T1uE Is )' A CTI-ING HOUSE 171, 73, 75 Woodvw d AvenueDetro itB A g ChIldr n..(JILOTH1JINC1Gil ASND11511N NIi FI1 latest NovoltcsAr fnn:fai]OlL4. NEW BOOK STORES, . ; 40 P4 02 6 South Maul Street. 44~ So't 1 State Stroot, UNIVEIRSITY TEXT-BOOKSG.H.WILD, Medical BooksLaw Books,'BA .LiAl! Kas At:Nl1f~)tS 1.I 1~ lllooks ued in City shools. Sbideiits Note Books and 1'.sd3,1)ialt I s ltiln tihe Laigest Stock of Ful11 Dress 5iitiiigs ii the market. Compete ine f Shrtin (Rods. ng IstruentsIAllthe Ilatest shades 0(1 lnovelties i Iroozserings sand Comlet 1,iieof poringGoos. ng iistoiicits.Overcoatinig. ilne Vests caii be had of Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A1 Warranted Fountlainii en (Gold) for $1.50. No. 2 E. Washington St., near main. G. H. WILD. JAME M, TAFFIRDTHE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY a LOWEST PRICES TAILOR On LAMPS, in this city. You will save moniey by buying of us. Our - chiarriii; of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at Illccints per galloin, delivered to ainy part of the cite. Th etIlc ogl 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & GO- fJ9RS 4± Q .s&51- 014 MADETO ORDER LATEST' STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN-ARBOR, - - - MICHI. Gents' Fur'nishing Dept -OF Eig F. MILLS ( 0., Su1pplies the latest Novelties in miediuimi priced Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear, C OLLARS, C (rF1s, SISii, Etc. At much lower rates than the excls- sive dealers in these goods. THE CAMPUS. fThe snedies and niedical psrofes- sois are mulch interested about a subject in thio dissecting rooiii whose lieait lies onl the righit side. This very rarely occurs. Gco. llel'roii, law "1, atoefur- key at his ]ionicenGad ais J. W. Browning, law '91, dined with his brother at Toledo on Tlianiksgiving (liy. The next conicert of the Cliloral Uniion series will be given Dec. 10th, by the New 'York Philhar- mnonic Clusb and a soprano soloist. As yet, not enough season tickets have been sold to warrant a seconud concert by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Every one who intends purchasing a season ticket is requested to do so before the concert Dec. 10th, so thse committee will be able to decide npoii the seconid concert of Syn- phsony Orchestra. To secure this, concert there must be is goodl sale of tickets. All lits who bolted yesterday will have to recite the hours missed to their instructors ; so says a prominent professor. The Oracle board wishaes a Fl- nis cut to be sent, in and also a cut for grinds. Miss Hilah Allen, '91, is en- joying a visit from' her sister, -of Portland, Michs. The mnsical program of Adel- pisi has been postponed. The Pennsylvania Club held its 4t11 Annual Bamiquet Tliaiks- -ivilig night, ini Nickel's lall. The followiiig toasts wer'e re- spoided to: Literary 1Depart- Inent, II. 11. Sharpless. MAedicail D)epartmienit, 'sni. JBlair. Law D~epartiient, N. A. :Phillips. Pharmiacy Departmliient, Miss Al. Beard. The Ladies, F. It. Staik. Rtespoiise, Miss 11l. 0. Staufft. The Commonwealth, J. A. P~ark. Toastmaster, S. Ml. Ysitzy. At the meeting Saturday mnorning, the following officers were elect. ed: President, B. W. Booth; secretary, Miss Mary 11eard; treasurer, J. MT. McGill. Vice- presidenits: Literary Dept., M. J. flosack; ;Medical Dept., Miss Stoner; Law Dept., A. L. Jones; Ilomeopathiic Dept., Miss Dillon; Pharmacy .Dept., Miss M. Heard; High School. J. 13. Brooks. The Castalian will appear about April 1. The Lecture Associationi have taken a good step in-Adeciding not to have the seats reserved at Stanley's lecture. It surely is us great favor to students wh11 could not get back early enough from their Chiristmias festivities to oh- tains good seats. S. M. McCalmnont, '93, has re- turned to the University. Mr. Beardsley, '91, law, and Mr. .Birkmir, '92, pharmic, were visited by their mithers during Thanksgiving vacation. IDUSIITLSS DIRECTORiY- WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELE9' +3i MAIN STRIEET, Special attenition paid to repairing wstsbal and Jecwei,-v_ .. M. W. BLAKE, P'3CTrURES, FRAMES, A 390 ART GOODS. is West Huroe5. FERDON LUMBER YARD. Mancfacturer oc and dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BED Cor 'ucti amid DI)ot SIts. Ss J. HALLER 46 Soy iiinlAIN ST. 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER11IN Q Cloth Caskets, Metali ANll COMMON CFIS J. A.PULHEMUS, ALSO 'IIUS HACK AND IIASIOA(;E ISly Northi MaiStreet. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakern and dealers in Groceries, Provisions,Flour auidFe' KSand S . WashingnS..- JOHN WOTZKE, Makereof Se LADIJES' and GENSTS'vSH0 Repairing neatly dane. 43lS. Salen5 GRANGER'S ~ACADEMY OF DANCiNG, OPPosite 1Jaw Buldcing. 20 South Main.