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December 04, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-04

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1 _.
a Visitto the University to in-
rmn Himself of Our Needs.
tresiient Angell's right at'
this morning appeared the
sturdy form and honest face
chigan's farmer governor, Cy-
Luce. He had come the
before. The exercises over,
arted out for an inspection of
iferent departments and build-
guided isy Dr. Angell and Mr.
u," said lie, when he had re-
d and was resting from his
05 Secretary Wade's office, "I
re gathering material for my
sg message.. I had expected to
the Governor-elect, but I fieid
e Was here ahead of me.,
nd what condition do you
hy, you are crowded-terribly
led. The astounding growth
University confronts us. We
et, loot by a theory, but by a
tion. I cannot tell you what
mendation I shall make to the
lature, or even that I shall
any recommendation at all for
appropriations, but I shall
nt the state of affairs to them.
three of the public institutions
'State shall I give more than a
ig notice, and the University
chigban is one of the three."
fhen I began the duties of my
dministration, four years ago,"
ed the Governor, "Dr. Angell
looked over the University,
concluded that, at the rate of
se which was shown at that
we would have an attendance
0O students at the end of the
four years. There were then
quite s,oo ; now there are
on't you think we should have
Inasium, Governor Luce?"
lost certainly I do. I sub-
id $1oo for that end at one
and the subscription still holds
good. I take niy exercise with a
fork handle, but recognize that that
means is not available here."
ihe governor, however, would not
say that lie thought the University
should receive financial aid from the
state for a gymnasium. In fact, lie
rather intimated a belief that we
should look to our wealthy alumni
for relief.
"We think that if we can raise
$25,ooo among our alumni," said
Secretary Wade, who was present,
"perhaps the Legislature will give
us $25,ooo more:"
"What, do you need as much as
that?" asked the Governor.
"It will do us no good to have a
gyinasminu worth anything less
Mr. Wadle replied. "It must be
large enough to accommodate all of
our students, so that we can make
its use compulsory and, perhaps,
give some credit - for it. If it is
small, it will be entirely monopo-
lized by athletes training for the dif-
ferent teams, while the frail studious
boy, who needs the exercise most,
will be the very one who will not
get it."
At 3 o'clock Gov. Luce left for
Ypsilanti, where he will visit the
State Normal School., While in
Ann Arbor, he was the guest of
Secretary Wade.
Joseph H. Vance, law librarian,
is to deliver a course of four evening,
lectures on "Duties and liabilities
of public officers." The first lec-
ture is to be given next week.
The last regular meeting of the
Webster Society this term will be
held Thursday evening, Dec. rm.
The case against the students that
was to have been heard yesterday,
has again been postponed, this time
to Dec. in.
Dr. James Stalker, D. D., of
Glasgow, Scotland, is to deliver a
lecture before the Yale divinity
An evening university has been
started at Philadelphia.
A Valuable Addition to the Library.
Through the liberality of a furmer
student of the University, now re-
siding in Detroit, the general Library
is in the near future to come into
possession of a complete set of the
Chronicles and Memmorials of
Great Britan and Ireland. A few
volumes of the series had been
bought at different times, for special
purposes, but the heavy demand that
is made upon the library funds by
so many departments of instruction,
had put the purchase of the whole
series quite out of the question. It
was therefore a great source of satis-
faction to all interested in the
library when, a few weeks ago, this
gentleman bought and shipped to us
66 volumes of the set, which had
come to sale in this country, and
authorized the purchase of the re-
mainder, (as far as published), in
This publication had its origin in
an address of the House of Com-
mons, of England, 'to the King in
1822. The address stated "that the
editions of the works of our ancient
historians were inconvenient and
defective: that many of their writ-
ings still remain in manuscript, and
in some cases in a single copy."
This statement they followed by a
strong plea for a "uniform and con-
venient edition of the whole." It
was not, however, until 1857 that
the publication was begun under the
direction of the Master of the Rolls.
Up to the present time a few more
than 200 volumes have been issued.
- The value of these documents,
edited as they are by competent
men, to students of English history,
is evident. But they are also valu-
able in another way. - Enough of
them are in English to illustrate, in
no small degree, the changes that
have taken place in the language.
At the same time they gauge the
knowledge, and the thought of the
times in which they were written.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gems
and Art Goods, Jewelers ad Op-
ticiars. Mvanufacturers of the
Finest Society Badges ra'ade in the
country, samples sent upon pro-
per references,
Deb-oitOpaa Iho de 13ft.,
otr'oit, - - M.Chlan.
Special Rates toStudents.
Ben Hur Tableaux.
The Ladies' Library Association
have arranged for the presentation of
these magsificient tableaux at the
Opera House on the evenings of
Jan 1 and s6.
The story of Ben Hur so graph-
icly told by Gen. Lew Wallace, is
admirably adapted for reproduction
on the stage. However, spectacular
representation of these scenes is
granted by the author and publish-
ers to but one company, and only
then with the reservation that each
representation shall be given for
charitable purposes, and by amateur
These tableaux were one of the
most attractive features of the sea-
son at Chautauqua last summer,
Stagg, Yale's famous ball player
taking the part of Ben Hur.
The paintings, stage settings and
costumes are said to be very fine,
over 1,ooo square feet of scenery
being used during the tableaux.
The presentation here will be one of
the marked society events of the
winter, as the parts are to be taken
by local talent, including many pro-
minent and well known members of
the University.

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