ALI -r f } L ,t VOL. I. No. 5. U ROEHM MAKERS OP FRATERNITY 271 Woodward Aveque, :Grard Circus Park, ROGERS' SUCCESSOR. The New Dean of the Law Departmentto be Ap- Spointed Oct. i5. Henry Wade Rogers, Dean of the Law Department and Tappan professor of law for severel years past,is to sever his connection with the University permanently in a few weeks .His resignation has been accepted and on Dec. 1 he assumes the duties of President of Northwestern University,of Evans- ton, Ill. His successor has not yet been appointed but will be named by the Board of Regents at their meeting Oct. 15. Various specu- lations are being made as to who will be selected but nothing authen- tic can as yet be ascertained as to what the determination of the Board will be. Prof. Thompson and Prof. Knowlton are now fill- ing the vacancy temporarily. It is remarked that one of tsose gen- tlemen is to be given the perma- nent appointment, while it is al- so claimed by some with a degree of authority that some one hereto- fore unconnected with the U~niver- sity is to be appointed. At all events the position is one of high importance and an honor to any member of the bar fortunate enough to receive the appoint- ment. JNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY) OCTOBER 3, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. FOOT-BALL. THE SITUATION IN THE EAST. Harvard's Team in Better Con- dition Than Yale's-Prince- ton in Desperate Straits. Base ball has been called the national game, but for popularity in the Eastern colleges foot-ball is a close second. There are a number of minor leagues, such as the College league, comprising Williams, Am- herst, Dartmouth and one or two others of the smaller colleges, but the game is seen at its best in the Intercollegiate league, whereYale, Princeton, U. of Penn. and Wes- leyan battle for the championship. It is to be regretted that Harvard is not at present a member of this league, or, in fact, of any, having withdrawn last year at the close of the season because Princeton per- sisted in playing what Harvard charged to be a "graduate" eleven. The agitation resulting from these charges caused such a modification of the rules that no man who is not regularly matriculated for the entire year can play on any of the elevens of the league. But the breach between Harvard and Princeton is not healed as yet, and it is not probable that a game will take place between them this year. Harvard, Yale and Prince- ton ire the rivals. U. of Penn. and Wesleyan are in the league only as foils to deaden the rivalry of the leading three. Yale still maintains her neutral position and will play both Harvard and Prince- ton. The Yale-Princeton game will be played in New York on Thanksgiving day, while Yale's game with Harvard will probably be played in Springfield, Mass., continued on third page. HERE THEY ARE. SHORT RECORDS. BUT GOOD ONES. Some of the New Tutes the Fresh- men Will Have to Break In. Mr. W. K. Clement, who is instructor in Latin, is a graduate of Colby Universityclass of '84, with degree A. B. The years fromi t8S4 to 1886 he studied at Jena, where lie devoted his at- tention to Latin and Greek. From 1886 to 1888 lie resided at Leip- sic, and continued the study of Latin and Greek pedagogics. From Colby university, his alma mater, lie took the degree A. M. in the year 1888. The last two years lie has held the instructor- ship in the classics at Lake Forest university, the same institution from which Prof. Kelsey came to us. That lie prove as success- ful as his honored superior in his department, is the best wishiwhich we can have, for him and for our- selves. Edwin W. Fay, who comes to take a position in the classical de- partment, is a graduate of South- western University of Tenn., from which institution lie took the de- gree of A. M. in '83. From '83 to '86 lie taught in Texas and Mississippi,holding the position of principal and classical master. In the year '86 he went to John Hop- kins university. He held the Uni- versity scholarship one year and the University fellowship two years. During the last two years lie taught Sanskrit to the first and second year graduate students, while pursuing his own studies. His major was Sanskrit and Com- parative Philology, with Greek and Latin as minors. Besides these lie7did work in Zend, Wright, Kay & Co. Foreign Buyers, Importers, of Gems and Art Goods, Jewelers and Op- ticiarls. Manufacturers of the Finest Society Badges rrtade in the country, Samples sent upon pro- per references, DAtrojtO Ope tyteseBf '. 140 WOODWARD AVE., Detroit, - - Michigan. the new language of the ancient Persians, as well as in Gothic and Prakrit, a mediaeval Sanskrit dia- lect. The University is to be con- gratulated in securing the servi- ces of a man so thoroughly pre- pared. The Sanskrit department will be under the direction of Mr. Fay. The Greek and Latin de- partments will bestrengthened by his presence. CLASS OF '90. Fred Clark, '90, is teaching school in one of the Shiawasse county districts. Percy B. Herr, '90, holds a re- sponsible position in his father's office in Chicago. J. Kendall Freitag, '00, is en- gaged in Chicago with a promi- nent firm of architects. J. R. Angell, '90, remains in college to study for his master's degree. P. R. Gray, '90, Psi U, is act- ing as shipping clerk for the candy firm of Gray, Toynton & Fox, of Detroit. Miss Ruth A. Willoughby is teaching Latin in the high school at La Porte, Ind. H. W. Wakelee is studying law in Chicago.