CLOTHING HOUSE, 71, 73, 575 Woodward Avenue DotroJ, M ichiarl Menu, I1I'T Cl' G ENII. FUR ;+1 I : 'IIN T.roy's, Cn*COHN HAS/ND0AD a . ",'Latest NoVUIios ArriN Dail. NEW BOOK STORES, IL 6 SOUth Maid Street, 1Sst ttSre UNIVER;ISITY TEXTBOOKS, S r . T S CG.IH.RWILD, Medical Boiks Law Books, I BLA:NKi Boojis, ALL KINDS, V11 A1i,Books used iniCity Schools. Stiideiits, Note Books and Pasds, Draft- Is showing thLi Iiigist Stock of Full IDress Suitlins in tii mailet Coniplete Line of Sporting Goods, ing Instriiments. All the latest shades aiiii iove'lties ini '3i'ouseiing itisd Oveco atings. Fiiie Vescts scan li ad ot LreStock of Ftount.ain Pens. A Warranltedi Foiiitaiii Peni (Goldh)for $1.11). No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. 14. W1bV JAMES M. STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, IIUTLESS DPIELQTQ- GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES WM.l ARNOLD, E TAILO " IP6RTER Oii LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of us. Our 36 MAIN STREET, stt "RED STAR " OIL lisa no equal, burns without odor, or S eil tetinpidtepiigW01 charring o wick and gives a clear white light. M. W. BLAKE, Th bstplc t gt tSold at 10 ceiits pcr galloin, delivered to any part of the city. PICTU'RES, FRAMES, A4 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO- ART GOODS. 10 West H IRS s 4-Vl; HE AMPU.PERDON LUMBER YARD. 1'1 J15 . Q A5A- u CTEhAPU.r 'iists soirec sill1 te gI "Is Maiualtrerorf and deler In Prof l)Oo.Icrnro ii Att.Iiusnitr theauspices isf the I.0O. = T. AGINAW GANG SAWED LUM6E MAD)E~O ORDER hiatt S Sasrday iiiglst t hiutFellows' Isall, Dec r15. v'u1aiSepl5. I ''te olosiny s ts' itt~ts1 ro May itth tse ire' sisap -J.HALLER LATEST TYLES iassi alsirsay ssinitest this isssrssisng sils sris sepat LATEsST STYsLES'I' ls ssi theIoussrt souse, tsto issutheI Iso 1 'Ile'iu s p~ecialty. , against the stssdesnts p~ostponed.t 0. M. IARTIN, pap i s ssasy. N\iIss I atlall a DEALER11IN sketschiofI)sDu tliteratusre, prosf. 'Tlesann~uiat lssoomore optsjwitll ClothC ses eal MO EAE'RCS. toge ;svioltinsosslso, 11Iiss Ilcstrick- ta~keplacDec. 1 2. ANDCasketsCOFINSta.1 aOE A EPRCS o, Miss Rose, accomopanist ; de-O .IK. Bttons, oieofthselbesttinon J. A. POLHEMUS, 0 baleo-Resolved, 'That a National memubers of tie class isf 'rh0, was -Ili _I-V -W, Z./" ^1 8 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ALSO 'BiUS HACK AND BAGGAGE X Uniivcrsity should be establishsed at nmarried dulrinlg the Tllanksglvsllg North Maistret. Washington, D. C. Aft., Mr. Has- recess to Mhiss Isa TIicknor, iof this RINSEY & SEABOLT, A NA BR -- II-.kins, neg., Mr. D)oughty ; vocal city. Baer nddelrsin " solo, Miss X'sllaisul, Miss IDavis ac-'The seior laws swill begis recita- 0roceries,Provision s,Flouranud~e conmpanist. lions in Indermaur and criminal law ai8Wsigone JOHN WOTZK5. T1he Congregational fair supened next week, undser supervision of Maker of tie LADIES'1 and GENTrS' 59010, Gen~sFt~Frnishingi jept at the riisk this afternooni. Admux- quiz-masters Thompson and Bennett. Repairing neatly done. 4S. Mein s slon i0 cents. M~any beautiful arti- 'rise send-annual entertainment ~ __ esacffrtfsrsl.given by the Webster societysil GRANGER'S -OF L' ike's Peak or bust!I Pike's 'eak occur Wednesday Decc. 17, ill 1110 -e ACADEMY OF DANCIN6Y or biust ! Coloraioloesllege ' II law lecture room. opposite Lave Iiidiss%. ii .MIL 03 ne must. Senioir dents are at presenst iniirii gaiswl b eevd taytme ,ricird etween'ci e n great demand. Appoinitments for thecseason. P"riiicetoii 'Thansksgivingsiay,reslt I wsrk Ihave to imade several dlav illhouh -- -th l ,. . ~ i P Slippliestlie latest Novelties in iestiia priced Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear, COLLARS, CUFFSSHRETS, We-c At much lower rates than tihe cxciii- sive dealers in these goods. 20 South Merin. ill a scoire of Yale 32, P'rincetono0. Articles oif s'aiie are constanstly being missesd from thie cloak ansi recitation roomis. All studensts' roonis shosild be locked ansi a care- ful watch kepst up. QF'. M. Prettyman, '92, dent, has been confined to his room this week with tonsilitis. TIhe class of '94lueet the second time in tile course, "i Modern Polii- ties," in Room A, at a21). m. Satur- day. advaince. Asthe time for applortionmiIentI if apptropiria tionus is coming sun, the dents are very desirous that their great needs should receive first at- tentioni. '91 independents' mieetinig in Room A, Saturday, Dec. 6, at 10:30 a. mi. Students from tsventy-five of the New Engiand colleges met at Am. herst during the Thanksgiving re- cess, for systematic Bible study. Sleepaers Between Chicago~ Tacoma, Wash., and Port- land Oregon. The Wisconsin ('entral and 2 rle Pacific lines run through Pullm all n tibuled and Colonist Sloe pera be 30 Chireago and Tacoma,, Washl.,K Porthand, Oregon. The train ce as the "P'acific Express" heaVSa Gi and Central Passenger StatiOn o this corner of. Fifth Avenue Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. 3d. For tickets, berths in Pullman or g onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gy1 t TomsvCiyPsegrad0Agent, 2011 Clark Street, ox'0 tr EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, G Central Passenger Station, onr Avenue and IHarison Street, Mh. x v :}