1 , I 1 , _ t_ 6) /' Y q ~ V /! '' LI ~ _'- °+..: °z" I. No. 54. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER G, 1390. PRICE 3CENTS. 1NDEPENDEN'T CAUCUS. Lowenhaupt is Nominated for President of '91. i-- ._ I - - - , . tVaS ralletl to ordler at 10:54bylty' l'iv iu ciriaiiof the'rxecu- tchiosent permianenit chairnman, 5oWlit It. (Cherver, secretary. 1IbLoweiitaiupt was placed in 101uiiatiocc for president bhrNlr. fitely, anti the nanme of W. it. Kelly 1 5~ presenitedl liy51r. (Griffli. An i forilicitbalot was ttenitakern, re- as ftollossKelic, i j;to- Wttt i 5Rle~idl,4; stattering" ~i s tas folloedetiby a fornmal balt, hi1Kll eeie 6, (: r iaut16, Reid 6, scattering" I~two eatting candidates tei lekandtiieck for several batl- l rst onie taking the latind ithe other. Reid's vote iin- to ito, anti then fell awrav sixthiiall Ybtoa. Finally, ons the ithballot, Lowrenhauipt's vote 1 lo a3, Kelly receiving 16, Reid 'Sirtfi one blank. On motion of 1 'Klly, Mttr. Lowrenhaupt was de- er tunaninmous choice of the ~S 1101lnes, Miss Mighell, Miss itiniter anld Miss Grace Stayt were bslI0nteii for vice-presitlent. Threer allots were tatken anil Intichoice made, wheii the caucus adjouirnedt ]ect to the cl of -the executive titiititee. cl The University Ciub. of tiusiastic meeting of ne- rr fthe faculty was held this °rgI at '0:00 o'clock in Room was called for the purpose of Vie ing1 a Faculty Club, having in I Social and physical culture. A witman ~organizafion was effected a ndt 3'r f l.L. D',oge as presi- as adProf. J. E. Reighard lwSecfetarf. Constitution and by. SWere adopted. The first three 1 artles if tile coinstittionctre as fotl-ileaseIv leloently setcndedl the W rightKlosnoiainoMr er-itn.AA'icFI. Tsoriizin ).E n;,f icig ,asoe- shatl beic knowinicas lice Icciversity citit-litMr. I lerri ngtocc iii a sti citt;5 F s rpa 'ICcii. slpecl i, whtiche sas oletiivapplaudledl anded. tGoads, J ccc EAi cc. II. lice tolject if'tiiecclb These wereeall1cthe iinoiinatiions,. c 201$ /jU15K Ctc ci shall lie io furictsh its cieitilers .N1 r. 1 errice" ing;ccii"theethoice uif Finest S ccc B1 33 mieaces of ptictal titilsocilciiiticre. the trails-:'Itississijlii ian d Mictilgani CO c a~ AicT. I111 1 liv tffic estif i- factioint s, hilethe Ibalance iif the perr "ccc ey'es, struictioie aicilgovercnment iccthe class c omnediciin seupporit ifidlr. y f tUniversity of 'Micigtanishall tie' li- iHord. Aimidst "reaet confuesiocn,DiL-ctia'v gible to memehrshicp.ahove the. diii if whlich lc tcries tif 140 WOOI)WA Th'e foltowci iih ebc-sof the ''I lerriic'tou tciitd''INord'"ewere Faculty iplacedthecccircaesotntte cotctinialls lardtih ie first liallio t ro t - - colt of imembiershcip thics min g : eras taiten a t !}5a. i. 1sthce ce- IE. L. A5lte, c1 . re, .. tA. ncccamein h ntIlo iiden e Stanltey, J.( C.icnoeltoniDrit Vii caicics-jubilt, c.anditIis elecitinywas icc cc fewc' dais A. ('icllCampb ll l (.Taf, Mcl . r 1 ccl wecithe iiust icallotciewcs cc inew' store 'eec11 IlcirricigccicJ.11. SIc i'tcsocc Cccttlnrcel, 4:.s folt .cxis: I locil 102, tic citeccect h5 Catrrol liardenC has . tcs "H\ackl. Iriccgtoc go. (Iil ccc itioct cf LIr. { CHIA1.8. SltI Jocs. I..Nlackltey,\M cx inkccl.,coliii I Iericctcctics'heelectionic cat ce- C'. Roclfe, 1.1). C icletti ,i . cI unacnious, aid aimidst great loricrirt cc IDiOocge, FI N.ScottI ItlR. ePotcc citcisicisc iI r. Ilcirc sesescocrted IIciri-ari -lanmes II. tradI't.I C. Necvotmbei, to the chacir. " (amth Wc. S. (Ciristopteri J. I.lceicactI IFor lice office of viice-p~residtent, Sir.IPattersoin iomcincatedl'Miss clia A Splenidid New1 Junior Law Election. Ps.-a i ef x.. rr~ II. ay &CGo.- cuars cthei sen upoen 2 LtD AVE., Michigan. icI lic Outfi itters, ridge, Mlass. line of Gentle- The juntior lawy electiont was called at 8 o'clock this mornitig, hut it was somewhat later before a qjuoruns eras present. Temporary chirmsan H. B. Cantnons called the mteeting to order. Cries of "Seniors out," were niade, hut the chairmnti re- monstrated that it would hegadv'isa- tile to alloev the Seniors to remain atid receive a lessois onc election tac- tics aind enjoy the oratoricatlclis- pilays niade Icy the nocminiating speakers. 'Tcchemode of election used icy the Seiniors eras acdoptecd. Nontinations tor class piresident being called for, Mr. J. A. Harmn took the floor and after eulogizinig the class of '92, presented the nanme of 13. A. Herrington, of, California. The nanme was greeted with louid ap- plause. Mr. Harold Taylor, is a. candid, well worded speecs, pre- sented F. T. Hord, of Insdiana, which was received with prolonged applause. WV. H. Eichshorn ear- nestly supported' Mr. Hord. Al. A. iCccinnyofi e 1oicc. 'tttino- tiont, the secretary seas instructed to cast the ballot of the class for ?Mtiss Jenlny. Mr. W'hitely was appointed a comnitttee to niotify Mtiss Jensny of her election. For seconld vice-piresident, M~r. E. Nortlicott, of Wnest Virgineia, and Miss E. R. Lee, of Utaht were nonminated. Blallot resulted as fol- lows: 'Mr. Norttccott 1rIS, \Iiss Lce 6o. 'Three cheers evere givent for N orthcott, after whiich the elec- tiots of secretary weas takeic iip. AMr. A1£. E. Young, of Ohio, antd P.1.. Granct, of Mtichilgant,werenionmi- Young 73. Mr. Granct's electioni evas msade tunaninious. For the office of treasurer, Mr. G. E. Ayers, of Illinois, was nominated. Mr. Younsg, of Ohio, was nominated hut withdrew. After considerable animated discussion a ballot was taken, but before it was counted on motion of Mr. Young the ruies were suspended and Mr. Ayers' election mieiu's Uitderwvear, Gloves, P'ies, &C. Also Sportin' and A thletic Goods. Chap. Speller & . 20O 1-Z S. S tate5 miade unanimous. FI. BI. Fulkersoni weas elected first msarshcal, E. F. Shields, second nmarsheal, antdlAV. V. Jeffersoen, third marshsal, by acclani- ation. 'rihe chcaracteristic cof the election eras the short time in wvhich' it eras comcpleted, the last officer bieinig elected shortly after i i a. ini., thtus heating all previous reciordis of anty lawy class. 'Phe best of feelting prevailed be- tween the two candidates for presi- dent. Mr. Hord, the successful candidate, was a studentt iin the law office of President Harrison,'at In- dianapolis, before conning to Anii Arbor, and is highly respected by his class. The class also distin- guished thenmselves by electing a lady for vice-president and a col- ored man for third marshal.