THE U. OF M. DAILY. .1f. of' $.T$iit. Jubl ishedi tiily (unda s excped) Iduring the Collee yeasr, by THE U. of M. INDEPENDENT ASOIATION. Subcription price V:,50 per year invariably in advane. Sigle ci~es 3 cent. On unit at Olehan's and Pst tOfice newso stand every 0veiJ1g t i6 o'clock. Subsriptin may be left at the ofiet of the DOIY. Opera Hunt block, at liieha's at Stuffelos, or with any if the editors. ('loiumiiatiOno should reach the office ty 1ll A. . it they are to appear the ause day. Addressciall smatter nenedifoe pbliation 5o the Maagieg idleer. All bieses om - icatise shou llde osent to the lBuines Ma.' Reiport. all neglect o the poettlitCaries ti the ciy Circlator, 55,. i. ONeil THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, sicl. EDITORS. H. B. SHOEMAKER, ,MNa oTn A. H. COERT, '92. A.-Eanniun Bai.... M. B. HAMMNa. 'us-. Sa.. Mamum. W. B. ONBILi, '91 . a. M,. R. W. DOUHTY, 'a2. AT. a. wxe. NI. 0 liiiAh, 'i°. iL. 8Siiyii'9, . 1,.. ii15IiiTlitiii'. i P:. L. MAOiN, 93.. e. L. 1;PA t, '4. fillNOTiLot;EA 'INLE NUBiE, MITif 5t'lt'lIllE NWsi. '0110"DAIY" 1s O'NLY $2.511 rn Yi vxii iAYAiLE IN AJVNt.V.fEAVE YUiRtNAMES Al' OIEEIIAN'S till)11 )'tbF Il'E NlOVS 1.0(i31, OtIi''T ANY ME1ii it III retipolste to maliv' inqiries we will salty that the district wich 1our1 spetcialilcarrieirs cvifls i- tludedifilte followxinio stfeets: MIlain, Packard, Hill, Forfest, WNasltelaw, N. Pn., Twelfth, Ingatlls, Noth, Dletroit and Ann, back to Alain. Outside the dis- trict the papers are miailed, and by the fifst Of net oweek they will be taken to the post office in tne for' the eveninig distribution. 'We wish to impress055 1110n1te football player's of the University the "(l'Ute sceooify of conng outt for practice. Every etfot is being iniude by Captaini Malley to ieelop an lev1en11creditaible to an inistitution of this size, ht a cap- tan a n dillthnotinlg withlout the miaterial. big lien, 0w111)could mallke ieal players if they wotldl but try, stalk about the casilti suprilemlely indifferent to the fact that thaeir college has an athletic reputation to utain atd a record of past defeats to retrieve. What we need in this University is, not so mtuch a gymnasiutm,not so muchi material, as a little genuie enthu- siasm and a spirit of self-sacrifice, whicha will prompt men to forego a little of their own pleasure for the college good. ' There ouglht to be a college sentimlenit strong enough to compeh)l every big mial, anid every ablebodied man even if not heavy, who knows anythintg about the gamse or thiniks lie can learn, to come out and try for, or practice against the team. We shall Ilave more to say on this subject later.y THOROUGH INSTRUCTION. Of thle large numiber of gradu- ates of the mledicail class of '0 who have taken the state e0xams1 requiired hby several states, not 011e lhss failed toibass. Four took the NIintiesotas staite exam~, which is the most difficult giveno by any state, and all passed withi great credit. This is a record which the IT. of Ni.L canl point to withi pride. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices inserted in this olumin at the rate of 10 cents per lust, single insertion. Speial rates for longer lime and eaten lines furnioil byi apsplyisig It this office or by ciiseiultinie 51. W. Dioughty, AssistalsntBusiness Y itisr.] STUDENTS' BOOKS. 11UY0YO0011COLLEGE Tzxi Boos, LAW AND MEDICAL Loops. -NO'fE 11001S0All'TlE STt'DENTS' BOOK STO11E, STATE STREET. Seconid-Biand boobs at lew prices. We are agenii ts fPasul E. Wirt, Scott sind Roellanid fesintain penis. Bargainin illatioenery. TI ~T IGH IGAIN GENTIRAUL IS MITE The Niagara Full$ Route." CENTRAL STANARD TIME .AN0 '1111 C~HIIR BtEA tPUER , _____L____ cTHE BEST.*-- S(i'cesteeis sclsoli oiardl withl ri ashied ltoorii -25 peerweeli. Circularson101aphpii- P. R. CLEARY, President. B3URLEIGH & JOLLY, D)EAL.ER SIN ST/AllIDNER. BLANK BOOKS. ATIbLETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. ac. $Nsciro 5C !,s + ti0a aII ~C~ ' f f L-i00 ii, .. a ac~i. ha Lna. Best 111e of FOUNTIAIN PENS in 1te118 Try Toledo Steam Laiundry. city. Ice Creanm, Soda Water, B Q a.t: Baths 1Cc at 1'. O. Barber Shop. Cemfettous,ColclLunches- 1:4 hO'- - All1 thsemnew thlings iii mneckwear at Cigars anmd Tobacco.a Wagnuer & Co.'s, 215. Mails. OYSTERtS, FtY, STEW 01ltiPLAIN. OdrI I I caldesa. .br'.Cliad e s t: Dousble-breasted overcoats at Wbag-- 26 SQUIrE -1ST.AT'E ST Mil Cileblie Tachr f uliar D. L. DOW D'S HEALTH EXERCISER.I 0'a 1f ('l Gilespi, Teaher f Guiar, om Bmain-WmrstSetdnaryPeople: G..'tlh'oi, C1idies, 0'ouths;ihe~ Bamuyo and Manidolimn at Cleents. Aslilci or Inicalid. A oilt P1111 l hck of suitimlga at Sttsifor Ch'hih'.i iiih. u1)i'h but o il. +Daliily. aSuniday eaptehl. Boy1'clgat's, eamusly, stationemy, etc.. it: da cirohiinccihiccap. ait rber's P . Ni ess's Room1. - lhoe hah,hhhO hihih'ii ihc:1 0. 'w . lItt'OLE5. 11it. '.AYES. Allegmn ter .P .A Ciao gtAnAtle-.ioN1thle newest styles imn clothtig of lmvianghci i.StclhdI silldi cu'- 1alinstJ.TJcos____ -2-'l1I hI1-____D.-Toed nnAbo-adNot 'lu 21M is.t 1l).i'wl 5.'ciihiltlc Phys'ical candn Nort ald09MinS.VM ', 9 ? ii01 t.,i ii.YNi . IMichigan Railway. Btargains imn mew 'btuse'-buriier col ! Time Tabl on noe'eMnaNv 5 stiives at Eberbacb Ilardwvare Co.'s. '/E-2. . ( - . beghglt ltMnaRe Buy your college text-books, new 'imd Q { I)C5Gasin; Earth. SIrONmSa. G0ingsouath. second hianid, at the Students' Book \a ;ZR 9" ;h.__________________ Store, State St. 5tEti 1ECEA.055'so Iu~ .1 .5 " CO OKING. TO)tW'FTPHICES Fco ! iaIn. cte tad.Stadard Time. cite ad. San Exahue Staltorihs stock of troser- lE;ST MATERIAL. Exp. hap. Mail Eap. Mail Eat. ings andh fan(-cy scatiligs. TId 7 Fort St. Went, - Detroit, Muich I B L'e tnr._....-- F~or thee hargrest limit of inew anail tyl- ...1 32061till...TLEDo....... 210ll11 15 . ili hiats hll eihhhs to be folundulliith CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, 4 07 6 4(' Vonroe June'n 12 il2i 10. 1Ste c 1 Yost, I'ftoi'iiiiiroxi4 17art 47o,.......Dundeer..... u1i2 .. cihy, go toi J. '1. Jacobs & Co., 27 andth s. 13 anod 15 Washiugltn St, - psilanti, iMuch ... 4 355 1 0h ..,....Mhiian ........ 12 Oh 958t 2I1' aui sNilut-elns s . nid Stylih Saddlei. Horses. .... 53 7 22s... Pltttield..... 11 4d.9 34 """o w,;1 ;' l] 5th. . _ '....... Lc0aad'a3..ANN iRBOR 11 0 957. .. S etihsh-hiamiihlbooks, bla~nk boohbs. aahd mulct.0 1 .... Lhttmort Lots11 02550 sh tiouery ehueaplat Shueehuanu& Co.'s I 47 515 1Whit.Omrg.Lake 1it07 5 0. hlilihhd..t.ire. 53 10 I.....Habt rg..... i0 15 Posuntiaht1)1s(I .......W6 28s 45c.... Hae l ......110 725 0 . T'he iiLr'of AM. Futi e"only h 7 15 9a35h......Caran.....9 5 706 ."' $,21115litt Guberi'fS P. 0. Store. ..."... 011110o W ...... Cowasse......9 all, 47....' il'id'sa a.wll. h11 p y lookinug it. 1 d5.......90714 ....Ithaca........ hi5t 3.ill . A )1 2a . t oi... -5)i;-large hueeof Trnk, Satches anii d k ..d'.... s 3-12 t i so AOna.......132,,5135. 1I i, uh-1,hgs at rehsonuahble, price's 1 ah ^+ y < s : Lt . a. u 10 15 12 4'. ... tt. Pleasant.... 0 004 5 I c J. . 1'. acobts, &kCo.'s, 27 t 29 Mainsi No. l'1vW. I AEIN ST. 530so4511024....clan...... 5 1:,040()() 50 street. -'7 U ... 3 101...Cddllac.......... -. 15tH O00 Shvhancl o. re ,,_(elt~sforWir, * --- 05 5.... 40dhi....Copecmish .. 9s0. 4d ShithilsA- 'i. ae aells orI~it,10 4h1 ..,,.. 5 S521.... dCsortilna.. a hO 3 4 Ihollaid & tkScott founta.inpsI i./C ] 1i .... t..Saile. 15 2 st I~a' tae uiar, llSiBSinroe-10 It....5 15... linonia... 8010 3in hayStae uitrs al szes i roe-11 0..... 540 ... Fraakfort.,.. ........750 2 l woodh, muaple aitoh mahogany. PFully h_________________________ warranted. Lolersi J'9eicias. Best guitar Saginaw 1D1viSiom. ands violinl strinigs, I(T. Plaio'ire ' =" ,,j QGigNrt8TTOS GigSuh frlcBajstig,8.Lws :'prices guaranteed. 25 South Fourthi ' . 8' avenue. Alvin Wilsey. In Wednesday, Oct.'S. Pan Pan. Pass. '- All the novelties in Neckwear, Kid I I TI R1I IC (E A"". na. .] fAr. A.M....P (Gtoves, Canes, Umbrellas, etc., etc., at a 07:.1 738 Ann Anhar.. 11 30..96 J. T.Jacob & C.'s, 7 an 29 Min St IN as .....9 8b ...,Duanad,...95 76 J.~~~~~~~~ T.Jcb58o.s 7ad29Mi t........................... sBlushing.....t8s1s. Rhode has the beat and cleanest coal. AM IsB535...:' 1o5 5 .E Sagintaw-.746 ....n Yard, W. Huron street, near railroad. J IN G T C L Boy your Drawing Instruments and PRICES--25. SO AND 75 CENTS. $' W. v ASHLEY, AG. PaI5LEYl materials at Brown's Drug Store. Seats en Sale at P.OQ. Newa Ream, (GEO.Hx. HAZLEWOOD. Local Agent.