOT abioiit towenty young ladies ande gel> orgaiziations wsnsbilted for. thicBakers8and dealers i ' tlezenmosly g3', wichwen tosaint hour thaat tic Freshomain tlec- Groceries, Provision s,Flou rand Fe Wttitiimosty'9e wih e t ioni oas, 94's elections sas hoot- an8E.WsigoSt ti itmort take last rigtht,reports ain JOHN WOTZKE, excclteiit tinie. 1polied fur a sreck. 'Fli FreshmenMkrst.e coiisiercodthat tieimass5 hctinig LADIES' acid GENTS'f 9 Thle Delta Gammas gave ax part),seas of iiore importance to fte tepairinnatly done. 43S as inst' nast night. swtolteh-iiiversity than the lttiioiiRAGE' Mr .70.lire,'2 a etof '94's iifficers, soi they ptpoiied . ohttgtethaving secured a gooioii i5 'for a sweek ndelalt sn wentiienlmasso ' DM O AGN~ tion in St. l~ootis, 7'Mi. it' is ittn.OppositeI.a« BuildingC 't'ic(titiig orl~eenlie tns 'n'ticexanatioii (f the eight 1lpis iwiiterecetived it antiotlia fineartile an ahletcs n Oho co- ;thieseasons. tii' nt oe o nti hic ii (tin il iiitia men eiigagedl in ttie recent- leats. ei'sa otk laeyscdo olThrough Vestibuled and CcelOi5 'Flt S'iior 100 hiiterelwt wtis bentoiirielac focrd ' ut Sleepers Between Chicago and The Snior aws ay e lectdoctet..J Tacoma, Wash., and Port- Ahbiott bee-tadjourned ioi ofetheirk. land Oregon. Abbot bse-bll aptin o thir tr. Gatchetlhtans proiici to "isv 'ITie Wisconsin Central iid Noxl~e class eam t aciflineshue nathrough Pullma eI chostem.ipolic entertainmeiit afterthe tibuled and Colonist SleeperslaetWe A. 1t. Johnls, lawo, '90, 1islirnotie-(tholay vacation, in whtihtilie weill Chicago and Taconma, WVas h., VI iiig at Oaklandl,Ioswa. perform alt tricks of toe minid reader Portland, Oregon. The train 1-1ti l as the "Pacific Express" leaves Flitformer menabers of Lyceumi J ohstone,including the safe opening Gland Central Passenger StatiOl, the corner of Fifth Avenue No. outnieet to-night at 7:30, it' contest. T1he receipts of the enter- Harrison Street, at 10:45P..d:-0 Rooni 24. tainment still go for the gynmnasium For tickets, berths in Pullman or8 onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GOO D)r. WtVinchel l will speak before fund. 'Taomorsose, City Passenger and'ik the Geological Society one sweek At thoe regular meeting of Hobart Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to~a from to-night, on (lhe subject, "Pre- Guild last evening twcnty new mem- CentDYPaseonTer ttioAorerP, historic Man". brswere eetC.AenanHargrtison r, Cic Ml.