THEU. OF M. DAILY. C LUOTHTNGEHOUSE ~~ 71, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. ___ j il C11 iL 1 IN1~ VE Y Lien's, HIH Nl GrL FM Ns11N .1j _ ~Allow us to say that we carry the finest and the mnset complete assortment of i Lates t N ovelties ArriDvingl D ai l l . RIeady-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods in the city. Our Suits and Over- caseout a l o ustom , t ilor r k e i have added ioour NEW BOOK STORES,r 6 South Maul Street. 44 South State Street, IJNIVERSLTY TEXT-BOOKS, S TrT I' O 1-T 11 = Medical Boots, Law Books, BLANK: Booxs, ALL KINDS, All Books used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods. tug Instruments. Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Wa rranted Fountain Pein (Gold) for $1.50. HAT I7DEIP~A L9MEN 9C the Celebrated WILCOX MAT, which, in addition to the DUNLAP, +GUYER and other leading styles, makes it the most comiplete ini Ann .Arbor. 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. A. L. N0J31LE. G. H. WILD, Is showing the Largest Stock of Fell Dress Suitings in the market. All the latest shades anid novelties in Trouserings and Overcoatiiigs. Fine Vests can he had of No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G. H. WILD. JAMES M, STAFFORD, The best place to get a MADE TO ORDER. LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SHORTHAND TOUSEKE . --FTH E ARGUs- fl l33 IL IO Y IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthandi School, New T M 1, iiuilding, 20 South State Street. AT LOiW PRIsCES. W M. AR N OLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, TH A G S T C , Speciat attento pidd o piring wstchies GE TTVARIETY a LOWEST PICS tdJseliey. MW. ANDE Oin LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of us. Otir ARtT GOODS. to west Huron St. IRED STAR" OIL has no equal, humis w thoutdor, or FERDON LUMBER YARD, charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Manufactsurer of and ieater in Sold at 10 ceiits tier gallon, delivered to any part of the city. SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBSER 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & O. Cur. Fourth and Depot Sts. ________________J_.IHALLER THE CAMPUS. = - ___J. B. Cliaddock, orator of the 48SUHMI T Tesuetmacosdrtin-class of.,'JO1 Laws, is located in Repairing aospeciaity. selves fortunate in securing Mr. Chicago. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Btakers and deaters in Staniley to lecture on the course L. IR. Kinnear is a hiustling Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, g ndH8 E. Washington St. iiext winter. We can see that the real estate lawyer in Chicago. JH OZE eggmnofM.Salyis ia Maker or line enaeei fM.Saly There will be a large numbser of L.ADIES' and GENTrS' SHOIES. big thing, when we cotisider that candidates foa the Master of Laws Rpiignal oe 3S li t bilecttlsatoe entrelcorestu-degree this year. ' A.special course HENRY JI MILBURNM bl ha f h etrecurelatof lectures will be given to them DJEALEit IN yer nteqi-om mn h FSCA S . V. Hiker, formerly with '91 post-graduates who are now here IukIi AIt IIN lit., has returtied to enter the Law are Thonsipson, Malley, Wetusiore, SU ON IiSPPLIES, depatmen. Took nd Drn.Orthopiedical .Appliances, To-morrow is the last day of the C. A. Denison, '92 lit., will be Surgical Instrtiments, Trusses, Sup- Waslitenaw Counsty Fali-, lseld at unable to return for some timeon porters aisd every article Ann Arbor.acutilns. required its the prac- Miss L. DO. R. Atkinson, a Jutm- lice of Mledi- ior its '87-,has returned to grade- The Students' Lecture Associa- cine. ate thsis year. tioin have made contracts to date 81 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT. 0. King, '92, is atteiiding col- for Henry MI. Statsley and L. T. Through Vestibuled arnd Coloniat leeinCeeln.Powers. Powers will begin the Tacoma, Wash., and Port- course in November. The board The Wisconsitn Ceiitral aisd Northsern , Pacific lin~es run through Pullman Ves- HK. A. Sober, Lit', '56, who has beeis doiisg work, aisd they tibuled and Coloisist Sleepiers between baa been teaching at Coldwaterpoms a better course than any Cosicago, and Tacoma, Wans., and promis Portland, Oregon. The train known Mich., for the past two years, i s given in years past. as the "Pacific Express" leaves the back for post graduate. work. Gmland Central Passenger Station, at 4++ thie corner of Fifth Avenue anda LW.Moultrie, class president Tefm fts a eat Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. L.e Wh.aeoftelw eat For tickets, berths in Pullman or Cal- of '90 Laws, is at San Francisco, ment is sradingfurther ad fur- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GEO. IK. spreing an Tasomasow, City P~assenger and Tickets Cal. ther each year. More states will .Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J- EDDY, Depot Tieket Agent, Grndl Joseph Feltwell, Law '90, is be represented In the class of '92 Central PassengerStation, cornerFlfthi prciigin Chicago. than ever before. Avenue sod larrison Street, Chicago practcingIll. Whsere amid hsow to bity Lathes' aind Geists' Furnlishin~gs ait thse Lowest Prices. Ei, F, MILLS 0O., THE POPULARt DRY GOODS AND CAst- PSET STOREt. 20 ISOT XA.lq"