THE U. OF 'Z .rof 'a . 'DhiiL A new college is to be built at :Ul Lake ('harles in the outl-sestern Publiehed Daily (Snday excepted) durng art (of Losisana . the College yer, byA party of students wvill test tie THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASOGIATION. sleighing by a ride to te Ticnor farm, on tie south Yp lsilanti road to- Sbscipioprice 2,50 per year Invribly igit in advance. Sincgle enie tcents. O sle at --^'" r__-_ Sheehan's and Pot Office newseestandc every BUSINESS LOCALS. evening acl 6 o'clock. Sublscrptin tay be left at the otice cif the DccY, lOpra Hose block, at Sheecns, at1 toffet's, oc ccit t y ter Ni cs iseredt ittthis clmncatce 1 t~e l of the editors. si 1tcets ec'lince, inle iaertin. Special Commnicaionsshoud teaeb he obielc'Tstesfor loncger tct ncd eta liar furnished t~otnt cccictiocs slocitl crli lcc'clticc SrI iy c t thcss adlcer bconltinc I. 10 A. M.' itltcey'are toaeapcr lbs dacy. 55l.tmitty Asilnt Otusineaager.) Addressciclicmatter in te'ndec'dfocr pcbliaionto }Illey '1o1a1111dtlwoodslofcud~so, Sttte- the Managing Mitolcr. All bcusiness ccitmntft' sret. icaiocce ebold ibe secntIcto cce itces Sloe' aer. I loise' twew iresafety $75Biclesc; Riepert llci neglect :oncte 1cc c0 arcrirs te ll sell for $5, teelert'thmllou11. the City Ciculatccr, S. B. c'eiil. ItIt. ('ol, THE U. of M. DAILY. .ll .A BdDtot Ann Arbor, Mih. (Glot I. 1. Hlllfor cal. (trcclcr's hocieltes adson c-boso EDITORtS. lre thelinehst kat co be madtecpr flvors.110 iadulteraltionl. Icry them. 11. B. Sttctc.cntAcFf , 'MlaScngig Editor. 1.'. O. Netss Rosin. W. I. clitrrs. ''ll, Asist. SMcanagig Ecitec. if. S. Wexner ',t Assist. tttaaigg Eitor. Nobly BlakC'Ieviet sitinigc $254 N.. 0i. t.s, 'isa ilRsict' s Managers. atilupswares at Staford's. W. B1. t'Nect., 'ti. Assit. ltccnscccs Maccit. For fill' we will ct prices ottiBas' B..DlttCc'Ts, '2, AsitlisioetAtac's. tjos, (Guitars, Mudolits, (aes adel HUDSON Sct~ itil. F.'4 I 'i'cnne. '5. striitgs fr the samie, lswer than at 5. 5.J tetcit. '5. n.i.i.itAttctsstl'1. laly tiiusi house it Michigan. This A. W. 'H11te, 'lit. AH.CVEnR. '9. neans all the words imply. A. Wilsey, I. P. Mcd.AS1551cc"'37 . ticcTi AY, 2 .4h vneCity. ilActc STOcE, 'J;2. J. ('.TRtAMcS,'s 4l S.4thAvnu,+ .0G. W11T itElbltti.'l 15K. I.. IS ems. 1. Noelties ii TillsCoatings at Staf- t. 55. ilcixs ,", T,......Stewart Bntjos at Wilsey's. --_-------_._____- tths 10c at 1'. O . Barber Shop. Govi. Lc iels ntiitay .whlat e- colncndtio hrinteds o mke Bell Gillespie, 'eacher f(iGitar, i'Ollil'tiktiitlli' ttetil ti itks Batjot etieA]Mndsliti attlemetsi. in his eti rinlg tiessag;e totthe .tgis- Ilcv Statte athtrlic'Guitas, latjos lature. lit' applears, liiiiw'ser. to le and lSlatdlills atitWilses. thoroutghlty imtpressed wsithithle Best Striigs at Wiseys enortmotis gruoswthtcclthe iii trsits' Foxtit1I-i,,re-Suitef roms icely furnished, batic hititacd clxwater, and te tedts s'hic'lthas'e'arisni i ftriiace,' 't. No. 4 1.1Liety-t. conlsequece't, illthat thes '"F-armier WA x'ro.tFifteeti Votitg M'etnd Gosertior" 'miltSredeem ticmtiself 1'by lais to avas. oot Ity. Aply at P. O. News'oolatii n 1cc rtecotmnntein tg a generotus apprioni Holitay Neckeo' tW'igner A&iCo. priation. tpontiiis retiremiett. We Wtrni'ndercwea, Woetllosery, hope lie will. Iflie dee ot1, w ist oeet~A ctitWagn ieti&locka wci leok for it fretmi lissuccessr, Ut eitiylafonietali tqin elos lie scho gives every' pronmise of lbeiig an owvner will please inuire ot M. J Io" anisefrieni I.'iiserity. sack, 48 East Wasingtoii sf th aciefin f tile U'rrstyiTere will be a meeting o h ------------- "n_ -- - "Iowa Club " Saturday, Dec. i, at 10 Independent Caucus. a. wi., iti the S. C. A. rooml. As ter business of the meeting is of great im- Last evetnicng auace'us f the i- prtatce, all are most earnestly re- qutesteed to be present. dependeniis f '94 wsas held at Alicha I. II. WFEL, Jr., Prs. Nti iall. It seas deerminet ril e- Eugieeriug Sociey. IReglalr meet- ig Fritay eening, Iec. 5at 8 i'clock. consider the norcuinationls that cwere Eiicietcy tests of waer notors by C. tmadle at itie last Indceendent tal- E. DePity. cus A allt ws tkenon ratr. eutiful :Deorations ftr Rooiis cus Abalotss-s eke ol trltl~. Handsocme Ho~liday Gosods! Mrs. Ma- Out of 58 vtes, Shaw receisvedl o, bel Ponds, No. b0 .S. State, cor. Will- and was dclared u animul ia. Yui lre ivitd to calii. atil s-a ticlree cnalinolily McCAll-nY ' MISAP.-One of the noitnlated. 'lie other persons sslo liveliest atdnmost lcdicrocs farces on had beetioiutaed before were re- the road will ehow here to-igt. It is acclaiiatioti. represented as a hutrricane of hilarity nomninatedl by acaain from beginning to end. 'rhocarac- It wcill be renmemberecl that at the ters are grotesque atid highly aniusing, Dennis Mcartby atd Michael Muli- first meetinig called to elect class gani carrying off high honors. officerc a choice was not1 made ocn May Montfert, Randa Flerence and - Marieon Vintoni are high and artistic account of factious opositon on kickers. the part of the Frats. 'T'he ojet The McCarthy quartette, consisting tef he csvcauus ws tC mke rr-of G. A. Crm, J. F. Callahan, E. A. of he ew aucs ws t mae cr-Begler, and I. E. Callahan re der sain of Independent ground, and see very amutsing selections. f whether the nominations had the J TWENTY LECTURES IN the support of the party. The re- THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND THE ART O TACHINQ., sit seems to assure the cuBcu Eerya'turdayfrTweltyWees.ats p. m. nominees the support of the mass of anal Stuth Fifth Street. begcig Nu.2. For Teachers, Sgers. and lyianed tu- the Independents, denitsofthe .Pracial ArtfOMuiNCDY 'M. DAILY. STUDENTS' BOOKS. SUY YOUR'I COLLEGE TET Boons.LAW AND MEDICAL BOO: NOTE BOOKS, AT THlE SiTUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secoiid-hiand books at low prices. We are agents of Paul1 E. Wirt, Sett Itolland focintain pens. Biargailis iln stationery. STAE AND 'TBE sTHE BEST. - Se'enctet-etachersco.icatsd with Pocoislii Booc 02.23 Ip-r teet. Circulars upontapOpli-l cation. P. R. CLEARY, President. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME al 1~ I c -o * c - ss mI E plG $ko C b4 "v i c a 7 ar-ov~c_ O W C.r?° . ch; aw 1''.. -BURLEIGH & IJELLYx'f- DEALEIRS IN 4 1 e STPATIONERY, ~$~ BLANK BOOKS.p ATHLETIC GOODS AND STUDLENTS' DIJURIES. u 2 Biest lise of F"OTNTAtN PENS in thce Ia:7 city. Ice Creamo, Soda Water, I Coufectiois,('eleiLunuchces, ;e; : c Cigars and Tobacco. 1 c N ' : '' c0 OYSTERS, FRY, STEW 01R PLAIN. r I Call andsee ust Rf-" 26S0IIT STST T aily: 'Sunday except. D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXEHOISER. Fur Btain-Wotherm & Sedentary Peoplt:- Gecntlseen, Ledlee, Younthe; tics 0. W. BUGGLES, B. W AYS Atlete or Incvalidl. A cosmcplete G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Agt Acts 1c.0 gaso-ue. T1ake up buttinc. ! _ sqejoorIaronena, cenetific, doebyis,00opeebscis.liwt Toledo, Ann Arbor and North yer, eeryme, ditrs oher , Michigan Railway. xnceuing it Sed ferileirca- ' 3Cude alce- ir,4o efa; noecar e. Peel.S).I Time Table going daloeffieact, Sunday. Noe' I L. Dowcd, Sceiicihybsimaland ._____________ _____ V'caletCcltre o atc t t, dewvYork. I~ ~~ Geing Nort.,uSTATIONS Ooingg 5Oh' U { . 1 M~~San. Ii eCad.Standard Time. 'eCd 1 Es~3 p. Exp. Sail Lx, c Ca FRtENCH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH I .... . asLeel tArerP,u r.- ' COOCKaNGC .oxsWEST PRICES FOR ....3. to5 6 .....TOLEDO..,...X 1 11 1.5-" aETis-rMATERCIAL. 4 02I 6 4ccMo~nroe e t'a 12 2S'53 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Mich. I...."4 to 6 4dl-.....undue-t..2 16 102 ' -4 7 '....P.isielc........ii t ., - 45% 2t ... .....lld - 117 9 41 CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. g 7140 .N A -13l C. L. UST, PO~xltto ens 5 ta5 L eand'...ti it 9 01 M~s. SI mnd 15 Washington St.,-. ' Yysitantl, Mich. a 59 8t6 Whtmoe Lakhe 1i00s a,5~ Fi'rst-claes Rigs anld tylish Saodie Borneo ( 5.50 .15 s .c.i.- amburg-...10 M 5 'l.. for Hire. _sac2831- Howell-loll 218S. q 1 05 ...Coranna-...95 5' art 11,1112(1.....Owtcos ---... 9 ti}' "' 9 12 181cc ....Ithaca..n - 7 0 s 5 - ... .... 7 I 50.. .t.Louis...1.7 8 54, A.M 5Ik 4i- - Aloa - ...7 2. 4 r PH01"VOGRAPH 77 01513 107- ecel. 2 r9HA.....i r3t 85du...Cadlla NO. 12 W.SIHURONSS. 11IC0 .521 _. oe-miub . ..... 5, 114, .. '6 22 Oc.rkama - 4iIt' 2 .... 7_______qtIi 1 Mani.stiee.... 7101 GRAND OPERAH U E 155 6stab.Frclaeurt, 7eLi Seginaiw DIVISion. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Going North sracaa. Going Souolk Thursday Evening, Dec. 4th. -- 6I apr7......Ax46 AssAr..W.: W CARTHI'S BLU M! ~~76 1 .5 nA i h7R 4..t.Duand-- 11.n a 47ac .. Ic1410t-Flushlag....8 45 The funmutest Conmedy ot 5..... 10t5 -Esawtaiaw- s PRICES -- 38c., I AD 50 R . W. ASHLEY, A. T.ISLEY Seats new es Sale ak P. O. News Room. G3EO. B. HAZLEWOOD. Loams Agent.