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December 05, 1890 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-05

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71,73, 75 Woodwardl Avenue, Detot, Mc -. -
pk *
*2-Latest Novoc 3krv t a -
o So iii Mar1 Street. 44 So ~tjState Street
Medica l clsLaw BooasANO131(150 i 11. i~IDis,
Al,Itooks usedl in City Schools. Stislenie ,NoteIBooksa and 1Padss, Diift- I, slimorin ,the Lu ii Soo f tI ll lDres s oil ings il t enm iket.
l'oinpiete Iiiie of Sporting Goods ingInstrumn ts. All the iiis hal a1 ovies\'s i iTiei ngs ant
Large Stock 5) oiiiiutaiii Pens. A Warranted fountain Phii (Gold) fii or..I No. 2E Washington St. near Main. G. H. X [LVD
AHADOn LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of Us. Our W MAIN STRIEET,
L r'IIML ~ " lE STAlR " OIL has no equal, surnswtitit odor, or 5jseiai :aiteniion paid to repairing Watch"~
charring of wick and gives a clear white light. M.- W. BLAKE,
Soid at 10 ceiits per galloii, delivered to Iny part of the city. PICTURES, F, 1RAME~itS, A NP
Th etpaet e i 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PA CO- AltRTGOODS. is West Huron 1t'
If - - Q Asr "- i- & OTH-CAMPUS.nstitution f erng 11 Sionoisitirerot n elri
J v y ythe t-ite ites 48 sic i 'eCog( -AGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER
11 .iT.-110ascuii8e)ges asal is irearsi1i . . - is,. Fourth andi tepot Sts.
MASDE~TO ORDER teagt Selc acKansas. 1.1 flrCheScetr orJ" HALLER
r il. I. 1?. toltsl, lit, '8e), and iii-i-sl3=ar thif Serclas fi
LATESTt i-i. ~ I ussi tr i aciss ~ is I f ii zpi'.If'
L~~~ ~ wr S T L S rsa ias cc enils ci c ii Pc 1Cci sr Of th,: - -_ ---i---.-- ___-
s'S;i the P rln " Ilil ch el it. 15545)55 1 iliversitri , i it lot O Ai~,it IN M tli
Ial :lisa Islr z is A i leilg 1 ''ioniiaof bt ,cnioadCohCaskets, Mtli
-55-~- -p~5 p~ Tsrcctt well thelire ail is likediiv\Ci-5muck.i i5o Ctors'liteli .i'5 ii-iaint 5 i to i 0 NeowiMIiVorkNS
I"AiJsltLd 1150t iitcsts ~ i i Cii i t~ 'uilsiiu a i i i J. A. POLHEMUS,
si ii'lirrs ssmiisoisil I ~ iiiciii- zsi7aii.ALSOii'BUS HACK AND IBAGGAGE INE'
19 SOUTH BMAIR ST., lisshad ctiargc oooff itthsemis- i lgstwaFiilor~lrsipclSth Stun Street.
ANA OR MtI.iryctasiitClirts \itrsthe' list if sports by the RINSEY & SEABOLT,
AN ABR MC.Coltoiniiteinds to ireturis necxt reac rkce A". tcrMBate-kers and dealersoin
_BerkeleyA._C._after_______l_,_1_e- Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feedt
to stiudy-for a msasters degree. cascitandsssgeiicii.tsssitc i ii-__
{j ~ ~' IIN S Ti' chCtapel mtinisg Sundtat-stuns- srississ JOHN WOTZKE,
____________ IMakeroti
iigwiill btich targc of the Missons ADIS' lnd neNT'MIE
Batid. All are issvitedt, espeially Teisiscso h slossr Repairing neatly done. 41S anSt.
c~~~A§omsuet stoacistttslcass at Columbia, have adopted the ° - ---
Sihth crs fusruismiay~ ourtar boardt, ansi sore it at college GRANGER'SaA~c
* Draws Near. hnl ias. for the tirst time on thte Monday at- ACDM OFANIG
IWhat isill yout take tcr Thiansgivitig. A ccii Isuttonsi Olposite ]aaw Building.
m U hRome swithi solu as Miss Ida lIl. Street, sit the I iii- wiills black tassel is the distinuiishs-
Presents for the "Fiens ?
Our Stock of Holiday Goods
and Novelties
WVill answer this question for yoti.
hundreds of Styles
*in Handkerc h i efs,
*Gloves, Umbrellas,
*anad Fancy Articles
mUto select front.
FEF.AMILL3 & 007
20 South Main.
Dry Goodls and Carpets;
rersiso , reastiahptter on(iii orscs'Iiif sgsisssnark.
Ditt tttssc ite tstvtushlis At()xfortd, three schotlarshiips,
'ttondtay- cieninig. Tlhe papiler sias
the toie ishichi securred for the ' iieof1i1, is tss tt$o
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ er fciolatsarteo theyea rs, liarsecise
vest -as er tfelloship o trtfr
the Natittial Association of Alum- asiardied to isoInsent
1110. It svas a very rich patper andiT 'he IHarvaicd class ofi',59sire
shuns a great tdeal tof study aindtrc- 1placinsg anitrial wiisdowtin its e-
search. morialiHall.
1-siti-tall is becomng very popui- ITie transslaiom prize of the Nas-
lar ini the North German Ibniversi- sasi Lit. svas aswarded ttolowclce
ties. Phinizy', '92.
An article o the "i uturc of The Yale Alumni Associations of
Foot-Ball" appeared ho a reccnt St. Paul, Minn., will give a banquet
number of the Nation. Dec. 29.
tue seasont.
Through Vestibuled and Colonist
Sleepers Between Chicago and
Tacoma, Wash., and Port-
land Oregon.
'The Wisconsin Central antI Northier"e
Pacific lines cun through Pullman Ves'
tibuoled and Colonist Sleepers hetween
Chicago antl Tacoma, Wash., anid
Portlaind, Oregon. The train know"t
its the "Pacific Express" leaves thue
Glasod Central Passenger Station, at
the corner of Fifth Avenue and~
Harrison Street, at 10:459 P.M1. dail1-
For tickets, berths in Pullmuano or C_('
onist Sleepers, etc., apply to G~o. N"
Troaes'sos, City Passenger andi Tickelt
Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to P. JX
EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Greed
Central Passen gerStasion, eorrerFflfi
Avenne and .Harisn Street, Chica*

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