THE TU. 0 OIVIE RI 0ATS ATTHE two DAMb This Line of OVERCOATS is Superior to any ever offered in the city. AT I.. BLITZ. ObA.LJIJA12 TD SEA illArhor 8Naml LDll~RUM VOORHEIS & ITS SEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS,)O ORALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. MWPECIAL RAOTES vo STUDENTS. tII SE ._J 02:: 23 South Fourth Ave. nK-JP\LL AN] EEUS F M. DAILY. Of Old UJ. of-M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amud Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; B~anjo and Mandolin Strings, 1 eta. Everything in proportion}. 38 S. Main Si,. ALLMENhDINGER IA~L.NOUORGA~~N 00. 'TR~ADE AT .BROWN'S DRUG STORE: (;011- ER MAIN AND) HURON STREETS. LARGOEST sTocK oF TOILET Goons AND) FINE CIGAIIs, TonBxCCOs A-ND CIGARETTES IN TH~E CITY. jkig Yobir X 5 Collar$ andsl Cidfs, Neckties a d - Par riq id Gloves -OF-- FERGUSON 22 Save.. I. STr., EeyWAHR'S BOOK STORE, -DOWN TOWN. 1"eYStuxdent will save muoney by buying University Text-Books and all suppl x. ait' dqurtrs W s' lseial discount on JAW BOOKS, MEDICALlBOOKlS, DENT I, BOOKS, inshorlst, every Bocok.used in the! tSliverjg." 3 )011131lank IBooks at low est pis.I I IItNt tO S~~EINTl I THE NE STE EST STYLES I Tha Mass Meeting. I l'L dlr .eosttislens s\S-ecreal thy G cail foc a mieetinog to ucite the sac- eL O T H IN os athletic ssascations of the CUci- _ versity. Roolsn 24 wrs founid tss be O)F ALL KINDSJAT altogethser toeosiall, so tlse Law -lecture room was cliosesn for the T -r JAC BS & 0CO'S, meetingl. Pref. A. C'. AMcIaullin 27AND a9 MAXIN ST. presided. The cot-stitution was L. GRUN ER. --takenoupin 55detail, ansd evoked usuchs ~~eafcerin discussion, whsichs was still goinsg on tepairgNos8South sMinteet. ai the tine of going to press. Mcucli --hnne teyanY a)tly. of the opposition Wvas over the sdc- iNo. 1 rpartmentOs representation. CIAETE. Rousing speeches were muade by, Cigarette Snicrs whs of. dePont andl Reigtsarsl and are Nwilling to 5y a little N-1r. WVade. mnore than te pricer c-harged or the svrow.y Ii adc Cigarettes, will SaiSd CGov. Winans Again. 'en A N su sperior to =< all others. Ct' Thie RiehmondS Straight BL enetirrrirette5sre manle trotsthe tbight- (.overuor-electsWissacs stopped adetcltei favodnand highest cost pd rawn in Virginsia. This isthtico(is!ouer tis afternsoonli(0l his way hoee ndwz1ia Badof Straight Cat Cigarettes, sc '~rlt r tb 8is cte year 1875. frsntssi siting the Slate Nerusal rr Htt)orin~tx~iosand obsere thtat the as T shecLR l -aneeeypacitage. Schlool andtlremnsuiedlclosetesd with kau ie A& I T mrcanc oTobacco Co.., iReent Cllarles R. Whlitin iuntil ~aoo .Richttonssdi.Virgisia' hstraits left, sit 5soclo~ck. nncArhor Savings Bank .Misdge Winians is Slot lsere sitslissi- q Mih. CaitalStock, &15,5x, t ida n r th5eGeneal BakingLaws isess coititectedl witl 111he Uiversity. Q1eestate . fteceeives Deposits, boys and Il~e says that thete T. of l. sol 05hageo the principat cities ot the i titat rtca erstlon proestre sot have a gymnuasiutmnworth less . B RRMA~ssN. Vice Pres., thae *3,000 or $70,000. Re hopes CHA. . studlents msay sticceed in any ''TE ARGLIS,2-- effort they make. The Governor- jo a fP I' rJ1N4, elect will not recomumendl a "gym" AT LowPasess appropriation .this year, because of Soe new and old, large and the other pressing needs of the Uni. 's jlfor coal, wood, oil and veraity, bust his words imply that lie I oi' a 1 , at J. E. Ilarkins', 28 E. may see fit to do an in Isis retiring ostreet.nesatgeS. 'Y. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ESsusderlassd, fmiitaer. .lornsinggsr vsce at 10:-0. Subijert of sermonss 'Vihe Prodigal Sost.'' Evenisig sec- v'ice, 7:30 :subject, "Inuspiratieon asnd Revelation.'' Studients' Blible Class at tmooi. Siubject, "'M.\an's Search fssr Coil; Ancestor Werslsip; Polytheism s:31 etsotlsisn." Rev. R. 1-1. Rust. 1). 1)., psastorc. Sersvuses a~t 10:30 a. us. andil7 :30 t. 11. 'Mosrssinsg subject, '"ILessonss of Winter.'' Esvessiig susbject. ' A Safe Place to Isnvest."' A cssrdial swelcome to all. PRsscsisvressss C liRlCll.-Sunsday motrnsing sertioni, " Foreigtn 3!is. sions.'' Sunday school at nisoos, Eveusisg. sersvice : subject, 'VTse Sevenithl Day of Creation.'' ST. A ssERss' C1-t'U c jis.-8S:oo sa. in., ssssrssutg lsrayer ; io:3o a. i., ha ol c~sssllsl; 52:00n51., Sutnday thsird lectusre, "Idlealism---Hegel." CeNlukre A'rssNALC ('stolsCis. - Ptreachinsg service msoirning andslecveni ing lsy the Ipastor. Stunday s11001 at noons. BAP'TtST CHsURCHt.-reaching ser- vice by the pastor morning antI evenl- ing. Suniday school at noon. 'Sun- day scorning, Decc. 14, Rev. Z. Grin. nell, I). ID., pastor first Ihaptist church, Detroit, will preach. Trie Oracle's story and hiumorous sketch wvill he illustrated. &SLATING, 'Ihelsss r I ttseits5 lteasct3 is.'Itcio'is tiste Sits' Agensts fr Sls ;. 55 oststssrss. Sirsisisor6nts l tat~t s.osl . lc. _iStess- arsstsan 'teiss uir. .15s ct dtt i - ;isOws e r 't iS uis lhl stss sita g 1 1ceat.1a1s tsor Banj. Goodspeed. YOU WILL ALWAYS fi nd the Latest Nov- jelties in Shirts, Hats, Neckwear , Glovse, Shoes , wi th St yle , Qual i ty, Pr ic e, to Suit the Eye antd Pocket . We cater to fthe wants of th e young man. Goodspeed*. DOUBLESSORE. iFIN pHgrrgGRipHs, Millinery and Art (-0.Gos IN0 East Huoron SL. ~al FORE & ON Manufactuirers of - Baid iid Orchesta PUBLISH .55;op Bind lid Orehesta MIU8S 1 Svofr Lc.t GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. FINE JOB PRINTING. SIt esor aimn toplease. &la~fn Is. OGUsntfatd REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE