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December 03, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-03

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.0f '; c x faculty for a common recreatio STUDENTS' BOO KS-
of ~ hour. Wie see iio reason whly BUY TOUR COLLEGE
'Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during laie antb aes htalTETBoOKs,, Ln T.ND MEDICfAL. BOO]l
thme College year,.by important recitations shall close at~
WhE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AbSOCIAT1ON. 4 p. mn, or 4:30 at the latest. If NOTE B OO~itS, AT THE
the change cansnot be made all at STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET.
Saerpis rc es e paivaitponce, surely niost of thse popular Secosid-hiand books at low prices. We are agents of Paul E. Wirt, ScottI
in advance. Single espies .1cets. On sale at courses could lie lu ery in the hladfuti es agisi ttoey
Sheehan's and Post Officee newvs stand every. afternioioo leavitig but a fewv miiorSI 8I.A. & QO, -
evening at S s'clock. Subecrip~ton snaybhe ________________
left at she sficee ot the DAIsLY,(oiiera House courses after 4 p. In. It is to he r ES M CHGA
block, at Sheehansat Stofliel's, or with asp hloped that (lie faculty can arrange M C IA CE TA
Comsmesiicatisns should reachi the office by somiething of tsis kind. As a last I The Ifiagara Falls Roaute."
10 A. M. it they are so appear she same dsp. resort, we feel sure tist the college C~..~SI
Addcess sit mailer intended fosepublicatio to a whole, would be willing to CENTRAL STANDARD TbIME.
rhe.Managing Editor. All busisess comun- asAN aH
icatiossoosd he snto t he Husinss Mao- have recitatioins placed on SaturdayADTH : -. 1
monn'i hrb ensa f U EReport tall neglectos the part of Carriers te ori, ifteeyWdedya-lI~va :~
sAY j U he City. Circulator, w. H. ONel.ternomi coiilidlie secured as a half- (;tIIII j) 1 i3 eeJ e-- '-
THE U. of X. DAILY. holiday. (miiies couiltd then lie C1 a.
naAbr 1t.play ed hlere' on Wednesday as well ___________c~
EDITO R. as Siaturdlay, and the nise ought to ____ tos a as.
15.H.Suesana'S, Mnain F~irc. play at least twit regular games per )T H E BEST. a
W.E ssrs iAsst aaiag 1duor'. week. Sivesteen teachers. Hoardwith Furnished T---
St . ItetfeL:, St ,Assist. NMamgnug p'Eito. Rom ?.' per weck.Circulars otion appli c dIjpA
E.0 out~i 12 Hsss aae. stsrs.('leavelsuid and 'rhonmas, cation.lo
fitonsc.iaAen~isuma~ug. ls spread t e f P.R CLEARY. President T=' LR Vl tclrD.ntluilnUnr ., ,c EC1 __
Steuson Soemmos ,'t-0.1 . W Tsittn~., "il their gentlemnen friends last evening. BULEIH Ae p c * c B
1T.) D. Jti11I:1,1. '!I,. it. i. lalEiiS, 9i. 'rsela yes saitg hageof(leDOLLY, IW '
A. W. 'I. 1 i sF'Si . T. sues,'S2!. TDEAwerLhviitSageofiN ; m-00a H
C. P'. Mc5m 11 .1 E,'I 1,.t citstxYo, 'i2sE LE SI conered r'm e,-_-__r-- ---- I
1{e1So 1,F tF5'3T us '2.'subts of the boys cnendin the a as.'E R , HP
U.. W. wo 1s.sn. 'vi11. poas S. stoffice rush hveasked for . "'tre- l l"'1" VY a "o s '- g
tamer of $2o0.oo. BLANK BOOKS. mWI
706____U41H~ HUQ The senior independants will hioltd ATHLETIC GOODS AND STUt.ENTS' DUPPLI 0 aa a a
Do you see our niew ilress;' (heir caucus next Saturday morning Best Ilie of FOUNTAIN PENS t(i te I11
_------at 10o:30o. city. tee Cream, Soda Waloter,
It .is much to libegc-re'tted that !oletolodLteis
BUSIN EBB LOCALS. Cligars ansi Tobacco. _______jlc
sve can not suipport a finst-class tic-
chsestra. While (lieC(leqauamegrOns
are, to a large exteilt, a Atlllelt cor-
ganizatioo, they are not sillinig ts
devote (lie time niecessary to lpre.
paring (lie tusic for (lie ('horal
Union lproductionis. Suichsaii ti-
chestra svould he of great help to the.
U;niversity its various wvays. Is there
niot some oine who sill take (lie mat-
ter in hand ?
A joust tmeeting of all (lie athletic
trgranizations oftif(leU'tiversity is
soon to lie called t consider plans
for cousolitlatioti. Pliapstis
oseetinig svili.ble as good a time as
any to e lcct (lie officers sif the base
bail and foot hall associatioiis for
tiext year. \Ve tuitlislied recenstly a
commnunication frotiiotie of the most
psromuitnent athletic tietniti college, ad.
vocatingail early electioin of base ball
oufficers, atid gising cogent reasons fur
niakinti(le chsanige. The sante rea-
sons apply also to (lie election of foot-
ball officers.' The constitution gov-
erning else consolidated organiza-
tios will be adapted to provitde for
holding (lie elections at this time,
and there is rio doubt but that the
change will be a long step tosvard
the athletic supremaicy svhich lie-
longs to a college of this size.
Some action should also he taken
at this joint athletic meeting; looking
toward an organized appeal to (lie
([Ntices isnserted in thin colun at time rate
of So) cents perlame, single insertion, spemlal
ratesoimrlngr iimeaid exrasilnne '-ieshd
(y is'I asilisg asilii teilee or by esasitsmo Bt
St. iiommhty. Assistast Stasincse Siagsr.
tiny tush atitisoodsof Judsont, St;>te-
are too unw safely $75 Bieycles;
will sell for $65, to cleair thein out.
GEO.t. CttLE,
Y. M. C. A. Bldg, D~etrsit.
Go to E. B. Hail for coal.
Gruber's chocolates saul bon-botis
are tlie ineal that can ho nmade, pure
flavors, no adulteration. Try tiem.
P. 0. News Room.
Nobly Black Chleviot suitinlgs $25.01)
anid upwards ut Stafford's.
Black Utidressed Kid Gloves-just
received. Wagtner &(to.
For fun' we will cut prices on Ban-
jois, Guitars, Mandolins. Clases and
Strinigs for thte same, lower than at
ally muiuc house in Michigan. This
ineatis all (lie words imply. A. Wilsey,
23 S. 4th Avenue, City.
Novelties illToip Coatinlgs at Staf-
Stewart Banjos at Wilsey's.
Baths hfic at P. 0. Barber Shop.
Splendid value in Wars Underwear
and Half Ilose. Wagner & Co.
Mell Gillespie, Teachler of Guitar,
Banjo and Mandolin at Clement's.
Bay State and other Guitars, Balnjos
and M audolis at Wilsey's.
Best Strfigs at Wilsey's.
FoEl RENT-Suite oftTooms nilcely
furnishied, bath hot and cold water,
furniace, etc. No, 48 E. Liberty-st.
WANTED--Fifteen Young Men and
Ladies to canvass. Good pay. Apply
at P. 0. News Room at once.
McCarthy's Mishaaps, (bat funniestt
of the funny comedies, which made
such a hit throughout the country, last
season, and especially tn Ann Arbor,
will he here again Thursday evening.
Caliand seeucs at I ( a
26 SOTTRK -1S 2TtRI sSr- I '
0. L. DOWDE SHEALTw EXERCISER. I 13 taC__2 '1: 5C
ForBrain-Wors keenk estary People', ' t I 4
murilmaum, des, Ysmmoma;smmfie r¢-,'a
ma s rInaid orl5 S omnasim. Take5 opbht 5 in. '~lpsld
_uas e Oootmroo, ewso, aestilic,. - ey. Sundayepe ed
ledared byux, o physicia law- . 1yw BGGLEIS, H. W. HA1E
ycss, clergyme, cditors & othes &T .rhcgoal A nar
uosing il Sediforiil'd irca- G. P.&T .Ch - A '~
15ae l .S larg ene -g's;nlcarge. Prof.D.t,
L.S.Dod, Stcieifi'hysical and'
Vocal Cnulture, 9nEast 4th s., New Yerb. I Toledo. Ann Arbor and North
2 -1. Z.1o C -Michigan Railway.
ITime Tablesing into eise, Monday, Nae.
BEST MATERIAL 1K6. 5eCd tnad ie I'e(
?Fort St.,West, "- Detroit, Mich. ! Rxp. pmilB i.xp. ialtB
('. L. YOST, Paoneroos 125..t. .3LEo.650 ...m IIr, tS .
..TSlor I 1 ~ier. 13 snd 16 Walshagts at. - Ipellanti, Mich. ... d 5 2 6 di' Mosne Janet's 12 15 '~I s
for Hire. . a... 51 l 75 0. Mi..?les . 31 1< 10ef.
4 .., to 7 it71. Pitasteld... 11 81 9 40..
507 7 4t .ANN ARB13011it1i 95.B
6 :' 7 :6 . Leland'a..,. 11 i t910-
S... 5.98t6 Whitmore Lake 11 to esi5
.. 3' 855..Hao-ell. l Si218t-
..,., 7 5 940...Darand... d9s4)720--
D~'~li h~17 i'. U t'OS..OwoCs'as...s9 F«6Sioa
, 1 1113Sn..., Itca. ouis. 7"? 5 il-
NO. 12 W. IIURON ST. . stun.9 2u1'P.AfL.Iis.... 28 50:el
AesM.9a&1 4u....... Alman.. ..7Zil-ir
- 7'lus.. 05ss.Farewell.,. 32
RA DOPERAHOUSE1 "0 2 3 Cadillac t,4
GRAND + t0 57i { pwish . 89
17................................. qi5,
S1 tS2} S....a.n7. I is
OKB NIGHT ONLY. 1is.6S5 . ..Fr aS ....I , s
Thursday Evening, Dec. 4th. Saginaw Division.
GtoiagNoath sATmesa, oing SO"
CPRAM af.] Ara.
_Xc~ar Y's. * hip II ... .. Aran. A .5 1
The funniest Coedey out. 7 5 4. .uao....A
8_________155 ..3Eas Sginaw.. 8 10
I 8assrintnsrmtsa5 (Is. Pass. AS5
Seats now on Sale at F. 0. News Room. GEO. .IAZLEWOOD. Lanai Arenat

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