4J OL. I. No. 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. 0 TrHE ROMAN HOUSE life like and real. Collections, il- Which Prof. Kelsey Will Reproduce lustrative of ancient art and life, for the World's Fair.:: could be placed here both during and after the Fair. 11 accordance with his character- A house reproduced timn the isticzeal and enthusiasm in the de- plan which Prof. Kelsey has pro- Partient of classical studies, lPro f posed, would undoubtedly not only Kelsey has been for some time con- be a great attraction to those inter- Sidering a plan for the reproduction ested in the study of antiquities but I typical Roman house for the also to those unacquainted with an- Odd't Fair at Chicago. The mat- cient life. It would have a high ter has already been brought to the educational value to all who would attention , of the Fine Artsdepart- inspect it, by correctiig the popular iiment of the Fair, but it is now too impressions regarding ancient life. early to say what action the com- If the plan meets with the approval tittee will take upon the plan. The of the Fair committee, much will e flaving such a building re- have been done toward giving the Produced for the lair has been very c . of N. the representation at this tavora ,. l'rya received and comsmented Fair to which her reputation and Pois by those interested 'i the fine high standing among the educational arts display, and, judgintgfrom this, institutions of the worl entitle the feasibility f the plan and the her. general interest it arouses in art and __ =-- . educational circles, whenever men- University Magazine, toed, it secims sot smnlikelv that It ,, ,. -~ Will he adtltes. t tihe L iversity \lagazine, which Prof edop has qeen practically sleeping during haa beeKe sey's plan, so far as it the past few months, is soon to ap- the lake rvolved, is to have built on pear, probably within the next two ft efront, where the other art months. As the plan of the publi- tactures are to bIe located, a per- cation may be unknown to many of typical t builiing, modeled after a ouy readers, a short resume of it Roman house of the best will be of interest. Period Tl e structure would thus At the meeting of the Regents, tratO nybe-a great and valuable at- last June, the subject was discussed, actOn durigtefib bti ol be o gr g the fair but it would and they were so favorably disposed Ca r iportaite to te edu- toward it, that they agreed to fur- oitl and artistic interests of Chi- nisn the money to carry on the en- csg - terprise, This magazine will e pst is desired, if possible, that a published by the Faculty of the tEstoration of one of the more pre- University, from which a board of tious houses be made. Some of editors of eight members will be larger Roman houses at Pom- chosen. From these an executive leioccupied an entire block, the committee will be elected, of which terror being used for a dwelling the President will be a member ex- an the exterior parts, facing the officio. reets; were used as shops. An The articles to be published will exact reproduction of the house not bear the writer's names, but are d be made, as far as possible, to be regarded as the representative from the elaborate decorations of views of the whole Faculty. te atriums dome to the ordirary The articles will be of general in- ute"s of the kitchen. Italians terest to students and to all who are in ancient Roman costume-might be interested in the methods of study ed to make the appearance more in the more advanced fields. Choral Union. Wright, Kay & Co. \ understand that the Choral Sion had a very fne rehearsal last Voree gn B 'rs Irnporters of Gems evening, and that the Christoforas, and Art Goods, Jene'ers and Op- schile very effectiwe, was not selected ticians, anufacturers of the because it was ceasy. Some of the est Sacetj Badpes epide the. chorses are sery diffcult indeedF, country. Samp e s ent upon pro- ands can be stg correctly only by , . .' per r'e eree, dint of severe study. It is a comp-lip meist to the efficiency of the chorus D -t-oitOp mv osr'S B . that such a work has been selected, aid all may rest assured that when 140 WOODWARD AVE., it is given it will be sunsg with ab- solute perfection. Among the Detrot, - - M chieani numbers ou the program for their -- concert in February is a beautiful WHEN IN YPSILANTI, serenade by Midlinger for Tenor STOP AT THE Sole swsith a humtintig accontpani- usent by the orus. The Solo was sung last eveniig ibyliut. Caswell, whose delightful singing has give so much enjoyeiit duriig his stay with us, and the chorus sing as delicately as a quartette. The next concert in the series will be given next Wednesday evening in Univer- sity Hall by the celebrated Philhar- monic Club, of N. l. It is to be hoped that there will be a large sale of tickets for the remaining concerts of this, the finest concert series in our state. The Choral Union is be- coming a power in the University, and is an organization in which every loyal U. of M. student can take just pride. McCarthy's Mishap. The famous Ferguson and Mack Company will present the above rousing farce at the Opera House Thursday evening next. Of the merits of this organization it is need- less to speak when the public is re- minded of its previous success in this city, and of the sensation it created in the way of laughter. Since then many novel and expen- sive features have been added. The laughable specialties by Ferguson and Mack are as convulsing as ever. Miss Lizzie Daly and the child, 'OCIENTAL z§( IOTEL Special Rates toStudents. Little Virni, introduce their very wonderful dancing. Miss Carrie Bahr, May oiontford and the Garden City Quartette render selections from grand and comic opera, med- leys, etc. A dance by four gayety girls, which is said to be entirely new to the American stage, and others equally amusing are among the many. A large audience should greet this deserving company, as a pleasing entertainment is assured. Of the 65,ooostudentsin American colleges, 4,ooo are preparing for the ministry. The tug-of-war contest has been condemned by the Cornell students. Prof. Pattengill is showing his su- premacy by requiring an excuse from all who played truant Tuesday be- fore vacation. The Phi Chi fraternity, Pharmic, banqueted at Swan's, Detroit, Thanksgiving evening. Bogus money subscriptions were taken during vacation for the pur- pose of improving the athletic grounds. A number caught. A. M. Pross, Ltw 'gi, returned last night from a few days' visit at Port Huron. I