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December 02, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-02

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r .o r U; r x that bigher education be mrade STUJD EN TS' BOOKS.
~' possible to the inasses. Only BUY' YOUR. COLLEGE
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during when eduncationl is made accessible TEXT Bon, LAw ANIT MEDICAL B0aO
the College yeas, by to all, cani the etids of popular .E m 1tOTE BOORS, AT THlE
___trus't that Governor Winans will Second-hand books at low prices. We are agents of P~aul E. Wirt, Scott3"
Subscriptotpicee2,50 pe yesr invar iably prove astrue friend to the Univer- Rolland fountain pens. Bargains in stationery.
in advance. Sinsglecopiaea et-. Onrsle at oy otf / fn. ni-FM f oo t-,/J!ss
evening at f oclock. Subscription may be Ittilirove the po(licy or hi piese-
left at thet- oice of the DI~aLY, Oper Hous
bloek, at Sheehans, at Stofitet',orithslany etiSS0t'.
of the editoes. _. -_-
Commnuticationo shrult reach the officerbyE
10 A. x. it threy are to appear the same day. BUSINESS LOCALS.
Addreso all matter intencted for publieation en
the Managing Editoe. All businessteoussun- [Notices itn-ctted in tisbolun at the eats
iratiosshould hre-setso the 5Businssoiats- oto0eensper- lose, Tingle insertona. Special
alter. eater for looger teanod extra lines furniohed
Report all aegletsit thsepartt srrsc to by aotlinlg at thiss aio or by rasutiasr 10.
g p W.soughty, Assiant itusiness sanager.)
the City Circealator, W. Bt. ONell.BoflltitiosiofJtdnSae
THE U. of X. DAILY, street.
Ann Arbor. Niecb. vv.
____ 1 tave two tnew safety $75 BifYfles;
EDIORS. will sell for $0.5, to clear thtemtoutt.
GEts. (COtE,
H. B3. Sssfassoss, '91t. Stssssgisg Edntor. Y. M. (C. A. Bldg, Detroit.
W. E.Gtitssrs'xa, tAoit.Manssgiag Editor. At The Toco Sanms, atny Httt in tlte
B.t..ticocos., tAssiot. Manasging Edtor. house for for $1t85--costing ;12.50,
E. 0. TttOtLt.NI, '92, ttositteso Managee. *3.0, 3.50satu $4,00. for to days ontly,
W. B. 5'NenF~t. 'J1t. Asist.tsisneso Ma'gr. c-ttitetiig Tutesday ntorttitnf.
Ito, W. Iut-', 'i2.,AssotttBusitness Stas'gr.
Setoos Ssccsos t. c t. ''stanrs, I Read 'Ilhtwo coSanta add--Atiy Hat
H. S. Jtwsni9s.. 'St. . ll. ti. tiautoD, 'St. fr$.
A. 11t. ''tstsstt.'a1. A,. t 0t5.ttT. '82. Go to E. B. Hall for coal.
mdA1t 1u STONE, '9e.2. J't. 'insAco, tt Grttber's chtocolates and hiin-bons
1. ttsr cts.. tti f. t Itu, a. are the finest thsat catt he made, pore
5,'. W. IttttoL't:,IO. ': flavors, ntotsdulteration. Try them.
. _ P. 0. News Room.
____ ___..__Nobly Bllack Chteviot sitintgs $25.0
Reomtmber thttt yoittcant have atii upwards at Stafford's.
tite DAILY tt t't-gtlatt-visitor from lack t-odrsscifKid Gtloves-jutst
z- received. Wagnter & Co.
stow to thit cluse oiffitecutlege For fit: we o'ill cstt prices ott Ball-
year for only two dlolrars. Subh- jot, Guitars, Masudolitis, C'tssatid
scribe tisw antd keep posted ottlttoe Stritigs fur the samtte, lower thatt at
sratsy-tmusic house itt Mic-higttn. This
college news. tmeatns all the wordts intply. A. Wilsey,
r' _ "F0 -----._ S2.5 .4ths Avetnue, City.
Begitnning with thtis titttbet', Nuosellie's int Tol) Coatitigs at. Slat-
the taffis srenthend bythefold's.
the taf isstt'ttglieesl t fit' StewatBhatijos at Wilscy's-
additiott of thlree ttew tttstt-- Bathts 1oc at P. 0. Basrber Shop.
Messrs. Tresslor, MctAllaster', Splentdid value ittWtartttUntderwetar
and iRicketts. Mr. Hammisond re- andBtalf those. Wagtter & Co.
tires fromth le htusittcss manager- Mell Gillespie, Tettcler of Gsitar,
Banjo titd Mattdolin at Clement's.
ship, attd Mr. Covert from ltis po- Bay State and othter Guitars, Banjos
sitiont as assistant managing anid Manudolimns at Wilsey's.
editor, their places being taken Best Strittgs at Wilsey's.
by Mr. Ilollanid atnd Mr. lBttzel. ro BtRENT.-Sutite of rooms nicelyj
furnisitesd,lsath hot attd colsd water,
Theitr services, hocwever, tire not furnisce, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-st.
lost to the hoard, since bothl ie- WAN TED.--Fifteets Youtng Men amnd
Ladies to cianvass. Good pay. Apply
matin as associate editors, at P. 0. Newts Rooim at ottce.
--------"--- ---.- WANTED.- lummediately! A first.
We of the University are always class agettnt ts cansvass Annt Arborinfosr
Stattley's Own Book. Liberal cout-
interested intthie kitnd of mren nisasiotn. Apply to C. E. Decker, 9i E.
hiotnored witl ttoe gttheinatiottalUttestyA .
char o te sate Prhas Gv. T. A. A. & N. M. It. R., ott accounst
chtar o th stte. erhps otof Thansksgivintg Vacationt, will sell
Luce was thse ttost htonest antd tickets Not. 25, limtoted to retusrnmto s
atinitclutding D~ec. 1, atotte amtd otne-
conscientious of state sfficials, htut tirdntfatre for thse rountd tipi.
the University feels thtat lie did It is some tinte sinice Ann Arbor hsas
beets visited by a mtinstrel troupe of
mot have breadtlt of tnind sufficient real merit. But to-morrow night tn
to appreciate the practical u1s0 of opiportunity wilt be afforded to thse
studenrts atnd citizenta of seeing tise
htighser educatiotn. veiny best minstrel show now ottltte
Govrno -EectWinns ikerosad. Clevelantd's minstrels, accomt-
Goeo-hct Wnn, lk panted bty a large troops of Jlaps, will
Governor Luce, is from thte farm, give all entettaintment that everyone
oughst to see. Through the whtole per-
but we trust tltat this fact does formamtce thtere is not ant objectiontable
ntot make~iim disimnclined to do feature-
the University justice. In truth, fMcCsrthty's Mfsapnjs, that funtniest
ofths funtny comedtea, which made
the welfare of the working and such a hit throughout the country, last
the gritdtralclases ema~Isseason, and especially in Ann Arbor,
the griclturl casse demndswill be here again Thursday evening.
TB TIL"The Niagara Falls Rote.t
-siTHE BEST.*5P14 $
St-tenteent teachtet-.o tat-d with Furnistsed w-"
Root&2.25 per week. Crculat-s upon aptl-s p0 a mV :s $
catio. RI M a
P. R. CLEARY, President. _______g:'
' i v~j c - m CS tCC u . 0,..
MUTGOS DSISlF 18 est litie of FOUJNTAN PENS in the -- =
city. Ice Creatm, Suiua Water, m aI
Cori fectiustis,(oldLuntcties, 5 5
Cigars atiu Tobaccs. __ I
Catt and oee us atQo;o'v
26 SO-UT3R H:SA'L ST'- NpH I -
ts Fr Brain-Wotkern 4;tSedetay Pept:: _ a :-F -
S A t.Xhlst o Ivali. A coapctc
.m fowotiuii. tahi p Sb I'ci. +Dtaily. Sndy exceltotl
iWl s[Iaqoor torampii, oci, scicolific,
duIsrble, cuiiipsclscssie, cheat. -
Idoseitby i,ioo psoicossiaw. O. OttiflOrtoS, iH. W. t0Af %sS
PSyceolsyta, editosctheriss G,0 P. &T. A. Chicago. Age AsP
iow ssig i Snco let'dciccru-
'Ixutsio.Ss, a r,s ugs'; nooharge o PesD
L..Dowd, Sciutidec CI;5iea-1asoil
Vissal Culuse, 9 Eatotal sta., ne- Yor. Toledo. Ann Arbor and Nosh
M A LI~i R Y, s Michigan Railway.
Time Tbe gong into effat, Monday, po' "-
Z4 Cs. Osag arh.acctsa.OsagSO,
FRtENCH IiCE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH GoingNorth____________in 6
COOKtNG,. LOWEST PRICES 1t' Mn011c ~ tnct
B3EST MATERtAL. 6. 4-re.Ce
71 Fort St., West, - Dletroit, Mich.'top. Rap. Ma ha. 5101 "
CL.vOSTPout-its o . I -.------ 3o 6i SB -..TOLEDO.... t 1itt1
Not. I3 ant 1 Wasin mon it.. lat, Eth. - 402 6S40Monro jntn2 2 11
ulrn s i gs asd StlishSaddle Horss ""4 106 47-...Dnde.1... i
For Hte. .... 3ats 93 i l . nt .11b t ' 7
...., 507171 iii A N A itOR it ' 9
5 2tilt-Lo anIl'mds.. it1 1
r .... 53 8Rut6 Sfhttmars Lak 1 i-' SO 5 "
632 8 St...-BHwlt...., tot21 K
573 4 40.... Dsrand.....94 8,
NO. 12 W. IHURON ST. A4a 93s1 4. ,....Amai..... 234005f
7 1 1 3t 5t5 a.., lieaaas... h 46 b
7 3a 10 4-1 t t..- Qlae... 6 St
GRAND OPERA HOU jE 9 0,. 6:11.a.wll
ONE NIBTO LYisi.... tt.. illactr........1t '
Wednesay Evning,3ec. 3d.-adilac
Pa4' ... s. 8Pa-su-eam ..
12 ..--.... 7 .e.]n [Are . . ..
12 50..7 - 140n6 ..aale baru . DI.-.
C NE aNIGHMiONLY I W i6555Fr an55.g.
Wedneday venin, De.53rd.Sagnesadvi t-.'
Ging Notmm A IOS. Goin----
Prices as Usual, 50, T5C and $1.00 ,sL r.ASHLY, . .AI g
Buueintanent (e. Pae'
Sea s. now on Sae at . . New Roam. GEO. . BALEWOOD. baal A t.

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