THE U. OF M. DAILY QIVIEIRIC IOIA'T'S. AT THE TWO SAMS This Line of OVEIZCOATS is Superior to any ever offered in the city. AT THE TWO SAMS L. BLITZ. Aum Aro tlu LlllZVOOR2HEIS & ETS 1 ~o EST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, (o)ALLEDrOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 01fa 23 South Fourth Ave.SPILL AN yi SEE US, =m STJD=11T7 Of Old U. of M. should have a UniverSityof Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every iuch of the road. Violin anid Guitar Strings, 10I ets.; Banjo and Mlandolin Strings, - ? cts. Everything inlproportion. L. It. Clement, ~TTtf Tt1t I 38 S. Main St. A LLME1TPL EPINW.iLluO & ORGAN'CO. TRA E 1AT BROW-N'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND HIURON STREETS. LARGEST STOtCK of Tosuc' Goons AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS AN-D CIG AREITTES IN THI CITY. J3ug jYobr 9jCol lar$ sank' Chits, Necskties and -Pep An id IGloves FERGUSON -& SLATING, WAH'R'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. veyStudent will save mioney by buying University Text-B~ooks ndl ill suppl-,at 1lHeadiquarters. We allow spcal discount onl LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BlOOK~ S, DNI U BOOKS in sit, evey lbs k used in the Unliversity. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. LEADING 100K STOtIiN TH1E.CITY. 1 TE INEWESl S TYLES NO tGYMNASIUM. Joloistone, the mindl reailer, - (IN - M o the Senate Decides as There Are tlioglsetter of is rash promlise Too many Other Wants to to stop1 his heart, live or idie, he- I(BI e Filled.. fore lie left the city,anid didl not e ~ u n I N Gcall oii Dr. Vniigli i for tliat pinr- A mleetinig of the Seniate was pose. Held last" night to consider the Joe Ilaines, formerly of '92, is OFALKINDSIAT "gym" iuestion. After anl an i- tahn leisrnaPiidl -T. JACOBS & CO.'S, niated discussion, they concluded phila school. 2Awn 29 MA&ItN wT. it would be impossible this year, Mrs. F. M. Rockwell, of Three - ---,or any otlier year, to ask-the Leg- Rivors, visited hier son, Mack L. GRUN ER. islature for a "gyln" appropria- Rockwell, Medic., 91, last week. Dealer In s _A' tion. It was directed that a let- TeFodMiclSitywl d~I5och suhMain Sret. ter ho sent to Mr. Brearleyof the pulih anrannuial Sat twclos lo e5da Neatiy and Promptly. uls uana ttecoeo TI n Qf Detroit Journal, thanking himn forthyer Cr Straight C his kind offer. Appropriationsthyer N.1 are needed for nearly all the de- Thlere will be an examination CIGARETTES. partmsents of the University, es- for the position of second tenor Cigarette Smokers who '1 Lieay'aw ndo the Glee Club to-morrow, at S are willing to may aultose pecialy the Ltrr,:aada more thante ci 2,i om 2.Teaac rhnrged foue ino rice Dental. The Unilversity is to be P" toll2.Th aac 'i ;;; BAve or tolSa congratulated if it obtaiiis wht it is occasionled by thereinto nail others. asks for in the shaple of absolute of Cross,'1,lw Tke ttichmsnd Straighit'9,lw °old .l s tn i tere made from the krighti-s necessaries. The Palladium will be printed sa l uuni igna This is hthe &Old ha inil Brand of Straight Cut isarettcs, Prof. de Pont snakes sonie good oii imitation enameled paper. ar n1 Olsuhto yasoltit thsyer 1T5.s suggestions ici regard to keepinig The ladies' fair of thie Cougre- 'hekAIebeo i neverypackage. tuptie work of raising fullds. IlegaiiacirhiwlocuTirs LE liGITE ranch ainlcucwllourT rs kaurftile American Tobacco Co,. suggests that the different athihetic day and Friday afternooni andheRimodVrgnaascatnsb co ied ndavnng ftiswk.Spr SArh~bor Savings Bank working comomittee appointed will be served at #l p. in. Thie °r am5 SrlusCap100.001 whichi will solicit subscriptions studeiits are cordially invited to l t under the General BankingtLaws fronm the business men, students, be presenit. All interestinig time QI1eahh is RceivsoDeposits, keys and' l hr1 05o the principal cities of the alumni and faculty. By a tnited is expected. Ca4i tln Offic poserope effort on the part of all stiidetits a lv h use W.11lARRIMAN vise Pren., gymnasiunm is amoiig thie possibil-anltclheiry tte l- Ctoto E. Hiscocic.Cashier. fies.aayia hmstya h ~i u D.-ny oe deirin ill versity in the class of 1866-7, is It htiner horthajid will plase call ofJ :iePatcl THE CAMPUS. mow located at Washintgton city, 9io icEo . BuronPret-lpracticing law amid getting pen- "''lable. Call and seeume. An important meeting of '94 In- sions for soldiers. li heldp an 14,rsnew and ohd,,srge and dependents will be held in Alpha important position on ltme board of for coal, wood, oil and No Hall, Wednesday, December pension experts in the pension net J. 1E. Harkins', 28 E. 3, at 7:30 p. m. Every Fresh- office during Clevelands' admims 4N*sret., man Independent should attend. istration. 67K/c! c re, flcrot N/cl, Ike I ir -l i vii Noa l iia i 14e a in tile iste. Atari, for YNio n. ukir. trur,, an1t? isGulitas. call Id is :in, cw- art and lel ;v icsst:.. i- l iac, is L"inthe World lint k st, ; i1(aan" s;Il'i t i7;icens rock for tioi ii:il (Ilulliar illSif 15s e ash Goodspeed. YUWILL ALWAYS find the Latest Nov- elIt ie s in Shirts, Hats , Neckwear , Gloves, Shoes, wi th Styl e, Qual ity, Pri ce , to Suit the Eye and Pocket . We cater to the wants of the, young man. Goodspeedf. DOUBLE STORE. Millinery and Art Glouds. SI hanstHemsn St. IW oll& SON, Manlucersaof Band and Olcheshl Band and Mehel GRAND RAPIDS, MICIcGAN., --XTHR AROGUS.- AT LOW FB1115