THE U. OF M. DAILY QIVIEIRIC I AITIS-1 AkT THE TWO SAMS~ This Line of OVERCOATS is Superior to ally ever offered in ithe city. AT THE TWO SAMS L.. BLITZ. kil Abo S~~l~lb~lllr~ VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORXOALLEDFOR and DIELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. IWS£PI1CIA5 l iT9nSTo S'TUDENS~. C L N OfO-- 23 South Fourth Ave. C--L ~ LDSE S Of Old U.t of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed ever inch of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 eta. Everything ini proportion. L. 11. Clement, TSr tfnS u' 385S. Min St. &LLME1DIIG-u1 LIALNO &L GN UU. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN ,GNDU UON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK OF TOILET GOODS ANDIFINE. CIoARS, TOBAC'COS AND CIGARETTES IN TITS CITY. jke!J Yobr ~, ~colars and cuffs, Neckties and Pep rli Iid Gloves FER GUSON & SLATING, WAHR'S 00K STORE, DOWNETOWN eeyStuident will save mney liy buying University Text-Blooks ind all supplino i; tlIln-adqni arler,,. We allow lie Br niate. n i is lf4 fo inier. Si slibirn, l es itilisrx Gtasin foned In( l i.Slew- special discount oil LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENVTAI, BOOKS, its -liort, every hook i..ith e at snid P'enOtyISl, l' ris in; ss In the _ l'Uiiversity. 5,01130 Iltaink Boo iat loivest prices. W rlm e tt p v s i i iiunyic tr s 1:cents 0 LI: J)INt(: -T3CO ICi 1111IN hIlL IlY .4 ,, L THE ITWESm T SYLS' MISCELLANEOUS. f Graduate Law Resoluttons. * Goodspeed. -1I IN - ivzNiO I . i( AC'S .-I iet ex-cr1 linereas, We, liii liii'flleis Ofthe IT ~~~-1~I inenient tullneot tn rte Post Granduate class of tie Lavelie- Y U WILLAWY iti'ri ., innnnpartlielit iif t ii u iversityy f nit irli i d t e L t s o tu l I IN I,,,j iiii lsbitm;ni alciig as niaiynthner gall, ave hail the great pivilege of indtheLateatNv- OT H IN G Iiiiieis is possible.liearing a series of lectures onl eI- l 1t 1 0e5sjin rts OF LL INOIAT(iminiiisei. juniction and( Receivers," by James L, Ha t s , Ne c kwe ar , Gloves, T OF LLK*DSA- _s____ High, LL. ID., of Chicago, and ShoCe a , wi t h St yl e, R1 JACOBS & CO.'S, Yale and Princeton Teams. Whereas, We have inldividually re- Qual i t y , Pr i c e , to 7AX D m~AiiN sC.ST 7ieo taitcsomhecieduch intformation of incalco- S u i t t he E y e a n d ..~___9__________ Iriiitbeostitcsfth lable benielit to 11s, in our profession;Poket.W caerto LGRUN ER. Yalce-nrincetonn elmsvens as they ly thereforePce.Wectrt ~Denier inte pl - S A r s ed cclin 'T'huirsday's ,ganne. Resolvedl, That we as~a class fully t hx e w a nl t s of t hx e Nsmsoth Main street.Yae PstnAg appreciate tine advanitage of this opi you ng man. p ri dQpIeyy ad Prm~tl-, YLE PsitEn.A21 107t eahtportunity of listelning to tine instrnic- Il ono. Straight Qt llswe --__L L.ET..218 6195.100 tionl of so great iat author 1o0 his G o s e d No. ] Ie ei rL. T. 218 l1l6 5.0 choseni subject. CIteRETTES. gerL .2 ~ e Resolved.. That we express our sin- DOUBLE STORE. LeaI Soee wis M is----- . . 20 185 .102n - j CigarettoEs. ews C.2h1o5.0cere thanks to Dr. Itigh for theyvery -are willig ti nasya litle. excellent lectures which he hnas deltv-___________ chnnedr thtie rierItioes R..22 10 r10ned, and for tte very great nnterest Crsytaelniargetesln ed ~tnr - R. .20 1105. 511 trslnillaettis.s~l Od tisnyinn Ins taken in explailninlg tine prici- 1(9~a , allTothtas e rirs.Iabni - .15 0 14 .5 pies of equity, bearing ott his subject. t rtcTke Richm~ond Straight! McCliitg-.L.Hl.B. 22 107 5.09 IResolved, That we are unuder great f 104 ll:tlnelavredi and highest enst llarvey- ElI--.HB. 22 16015.09 obligations to thte Regents of the U. ofFIE~P O GR H, anins i nd in Virginia. Ti the Old B.C iigrt Morison.F. B. 24 100 5.11 M. for tine privilege of iearing mnen of Milinery and Art (hoods. ta n>i za t s nd li te eyear 175. Aveae o Intuhaieio__________ intn n r tlratseandenhtsofvtheatrtinelineightgreat note nand reputationt. 0Eant Semen St.. Ta ieblow is an every panckage.E . ONST a okn t tTeaStrnh 1765-7; nit thne hacks, 'i ;ainndiofE. 1F.JBENNE~T,YwOU&SN Rihod c~tt" iAnerieantichre5C5,igna thiesshnole elevii, 169 8-int. G. E. ('LAxeE en Ri-SchmnVitnin ni a.l.C mtte.Manufcturers .of A &an bh?~r Savings Bank PRNCnETN nsPositio i Age Weight Reighnt Col-mittee. - lhi lad atOcheitra ° Arbodnr Mih, itinsti Wnrretn . .E. 191151 0.00 COMMUNICATION.4 .- %4e nder tenGenealBaning Laws Speer---- . T. 23 107 .00 __ 14 "asnrithe ii at ctines ,of tine Tnna -. .G 2 11 i Would it not inc well ton 11vecan F Cjiet s rfs ae ponsroer Symunes-- C. 20 il98 5.10 Einglishl dictiotiary on tinetdcsk in the PUHISItweaF Wu anoass ie en. Lwi - - --.11 . 2 7 . library? Itlls certainly oftcn a mat- Hind and Orchestr str e ndod aerndFutrness ------ .1E. 22 13 5.07 tcr of inconvenicence to muany who usc It~ajlI for coalndwod, lg and Poe-.--- -,Q. B. 19 135 5.04 wish to look up a word to find thatmu i sh1ie a J>H 2> Spicer-___L.Ht.B. 22 148 5.009 thesc hooks arc all carried away. IOAD~IS gam reat J.E.arkins', 2 .King - R.Ht.B. 18 149 5.054 ONEANDa)RKPows u street.--oas_---.F- .11. 20 154 5.104 - N swxoxeNnne. I IN Average Wcighst of the rush line, The chainpronship of Canada in t~a 03PRINTING..- TN -tTHiE ARQUS.s- R& t"t~as.8tixrau.,'4fwra~red 174 2-7i of the hacks, 1562,; and of association foot-ball has been won-t p 'Ti( OFFICE, OPPO(SITE COOK HOUSE. the whole eleven, 163 3-11I. by Toronto University. AT LOWPRICES.