r / M+' " 1 y t { ; ti . ' :. . 4 , , = } , _ ° I No. 53. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FiRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1890. PRtICE 3 CENTS. THE MASS MEETING. D~etroit Jotirtal, twill tot bte tresent. TeNews, ..l.+;,,. , _ a... . s teas expsected. Evert- st"(tdettt ot oAdo ted To-morrow. the 'Varsity is enttledl to to)te at thlis 'rie tieetiti7. tb. ''itt ittee "appoi sted 1frott..... rOdof ietosohetreNewberry Halt, a~ni tio fistprtptroietee "1s~titttt , atti still sttlstmit it to a It hats teit a rattse of geieral re- bai seetittg tte bse-itall, foot_ 'ret tittt the Stttdentts' (itristiansiAS- alt ai tettttis associatiotts, attd a sttciatiott cottiti tot occttpy Newvierrt 'ss tf lt tt ittSto all titis year. \ariott ps1 h ate asttrt fternootsttt t 2 ooctk it eetn devised to raise the fitntts tet - 24.'titers tiil bsvajointessary for its cotmpletiotn. l tt f'tlte'di rectors titis etetttt i s t expected a ~i~cd that twso or ttttre af S' lok, ttt cttsitier thc wo ttlotte ttustees stostitigottottChicago thontnitte dttrtttgtte'Thiattksgicisng recess ttt T1 t rest ctst itutio ttstttdeled 1try tt toaie tihe rentaittittg stintneed- 1lIlly atf' ste thatrtof t' Colu sd ts isows iiigato ate f l otginth 1 ttui ro .. fit}t i tOtntottt tt t t' t in i al wvs rtset js' ttc t thatlt ettit Stlt Tileillaottthe t newsttoiftettttisty thtey hate dtiteti it I ast pttt~'.irvietldtttithnewtatkticsteps tottoccupysiteat least the Ihl tltit~l i. 1hc[.'ip~rsiy o lovrpattof tte bii ding as sttttttas 'rt atthetic n5 Ass ocaton i el lbectttplteted.- IIetlsesday 'ffic are t 'resitdetit, tite-' citettttt" tty a untattmsttttt th "iil ' secrtetary-, treatsrer, toot-t soatiotttttuecitied to authttrie te i anager, bate-hail mnageaetrtuttteestotttbtorrov enotughitoSetSo lb r itoarti Hof fourteesn dhreectrs dtthiisswork, the assochttio ttt it s- 5lc l ttt to e cistsett, oste frotttstttte teiterest. C S ltte literary attd last de- Iis tses trl itrtit llrieits onse frott'tte msetdical sic- the ttter at thteir ineetsing to- 8b5 1, 'onefrom-tttiental, onse ftstttmorirtw, anti, if they tdecide So ftitr nC te frttm ihotmettiatthic, tind carry out this plait, a systenmatic sanil tlarge 'Ishere sttiit e fottt-canvass Ttfhite lisiversite xilibe Usg ,caitntittcts ttf ire cacit.-niade. 'his is eartaistly- a stthjeet raic t dfron thSis'bttartd ;atte ottwhsicisshoulti interest every- sttteent athleticsssotetttoittbse-ball. isavittgtte weifare of the Uiviersit 1,,t o1 tt, stttidoste totlfoot-ball. tt heart. ~We hope every ttne still sit' slt01 [commtbittee is lprovidiedt itereadtottcstntribtute Iis em it'swhen It 'e ite acts of te irecttors. -*~ afillb1 nupse tif foturmebr At thse ittsintess ineetitigttf te - Clly anti three grauduates. S. C. A. last evensing it scss voted '~s thesatain sceeiof the tesw to iborrow nooteyT for te itsttediatte itutiol hsSpace willt ptt ie- completion o f te iower flotr of ust give te details. Newbherry i-rli, te society to as- tilb5 hteIave expressedi a fear sonietse respoissibilitysof te its- sbet~ y 1ili he approacihed for terest. able at this maeeting, we are Aul reports dituft he Glcc Ciub cnst atthat She business will will make an eastern trip thsis year 5it ,~51irely of adopting the con- are unfounded. It has heen +defin- ~0ia~d dscssng las fr heitely settle'd that the cluh will g yS ~ii Mr. Brearley, of te west in April. At Home. Tlie ittloitttitladies stil1)(, -t h tltys tentiteias 51c.. t gl Smttstt Untivs'rsity 1c.: Alrs. Ilcittit (heerer, 28 'atckartd St.; A s.T'rttebtioots, :88ililt St. First WII sitsstiavittecds ttttlt-- Alrs Ho iarritngttn, (lservtorv. First andiTtt id tWlesdnesdayvs- Airs..l'rotrse, 3\itssrtts St., NIrs, iittstslpsott I2j ttt. iVAte. EsveryiFritdat---N1x. ('arhart,7 Al sttrtte St.;Al ts h t tt v, f5 Forst Ace.: Airs N t'ttt S;:Mte St. Ltir 2rvin iotlts-s \i s. Ill() to ; "aI t t. :- Ars. I etaatiti 7 - as tesisit Ntve.; .Airs. Catitu 5ti 'S.tUtilt. .1st Every Saturdtiay -A.irs. Iti rs (CheererS44E. al si ii" tttt St. ILast Satsis sts iin sistiti-it Ars. Kelsey , i E.Uits.Ntve.; Airs. Otis j ttisstst S Thayer St.; Airs. Prscttt 50 S.Ittgatils St.; i rs. (lade,8S4State St. RtisAX1'.Rtatns, Sectv ttnsai's LeaItue. Philological Society. Tlse Piioslogicai Society iteid ass excepstionsaliy isterestisig mseetinsg its Roosms i last eveining. 'iThe program cisisisteti of a birief discsissioti by P'rofessor WNaite r, totlttse persosnality oif D~ante's iBeatrici. A paiter wtas also read its-:Prof. I lempl, ontthie derivationt tf thes' Latins wvrd "lansista"', sitd l r. Fayette HusrtI gave sasvcryvinteresting ac- cont of Eiusts. 'ihe next nmeetisng osf tesociety will ibe seldtiwso weceks froim last nighst, the subiject to he anisossnced later. Michigan Mtate Teachers' Asso- ciation. 'The annual meeting of te Michi- gan State Teachers' Association, wili be held at Grand Rapids, Dec. Wright, Kafi & Co. orn u espartrs asC - and Art Goods, JletrsadGO- ticans. VMana'atures ofa'tn Fest Sacintu Gala." ri S ithe courlru Sampsent ,,ipangpo per reterenst 140 WOOI)WASSD AVE., Detroit, Mth~gan. lit as fes s tt it1ewsitoire still thiN.S. S'hii,1LI to e('"S., tirriticI s swi th the atithnckitigs A x Sspet1i Ness lute ttt (Jtitle- iiessUnsderwe'ar, (.lottsTiies,&tc. Chas. 'peller & . 20 I1W2 s. State. WHEN IN YPSILANTI, STOP AT THE OCCIDEINTAL X"IIOTEL. Special Rates to Students. 22-2g, t8g0. 'Tle U. of M. still be represented sasnte prograhmime fosr thsis mseetinsg. Prof. Htinsdale wil read a ipaiper onthie ' Istsitutle Sys- tens of Otiser States."' Prof. Dent- monos sill lead the discussioss on the "tObjects of te Micisigan 'Teacisers' Itsstitute at te Present 'lime," and Prof. Hudsons will read a paper ott te "Preparation in History for Col- lege work," A large number of U. of M. alunmni and undergraduates will be present at She meeting, and participate in the discussion.