THE IT "r M AILYl THE NEW- CLOTHING HOUSE, Otm Ill, 13, 175 Woodward Avee, DetroitM CldesCLO'llRtNG H/ATS /AND &ARC: zri -Ltet NoveltioesArrivingDolyt NEW BOOK STORES, -- ' h .- a w1 6 South Main Street. 44 South State Street, .H^ T UNIV ERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S, 11. _'1011T= Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK Books, ALL MINDS,14 0 1 M A All 3ooks used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and IPadsIDraft- Is slioving the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitings in the market. CopeeLine of Sporting (4oods. ing Instruments. All the latest shades and novelties in Trouserings and CompleteON-ercoatings. Finie Vests cani he had of Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. No. 2 E. Washington St.. near main. G. H. W1L9) ~JAMES M. STAFFORD, THE LA.RG: GREATEST VARIETi Ii On LAMPS, in You wit + N " R-lED STAR" 1 OIL heas nof TAILO It. IL 0 RE~s charring of wick and gi Sold at t0 cents per gallon, delivere'iebs laet e Thehes plce o gt a 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. MADF5TOORDER LATESTtl STYLES MODERATEPRICES.: 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANNIARIOR, - - - MICH. THE Genie' Furninsing Dep't. -OF- EI F. MILTD & 00., Setpplies the latest Novelties in mzediaue priced Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear, COLLAIIS, 01-FFs, SHIRTaS, Etc. At much lower rates than the exclui- sive dealers in these goods. 20 South Main. THE CAMPUS, Mr. A. C. Reitbrock, Law '91, sta rted fur the South this morning Iwhere lie wsill spendf the winter. On his way lie ill stop at Wash- ington, ID. C., to at tend the Sigina Clii conventiont. Tihe 18th bieninial convention of Siginia Chii Fraternity will be held in Waslingt on, D. C., Nov. 20-28, l1t90. All those wimo won miedals in thme fta11 field sports can get thm by calling upon G. M. Wisner, 17 North State street. Woodson's trial was postponed this smorning until Dec. S. The trial of the five others, which was to have been Dec. 3, has been put off till Dec. 4. Most of the witnesses in i the Dennison inquest camse to the. DAILY office this msorning an(l signed their testimony for Coroner Clark. Woman's League at Tea. The Woman's League gave an enjoy-'ble afternoon tea, Saturday, from 3 to 5. About 300 Unoiver- sity girls were present, and many of the ladies of the faculty. The benches were removed from Prof. Kelsey's room, which was then hand~somely decorated with rugs, tapestries, and potted plants. r ETSTOCK, BINESS' 3DIR ET@1Y- fd LOW ES~T P IC SWM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELE~I equal, horns without odor, or s a etio adt rpiig $ ives a cleatr-white light. M. W. BLAKE, d to, ny part of the city. SpIc'5URES, FRAME'S,A 0 W~EAN & CO- AR'T GOODS. l5a West Rurov 51 FERDOJN LUMBER YARD. Al clever device was adopted to Manufacurrer e nd deater in get the ladies acquaited with one SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBE another. Each had a refreshiment c orhen ipiSe card which reqtuired her to go J"ALE through the crowd thoeroughily, in 4e6 o s, m search of her lparttner, flies necess-- Repir M.MARTecilNy itating the making of acqmtaint- DEALEft IN aneces and social intercourse. Cloth Caskets, lMetallic0 AND COMMON COFFINS. - The Jeffersonian Society,. _!._I . POHEMUS , ALSO 'IU5 RACK AND BIAtGGAGELia The following programme will North Mete Street. be given at this evening's meeting RINSEY & SEABOLT, of time Jeffersonian Literary So- Bakers and dealers is ceyin the law building : Groceries, aPado8Evish inFlSrsnd .Feed, Declamation--------------Miss Lee JOHN WOTZKE, Maker or asse Essay--.----Miss It. F. Downing I.ADIES, and GE-NrTS' SsEO' Biography-------------- Miss Jenny Repairing neatly done. 435S. Main 6t. Music, College Songs-----------GRNES _--Members of the SocietyeRNE' Dehate: Resolved, That no further - ACADEMY OF DANCING, -T restrictions should he placed_ on immigration. Aft., C. W. Well, A. Rl. Pudewa ; neg., J. Merry, H. It. Kershaw. ATH4LETIC NOTES. Andover won the annlual And- over-Exeter foot-ball game played Nov. S, by score of 16--0. This game makes the sixth of the series for Andover agalist five for Exeter. A big kick is being made at I ."MLLOV" For tick( Yaleand rinctonon acoun ofonist Slea Yal an Prnceon n cuntofTgoMpsc the raise in price of admission for Agent,2 the alePrineto gam tooneEDDY, the ale-rincton ame o on Cenral dollar. Avenue Ill.