THE U. OF M. DAILY. 's 1. of W~r. 'Tally. Published DJaily (Snay excenptd) during the Cllege }ear, byt THE U. or b1. INDEPENDENT ,SCATIN. 'ubcriptitin prie d2,50n per yar, i nriblny fin avance. Sigle copie : cent. On saie at Sheelano8 and Pt Otficennesndevery evening at 6 o'clok. Sbocripton may be left a i atteofie oathie DAILY, I m tianou blo, at Seehane', at S let atiort tnany of tieeditors. C'nntttnioatilaoshoulnac htheIto itcomby 10 A. g.i ttey anecto apticli ltsatme day. Adires all ratter inenedt tr pblcionitto the Maaginge'Eitr All Iusins onnnetij icatitonstsoldn be tn tt t to itBuinetos laoit age. Retprt l aglool ton teit ofCarriers ttllto the City ('ralator, W. 1. i'Neill. THE U. of M. DAILY. Ann Arbr, Mich. 'i n U ~t H N O ..T ' i i i n e p e n dte tnts iof ' tit sN e wishn to aipeafnr a st rng sp~pt fortth' canidiatesinamiedin aSatr- daly's Caucels, It is a porpolicy tnt take part inl a caucuils tat nfamret iarty cntidates ndthen, because of persotnal dislikes, tot refuse to sup port the party 's nominee. litin iiordeit.'r insure c'Iatndiates whoit 111n tuitait it.e sptli tof the party, it is netssary that teiilt.- ittitents 1111n11untilin itullIforit.'atud 't'eactin f tit. ' Iiiaeril a Senate iniid'eiiiig titake appicia tiont to theuexlt.\egisiattu' for aii appropi~riatinlfori' t' gnttasiulll comues at a dint'eicliarly unfotlun-11 ate. W lo tnotlteiansby tiis to reletspoil the Senate, for we cat recognizle 5 at a task it ihas before it to seure apprp~riatnois for iteadidimiprosvemtetnts to te builditngs. A requles for $2a,000 fiora gymniasitini wonuld nd itnobtedly hate a tendtencyto iprejtdicet.'the legislatuire against tin t.'her reiuests andt it is this, se applrehen.'hi cht ledto10the tctinthtnwas takt.etnt Moiniay evn'eing! Bunt it is e- remnely untfortutnate thit tits it.'. risiont sitouildicotte julst at tis itte. Tine stttdi.'its are nmtore diepily' inter- estt.'ntihit.'atiletic remtatalionf the\'arsin r tuan terae eser bcetn ibefore. lWe tie aiunidtanti mtaterial for fiirst lass athlett.s ii every iratrht of college sprts. The three associations are about to e united, tani vigornuss asternituth'-n ods of cotnucting ntiletis are about to le adoptet. T'ien comnes the journa's generous noffer fr tilt equipmnent nof nigymnasiim, ctni tionednuponn tie eretiont ofniaimuild lag by tie state. But, although the u'niversiy an- thorities ti noit see their way clear tin ainitie stdeints ini securing a gyminnasitis at present, se se not ittmneiaecanse for'disounrage- stent. 'tint students titlst tak' tie mattter i)their tin ahands. 'he 1nion1of din'emathlt'assciatons is at louritstipil t.'right idirection. full bolier to seek aini amiong tie almintlfriendts f tie nustrsity, alii sultsnriptionts nmustle tpusedt wi thualtninergy thathainnsteser Ibeen sltus i itt'btifore. Let eery stu- dentlwinincarns antchinig abou~t a gymnia im'ntnat im"ntl-mar roin iiiiit2nta. BUSINESS LOCALS. Lstiniiiinsenit't.' intitt i ti at tietorat nf litBentts hr ite nitgle iaaeiint. ispteia rtesfr inugertlintnid extr'a Iuesfunsedhn byilN Int tg at thitle ttNo or by eunaatina It. W5. Dotyni.Asiain BustinsoanMagr. Buly caal andniwosndn niTJudsot, Stnte- 1 havieTestwoss'wsafety .$75Bclhels isill sll fin' $65, to car'ttnthem t. G 1,'.CltE, Y. M. C. A. BldgiDetroit Gos to E B. Bal for coal. Stop anti so tie dispniay at Martin Hatler's Windios. Gruber's chocolates antI bonbns are tefinet that eaninbo ade, pure nilavrs, ns adulteration. Try tem. P. O. News Bloonm. Noblty tlank ('ieviot siltigs 25111) andniuinadsnn'nat- Stafon'd's. inr 'ut!.ntesill eut picsonBtnt-nnn insIGuiitar, MaudolinsCnses tatu Stritigs for fiie sanne, oter lihit at anyt'mnusieitousesi inn htiignnn. Tiis mnetltnl tiew ss'mplnly. A. Wisy, 25 S. 4hnAvetnue, City. Asplndiidilint or I liny Goomni s at Matinii's. r' Stetwartlianjosnt lilian's '. Bantis ileat P1 O. BaterSoi. Mel (Gilespie, Tacher omf Gunitnr, Btanjo andnt Mandolin at Clement's. tiay State aiti other Gitaratnjos aindBanditnits tt Wise'. Bet Strings nt Wilsys. Noteties i Desks, Cairs, ilokers, Divatns, Softas, et., at Martin Ialer's. WAtN'I'iuo.-PifteeniYotng Met anit Landies to eanvsns. Good pay. .ppy nt Ta.0. Ness aotm t nc ie. Ioliniay Neckweann. Wagner &-('o. Warm nd'newe'ar, Wool tlosiery, Witer Gistves, etc. Wagner & Co. Fon.Do.--A founttain penl loi at the PenntsylvniannClishbatqltit. Tie owsener wiii pease inqunire of Al. J..Iu- saek, 48 East Washinigtonl st. Titere wilile a meeting of tint "IowautCnb " Saturday. De. , at Ill a. m1., in tite S.8.C. A. romil. As tie business of teieeting is of great in' prtanece, ali are most earestly re- quescteni tio e presint Engineeritlg Society. Regular meet' ing t, riniuy eenintg, Dec. n,at 8 oncloc. Effiienty tests nf stuter tnotors hy C. E. D~epuy. Beautifutl Deorationsa fr Roims Hatnilsome Holiday Goodsl Mrs. Ma- bel Ptotn's, No. 511 S. State, cur'. Wili' am. You are invited to tutl.. TWENTY LECTURS IN -- THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND THE ART ON TEACHIN. Eaery Sturday for Twntty Weeks, at 4 . m. atn botch Fifth Street. beginning Now'ti Fr Teaher, Singers, and advaned stt- tentssiof the Prateal Art of Musin, Tu itin $5.00. ORIN CADY. STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUYY OUR tCOLLEGE TET 30O7sLAW AITD MEDICAL B053 NOTE BOOKS(, AT THE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE7 STREET. Srrtneid-hand books at low prices. We are agents of Paui E. Wirt, Scott ~ Hioliand fotntain pens. Bargainis itt Stationtery. IS TII H giTHE BEST.""" Sevenitenitteachiers. Boaeud oit irmninited Santa 52..5uir weekt. Circarupo niappti-t eation. P. R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, D)EAL.ERS IN STA\TIONERY' BLANK ROOKS. ATHLETIC GOODS AND STUDEENTS' SUPPLIES The'ffivuara Fatls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. - r H aW a a u Iucn a is ' OS'non.I - p c ...~ff a '-ua Best liste of FOUNTAIN PENS in the ciy-ceCemSd Wtr CotifeetioiisuCoid Lunnches, Cigars and Tobacco. 0cmy '.{ OYSTERS, FRY, STEW ORL PLAIN. j ga L on H Calltand seenusat I 26 so-T'3 .StEXA.WUI ST. D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXER.CISER. iuiny. *Sundiay exteptetd For Btain-Workersi&Sehdentary People: GenlmnLamimes, 'Y'uathsnther i. W. RUGGSLES, H. w HA51nO Athlete or Invalid. A compolmete tG. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann'1 -gynausium. 'r'akupibutumin. _ squarerflIonreomnemo, scientific, ;- daoble, compreeuuainsiee Tld, chear _ tndorsed byuuu~nno ehysntomuao- Toe , Ann Arbor andNO yams. cergyomennedioon &rnoteras Michigan Railway. nouing it. Send odrnnhid ica- avutia? at rgoueang'asnnomcha. Punt. D. ,TimTablhegning itotneffectMnday, Fl,'mcinntiicnuysicalandmi _________________ V mitt Culure. qBitu14tut..'NeworIt. Soning Nnrth. STATIONSi. onsg St ys .mrnMan. Ciren Cud. Standard Time. Ci reCG¢ Hip. Snip. Siua i p s. Mail FRiENCH ICE CRESAM. FINEST FRENCH'il........ P. a. d.m u Lomb NIAsr ru.eP.g COOKtNnG. LOWVEST PRICES FORS .....3 sio t3....TLE....n1 0int 5 BEST MATERIAL. '...' 4 a02 L.6....onounet'n..12t25te0s3t TI Fort St.. Wont. - Detroit. Mtch. I 4:::z' 6 47 ........Dundee.......12 1I10 43..1.,...tbet i n ,5 CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE., ....5 0717140i.ANN ARBOR 11I i2 C'. I.. 'OST, Paut7ITOn . 5.' 3 t o ....... eanu't.... 1hi1tl S 1 Nott. 13 and 25 Washintm an t., -'Ypstanti, Mith..5.. 39. 8nun0 lbWhimone Lake 1 0&6 Firtcausnilgs and Stisih Sadlue oHones 'in6S 5.......Rnsmlmaeg0.55.inn 50 foreHie'. 6 32 :: na8355......Hollntei...... 10 21 to3.99 40... Durand:.--..-s9O40"' ... 6t 5.....Crasna ..9.. 0 5t r i A 14 PIIOTOGRAPIIRRI NO. 12 W. HOURON ST. Rose I Coghian., till50....2 03......Fn'aewei..... ..... 9t1o 3.. 35as.,.CdeiUe....,.. ....52 tpeih 11 491... 6t2h...._Osekama.. .... 12021 ... 0. ...... ~ see 7 Saginaw DiSitlon. Goning SNrt STATONS. Giig P-PaI- P""a