r IT r)7 flM TD)AIL- T I N GH11 1,15 Woodward AvenueDetrot, K ho CidrnCLOTH ~j9AfI- ND j#S "M t o o J s R~~ v n D it.NE W B O O K S T O R E S , c/D w' B South Main1 Street. 44 Soui State Street,WI D UNIVERISITY TEXT-BOOK1~S, Medical Books, Law Books, 111A K BOOKS, ALL KINDS, AA A - 01 Alljiooks Ouse1 in City Schools. Stdents Note lBooks matnd1fads Draft- Is showsing theLtrIc0 t wlo( l; of I ill Dress:qinting--sin theminrket. Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruinits. All the la(est shides au(10ovetlies in liron-.riiigs and a Octing I s. &,Fin n tsain be hadot Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Wrraiited Fountain P'en (Gold) for $1-50- No. 2 E. Washington St, near Vin. G. H.WILD, JAMES M. STAFFORD, ThILDR 't'.IEMuP.OiTiR. ITie best place to get a fI95SZ+ QJ2A5I1+6~11 MADETO ORDER a LATEST STYLES MODERATEFPRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANNIARBOR,- - - MICHI. SaturdazyOnly. We Shall Sell on Saturday., The best $1. Laundried Shirt for - $le. An extra quality iiilauindried shirt 69se. The best 50ct. Shirt iii Ann Arbor - 42c. Cuffs worth 20c. at - - - l15e. Collars worli 25c, at - - - Ie. All lineii llst'd Hanik'f's worth Special values in Ties, Underwear, Hosiery, Suspenders, &e. at the Gents' Furningng Dept. OF- E. F.IMILL3 & GO6, 20 South Main. *THE LARGEST STOCK, 3-N INES DIPLLQTORY- GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES .-.-M ARNOLD. WACMAE AND JEWELER, On LAMS,. in this city. You will save iniey by buying of us. Our 3 MAIN STREET. RhEl STAR' OIL lisa no equal, burns without odor, or S iiattenitioin paid to repairing watches chiarriiig of wick and gives a clear white light. N.W BAE Solid at 105 cenits per galloii, delivered to ainy part of the city'. ICTU'RES, IRANIES, A14 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pFEAfN & GO- ART +GOODS. iS west Hurnul FERDON LUMBER YARD, THE CAMPUS. The following poster was scat- Msaiifacturer of and dealer in 0 Villiers arrived from Toledo at tered about this iiornin~g. "Ini-! SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER deedet thuseChcao ins J Furh aLLERttts Eo'clock tismoi-iing, and is iiow d'ede ,s ahia's ait u. suriiandiLERC i-egistered at the Cook douse. the earth, anid J- W. Loch, of - " =-,ZPR,-_ The lectiiie will be given this Chicago, for president; Miss IL. 46 uS IAs . Wadsworh. of liicaiepairinug a specialty..y cveniing aninoiiuced. t? ©rl.o Ciaofrvce . M.MiARTIN, Th de i orinhs enpresideiit; R. J. Sbaw, of Chicago, DEALER IN heAephil prgrrtiOrlaiobeenCloth Caskets, Metallic p~ostpoiied till Dec. E>. A imiusical fi rtr AND COMMON COFINSS. programi will be given niext week. Judge Cooley return'ied to Aniii J A. POLHEMUS. W. 11. Cossun, traveling iii the Arbor last night, oii accoiiit of - I 1. _11V)= 1 interests of the Student's Volun- fiiighelhorthilprbby I50'S M 1a~ in Street. ~ e teer Mission Fuind, addressed the reii here soiie time or. at least RNES SAOT 'S. C. A. last evening,.illlahat naeily iproves. Bakerand deaiers in Prof. Freer hias just had a book The entering class at the Co- Groceries, Provisions,Flouranded, e and 8SE. Washington Sc on the "Constitution of Ketones" luinbia Law School numbers 307, JOHN WOTZKE, publishled lin Gerusiany.the school of political scieince lhaS LDIS'akd e nTS e The Sorosis gave a luarty last 175, and the newly established Repairing neatiy done. 43135. Main rN. evening. school of philosophy has 5.5. GRANGER'S At a meeting of the sophomore' Bowdoin lass taken Stevens' 4 ACADEMY OF DANCING,- class held this morning, a com- place in the New England Inter Opst a ulig mittee, consisting of Messrs Grif- Collegiate Foot-Ball Association, fi MorgananKin,''asa) which now consaists of Amherst, hePuupoiis iii he received it any tine daiO pointed to take whatever actioiis Willianis, Dartmouth, Boston TruhVaiue n 'seem best against the city ini be- Technology and Bowdoini. Sieepers Between Chicago and half of HI. L. Cruinmer who was Harvard lis formsed a stock laoand Oregon.Pot one f te uforunae dmbe incompny o rnt urntur tooar The Wiscoiisin Central aind Nortbi5 one f te uforunae iumbr ~coiipay t reit urnlur topoor, Paic lines ruin through Pullman V n the recent affray at the post-office, students. tibuled and Colonist Sheepera hetwee Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., a E. Sanderson was elected manager An effort emanating from Alle- Portland, Oregon. The hrain knOo of '3's ugb Assciaionandghen Colege at eadille isas the "Pacific Express" leaves f~ of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~G '3sRgyAscain aidgeiyCleeatM dvleisGand Central Passenger Stationse D. P. Mayhiew, Secretary and being made to formr an inter-colle- the corner of Fifth Avenue Harrison Street, at 10:4,5 P. X. ali Treasurer Several games will be ar- giate oratorical association to For tickets, berths in Pullman or C" rangd fr Tankgivng acaion comris LaayeteSwathmreonist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gm rangd fr Tankgivng acaloi. cnipiselafyetewarlimreTHoMPsow, City aseger and TICS1t Thue rope used in the Freshman- Allegheny, 'Washington and Jef- Agent, 206 Clark Street, or to yJ EDDY, Depot PTIeket Agent, G0 Sophomore tug-of-war this niorn- ferson, Dickinson, Bucknell, and Central Passenger Station, cornero ing cost $40.00. Frankliii and Marshall. Avenue and Harrison Street, Ch0l Ill.