THE U. OFIM. DAILY. -~N( with such short notice. Not only 'ZC f " ' were the literary societies forced Published Daily (Sundays excepted~) durigtop pospone their meetings, the College year, by without notice, but many whto had THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AsSOCIATION, secured tickets for one of two ____other excellent entertaitnments the :Aftor the T/a ksyiig recss the BD..+x', trill tooielihe reotaindr j the ycror 'Sallie evellittg were forced to give $2. $tilmwitnow. tip atteninitg the lecture or else M~rs. Livermore's lecture or Joe As tmost of the D)M1 board -Murphy its the case ttight be. witll leaTe towtn to-mtorrow,. this Contsiderin g that Villiers ar- will be last isstte of the paper be- rived int Toledo at 4 p. mt., atnd fore the Thanksgiving recess. that the distance to Aitt Arbor Publicatiotn will he restttted Toes- ftrott that city is less tatn 51 day, Dec. . to iles, lie should hsave beetn comn- The rowdyistm displayed itt pelted by our hoard to cotte ott a Saturdaty's ieeting of thteFreshmient special or postpomi the etigage- was a disgrace to that class. Be- tttettt to a timte atuitable to the Catise the smatter factiotisaw their c'hances of electittg the tpresidett were bitt slight, they resorted to nmethods of obstruction to0t in ac- cordance withi parliamentary mnetltodts, bitt by creattitng a ilis- tuirbattce prevetted at ballot beitng takett, anthle class tisto whole front selecting the miait of their choice. Their atctiont was freslititt the extrette settse o~f thte word. It is tnot at tiltotio sootn to 1)l1n for lte fooit-bttll setasotn of ttext year. Altttottgt our elevetn this fall has ttade to better record than atty of recetit yeats, still fic re- cord is ttot at alt satisfatctory, for with the tmaterial we hiare to pick from the U. of Al. omiglit easily to tarn out the best eleven of the West. The thtitng [most lacking hsere is a knowledge of the finer points of the gtate. We are so far from the athletic cetttres that tmethuods of tiaiing, and strategic styles of pilay do noit reach its tt- til aibotut two years too late. Were the lan fo asible we shotuld advocate seitdintg thte etttire elevemi east to) sttidy the play itt Thttrs- (lays Y ale-Y rimteeton gatne. Til of coarse camnnot be doiie, bitt we think it ittper'ativ-e that the Dirce- tors should seitd the matnt chosen as captaiti for ttext year. . 4ifty dollars will covet' all necessary expenses atnd the mntey could not be invested so as to yield better returns. Imtmediate action is necessary, for the eleven muost first elect the captain before the director's can take fintt~l action. There is much blame being at- tached to the management of the Lecture Association for holding te lecture on Saturday tnight, lecture board ittstead of trespass-I itng ott the privileges of other or- gattizations and iucotuvemiettcing hunitdreds of students and citizens whio wished to atted elsewhere. BUST NESLOCALS. [Nters utserted in thins ootn aitt trite Ofti0 ctnte l)Bist, inri ntaion. Stecia rteor toug'r tu imeadextrattinetiuish'd itt 1111d, leg at. thOt ea tor y cnsultintrItO. 11', Ooitgbty. Asitnt fusttuetrntitutttr.] Buiy ctuenttd woodt of Judont, State- O rest. I tiave two ntew, afety $-15 Biryctes; wsilt sell fur s()5, to cleaor thett out. GO. (,'lirE. Y. M. C. A. Bldg, Detroit. At The Too Santo, atnyflat in the huseo for fur$1.5--costittg 12.50, $3.00, 3.501 ati$ 4,00. for twit stays ottly, comnitcuing Tuesday moriing. Retad Th-T" wo Samtts taid--Aty lat for $1.85.w Go to E. It. Halt for coat. tGruber's chocotates attdtbumi-bomns are tie finest that cati bo mttade, pure flavors, ito adulteratiomn. Try thetm. P. (O. News Roonm. Nobly Black Cheviot suitings $25.001 and upwards atr-Stalfitrd's. Bltack Utndressed Kut Gloves-just received. Wagtter & Co. For fitm! we wilt cutt prices ott Batn- jos, Guitars, Matndolints,(Caies "atti Strings for thte samue, lower thtant at atny nmusic htouse in Micltigan. Thils tteatts alt the words imply. A. Wilsey, 25 S. 4th Avettue, City. Novelties itt Top Coatitigs at Staf- ford's. Stewart Batijos tt Witsey's. - Bthls i0c at P. 0. Barber Shtopt. Spilettiid valute in Warns.lUnderw'ear aondillof]lose. Wagnser & Co. Melt Gillesltie, Teachter of Guittar, Banjo and Manidolin at Clements. Btay State anti other Guitars, Banjos atnd Mtaudolints at Wilsey's. Btest Strimtgs at Wilsey's. Fou RENT-Suilte of roomes ticely furnished, bath hot atid cold water, furmiace, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-st. WANTED--Fifteen Young Men and Ladies to canuvass. Good pay. Apply at P. 0. News Rouom at once. WANTED.- Immediately! A first class agent to cantvass Ann Arbor for Stanley's Own Book. Liberal com- mission. Apply to C. E. Decker, ii E. Jmiversity Ave. T., A.A. &N. M. R.R., on accoiut of Thanksgiving Vacation, will sell tickets Nov. 25 limited to retunrm up to and including b8c. 1, at one and one- third fare for the round trip. STUDENTS' BOOKS_ BUY TOUR COLLEGE TEXT BOOTS, L.~w ANDMEDICAL EOO0 NOTE BOOS, AT TttE- STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET Seromud-tiamnd hooks at low prices. We are agetts of Pul E. Wirt, Scott Oa Holland fountain pens. Blargaimns intatttiomery. C-1: .A.PEST- CENTRAL STANDARD TMM. AND THE -- --__________ 1III flhQ" SS 91fta a.I ; XPSLATT, S~SCHI, oiai55^'en .0sn EHE B ST gp~ t. o88 a¢ eTHE BEST- ' Seventeenutetahers. oard with Furnished w a a I a Room$2.513mor week. Cirulr upn appl- 0 a2 cto.(ccP. R. CLEARY, President. ___ BURLEIGH & JOLLY, I __ ~ ioN STA'TIONERY ;zmiaca z .c.p BLANK BOOKS. ATHLETIC GODSIAND STUCENTS' SUPPLIED. PI, r' 80, Blest lime of FOIJNT1AIN PENS inth le(' city. Ice Cretam, Sida Watemr, Cumfectios,('ol(itloules, o °cg Cigars .tumd Tobtacco. __________ O~YSTERIS, FEY, STEW Ot PLAIN. Calt and see us at A c; oS 26 SOUT'IHR WAr.'IBSW.2-, jt I$: p D. . IDOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. O~0 jd Fir Brsn-Woreeem4; tedetay Peple ct >rs, e ite,e-eoLs-, Yotsthei O'~0 s Athlete r itosaittol. A copete _ Sgymnaiiuo. 'Tkes u t o in,0. }Daly. -Sudy exceptd iioassfloisr tom' ,s cientifs c sb e e poslesie.scheap. - tIosedrotby oo,oopyiaso,tosor. oWi. aUGGoLES, I. i. 1A prs, ectge,e dtoss others . P. & T. A. Chicago. AgO Asn noow git.OSed for ill'deisea- 2'udot' arA-tue sog's; no charge. t'eoi).t ___D._______ . Dowsd, So) tifle t'hvsieal and, Voeit Cutur,) Lo kthi t, NewvYork. { Toledo, Ann Arbor and NOrt M AjT T O R Y"Michigan Railway. y. 77;- {{?Time Thle gog itao efect, Snday, r e. FREmNCH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH G ong Nrth~. fOTTuObon. ongsni COOKING. LOWEST PI'HCES FORO I ______________ BEST '!'MATERIAL 1. a 2 '3. TI Fort. St.. West. - Detroit, Mich.! iaC~: Cud. Stadard Yua. COe Ci i$55 CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE,1'...... a LEDo ae~. "' C. in. TOTr, liiost. iasO . Oa O b i o Nem. 13 an t and ln it . -Ypsllnttres ~ 4 02 6 40 MonreunJoetam123l b is-ls isisadSyihSdleHre t 0A0A ... ,A.~ iI it I' S , for tau Risired. y4oh di o6 ,t.O..Dudes.....121610h.°i r '1. to Hr. ___________ 4~ 321 70 ...iu ..m... tts1571 4 54 it. Ptt .. it 87 9 3 0i 7 4t..A NARBORit'159- .. t25 I~eand'.... 1it12 9 t0 3 10,uWihitmore Lae ii 40 r a ~~ I50 815.i..Hamurug.o.. 55 i .,O6328 50.H o tll...... 1 i",,. IO......IIRR .3+ 94o.... Danud.s 4 726 NO. 12 W. HUtRON ST.'l :.ita 711 o .,t. Ioss5.... a 0y 7f101 125...RrtPeatan..., ti4 4te 51 760.- i , . ..Frel....,.o 110 2 120 .. 336 ...Cadiiiao .. ... ONE NIGHT ONLY m ..00'..qdni~e Monday Evening, November 24.sssssssss a35 ..Frannhfrt.- PORE POning S Lagnaw DivIio4n. IIAPWIE ALJSTEI Gig-ot__ arr. on -IN- 83$ 6 ee P 51 GUILTY WITHOUT CRIME P.r A ,L.J A,M:- o A Souvenir Phtotograph of Miss As . . .4.."°Ait hn.. a 26" i0 ten will be given to earls lady and stn- p4 : satPsk.81 s- dent attending the performance. 44.I ""- i + .EatB~In*W t9 1 H. W. ASHLEY. A. J. AJLSyF PRICES -- 86c.. 50c AND 764.j( Sneln~at et. s Sets new en Sae at P. . Nwnseeom. S EO. H. HAZLEOOD. Lala Agent .