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December 03, 1890 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-03

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171,173, 175 Woodward Avenue
lien's, 1
Jlo0y's, CLOT ING v
' LatesLNovelties A
6 South Mairl Street. 44 South State Street,
Medical Books, Law Booku, BIiO ll oobs, ALe. FINDS, * 4 A,
A13xk sdi iySchools. Students, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Is showing the Laet StcofulDrsSiinsnthmak.
AlokuedtCiyAll h aetaae adnvlisi ruaeringa and
C'omplete Line of Sporting Goods. iing Instruments. Ov ercoatiugs. Fine Vests can be bad of
Latrge. Stock of Fountain Pens. A Wairranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. I No. 2 E. Washington St.. near Main. G. H. W ILA
On AMSinths it. ouwil svemoeybybuin o U. ur WATCHMAKER AND JlEWELE!
G LR ' E SAN}OI hsno equal, buirns without odor, or S ceal attention paid to repairing Wateh'
RED STAR OIL- has ,and Jewelry.
charring of wick and gives a clear white light. M. W . BLAKE,
Sold at 10) cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. ITRS FAEAl
The best place to get a lccali, RA li 24
44 SOUTH MAIN ST. JDEAN & CO-. ART GOODS. 1s west Huronl
THECAMUS. ly'om 73 o '5 le ws istrcto in FERDO0N LUMBER YARD,
f~~?S --. t2 A~0.4-.&'JL' TE CMPUS Frm '3 to'75be as istrcto 10 Manufatturerof and dealerin
G. ylw', sstt ak grammar here, and from '75 to 'StSGNWGN SWDLU E
MAEIQ RDR.~, so lstwek.was engaged in arranging material Cur, Fourth and Depot Sts.
MAE Q ?I+IE snlst 4e.for Btancroft's history and was asso- J" HALLER
'orjir Moi, aw 90,baabeeu eate in history at Johns Hlopkins.
LATESTSTYLESc oerf n impiortant judicial of- 4 omiMI T
lceTatTTokiTYJaESau. F. E. Jannette, '93 tLit, a member ORepirngaaipeeiai ty.
of the O~rarle boartd, recently re- 0. M. MARTIN,
J. A1. Miller, Law '91,avisited DEALER IN
Atdrian College, last week, and asked reived $175 fromi a well known east- Cloth Caskets, Metalli!
TpT the. blessing over l'resideut lMrCul- etn story psaper, ftor a serial story. AND COMMON COFFINS.
MODERATE_ PRICES.-ouhstirwyo Thansiigdy ~e Sophonmore class are to be coi- J. A. POLHEMUS,
C. 13. Wood, Law '91i, visited at mended for their good judgement in'
1SOUTHMANS. placingsuhamnfMr Jansiette AS L HACK AND BAGGAGE IN
19 MIDT, letroit last week.,usana f ~ LO'U North Main Street.
01n the Orable board. NSY&EAOT
AN 'RO, MC. We are requested to announce SRerNSEeber &fPEA.BOLTe..
AN'RO,---MC.that thsere will be ameeting in Roonm Svrlmebr fPofBatn akers and dealersin
Enext Stda morning at9 gills class in Freshmain Greek are (groceries, Provisions, Fl oursand Fee
o'clock, which all members of thseabutofrapiveclstoed JOHN WOTZKE,
faculty who are interested in thse for- the first book of the Iliad us order Makeruof Sna
s Faculty Athletic andto take the advanced section in LE Repairingn neatly done. m48145 . Man Bt.
Gent5'Furishing Dipe 'mation of a FcltRtheicad mer.______
Social Club, are repuested to be Homer.R'
present. The members of the various scc-c
-OF -Gastmali, '90o Lit., is on the cam- lions of Sophomore Latin are giving *...ACADEMY OF DANCING,~
pus to-day. He is now identified some very interesting dissertations 0159051Cc JZaw Bnuiding.
E F. IL 8 with an Electrical Supply. Co., it on Roman Archeology. It is wellx
FortHWayneWIndiana worth one's time t goan hear theeasob received at any txie ui
Vi'.H. orto, '2 li., s wih tem.Through Veatibuled and Color1
Maupplliest&lie Clic r The. trial of the students, who Sleepers Between Chicago and
Spletelatest Novelties in nietlitue asa l ied& o, ghcgo.Tacoma, Wash.~ and Port-
priced Hie intends to return the second were arrested for participating us land Oregon. a
semeter.the post-office disturbance, has been The Wisconsin Central.and North~
semeter.p ' Pacific lines run throughPullman Vs
'NcwaHsey newa, Hon. Thomas Ml. Cooley is to de- postponed for one week. tibuled and Colonist Sleepers betwch
livrNacouseefalctuesHosiheeet llnureoodsecndeno.taF-Chicago and Tacoma, Wash.,
live a oure o lecure er.. he Lt al or god scon teor al-Portland, Oregon. The train klsaQ
"Inter-State Commerce. Act," for ent turn out to the Glee Club exam- as the "Pacific Etxpress" leaves t0
the benefit Of the Yale law class. ination to-night, at 8 o'clock, Room Geland Central Passenger Statonac
('OLt.itl t-s , I IRTtC. A l .o . r utn2.the corner of Fifth Avenue -
An oldU. afTM. man,DrAutn2. Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. 31 d$Q
Scott, has been elected President of One of our electric motors outcd For tickets, herths in Pullma or
onist Sleepers, etc., apply to -O
At much lower rates than the exctsa- Rutgers College., He graduated at it last night at the corner of Wash- THO~rso !t, Csty Passenger and Ti$'
sive dealers In these goods. VYale in '72, then studied a yeri nlnadMi.Ti ongent,2WClark Street, 0r to g-
the University of Mlichigan and several men pushed it down to the Ceatral Pase -erSant, n
11 AvneadenHarison treC
20 South Main. afterwards at Berlin and Leipsic. barn.AeneadirrsntetCs

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