_ ~THE U. OF 14 DAILY AT THE TWO SAM S E=R 77=1r - Uiver-Sity of Michigan Guitar. $1.O00buys a Fine BlIack Cheviot Suit. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin annl Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin St ri g, $I3i. <50 =a ine loul.le Breastedl Blak (hesiot Sut. L. 11. eythiALLinportin. ~ ui~i u ~BUY THE NEW SILK HAT, TBRAJE A'T KNOX'S, BROWN'S DRUG.I STORE AT ~CORNER MAIN AND UON STREETS. A T H1E1 1 TIW1OX 0 SAIM SVI LARGEST sroute ox,'TOILET (1000$ AND INE CIGARS, TOIIACCOs AND CIGARETITES IN I'}E CIT)'. Ain Abor 81o~iiiiLiliiftrY VOORH ES & PIETAS, "gYobr J> Collars and! Cuffs NIekties BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, anjd J j Per ri iti Gloves WOg OALLEDFOR and DIELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. FR U OF LA IG OffIce - 23 South Fourth Ave. LIP\ LL A NDLIEE L U 25 ~ TT S.T r. WAHRS BOOK STORE, DOW1N TOWN. becorm Aiv.,J' Men t'v1 Y tudnt illsav loneyby uyig U ivesit 'ext-books 111(1 all suppla-' . ialqurters. 'e allss' 111 sa ds Ir ui~a~ lalFa 11111 haon St - special discouhnt (on1LAW ROOKS, MEDI)IAll 1OKS,)1 5,.'1 f OKi ut ncyBo 5r ntear raDnr 3no.B tFlnsi h Unhiverity. ;00Ba I on t lowest price. tworld tentl'l R SB at tt 1 11 11I mat,'511, ay a '.1 0at:15 0cents LEA:1DIING 1B01)1STORE IV TIlE (ITY.r ALL THEE TW TSX NEW GM"Concluded. '94's ELECTION ' E LT I LGoods e d rN- 111 iniilinig, Itolbe Panyabewe the The FatsOstruct II stud~ents na la istl l .5111 TeleItroit.l 1'p to the tile If aoilii, to)pe sl the 0Y ' W ILLI. ALWAYS i'CL1(T9 Jouhrnlll 0111tlohgmuul}ga i thlfesl'1ihenIh baeot vI'u'eddi I'Iht'tf i n d thIse [at e st No v- question t1111lf 1do a ll iis p11051 both 1 )1)11 agIpreCsidnt. 1"Ndadh il of hIi al-e 1 t i e s 1it S h i r t s, IN G to ScueNil0tlepalssage(f tile legislatives g, -,vas eetchtdtemoalr~y chahirman1 aprpriae htodtl~l 1 l oSell te tul- after a1 Hlf hors ran'~ge. Tie Hat s ,Ne ck we a r ,loves, OF ALL KINDSIAT dlelts' otfribtilhhlu. A systeltlltic frats seigtheindepedent strength, Shoes + wi t h St yl e T..r B &C ~chll oill e mad~le upon 11tie alumln~i. trieud th Iiide thle'.idepedetsIby Qua 1i t y , Pr i c e , to0 ACO S&C .,The Ietils of the pItt ill Ibe arralgedl nttilatillg Ricketts, utle prompltly 5uitth 27AD29MI S. slell tilt'regents ftake action. Secre- declined. Thayer, '131111 hutzel, Poc ke t. We c at er to0 L. GRUNER. taly Wadue wsa selectedl Is chairmn'lill, were appoulited to juge the re- the wants o Dealer In uOf tile temphiorary executiv'e cmmSIIittee. turnis, ad l 111attenmpt is beihg mdtS h e wad s o t NosSot AanstreOe 2 ridl tgreat cnfhusiohn ttktithalloht. Young Ii -riagdoue Natlya1111dsmpty. - MISCELLANEOUS -'ecetary Walle wa115fillvltS l3lclt torequehttht te Illetng ahthh 'nGood speed. 11PlT~on Sfr~i i Qtl4. All sttde~to will) lave testified and(1lull ldonl'lndt wa5.15 te dlh No. S at tihe inuquest of LI. D ienhnion~, at44. -- -... - DOUBLE STORE. CIGARETTES. uare reques~ted -b) tile co'oer 'Tlle peoplefthiscity voslla.ttdedl) 'thepd' ll~uctionhhof Drs. 0ekyll and1 u Ed-______ Cigaette tlC' wh o rtill Cior'k, t0 IllGt 11t I i----- t-oe--- _. add wilingIto h D a alite11111 it 5511 or eIe t Ia he p ieA ,L S fi O)rloc na, w I s a g, wilTt foretO kth~e tr, ff 'tolt sgattttas ,I a rlded lol ll y, 1Nov1. 24, lat ) ldlc in ~g Iof tlht Ipowerful t 1 11tr l litgI. jre ll. IDor IDavidllusol Dr. -Jeyll Ml 10a e1ut xTao a'. 51115011ght^ s will isit ths city lag Imil let f lodd relatdhy tatlhanihh 511 co1taeal Cltb It ' l i l t, lan is "til laFi dhu till5 r111IlVhgnia.risi h eg311' 111Old rr kg yh-d llI '1111 \ il~ illinery and Art Coods. - -iaa nlKo rn noStr .SrgaigtltCut (igllelltes Oen ~ NOV. 2, aI riinio'' Crime.' iiacmaid~ n o wa1 1l 3yl057. oilwl ttd ie isite (f tie tl' i tue ahet fIIEast Hut-ga St. fl 15 bI' u-ugh lls5hllt ' 'a e rv hlge l eaga edt-hI or a~ te pac f th' ll ri l~ glteit elletillhIIit he ss' es )11 ta~istt tate 1 ise a hlelt lh rua r program~. A plteasan~St th ll ahdllit obl e Isl o th lMr.1110-u 4~a te Au [to 11111ix~ia 1 lu th te 'ohltbslhhlo ldt says: A ~- - i11111h 'i r ts. Mory A. Liserlnubt st-ll 'Lastrnhgttld Boehetta11 ilnhnelse asuacstueos ""UArbor Savings Bank L c--bf. d Illiu'111-e- tllwittess filt'tie first itte; Badnt rhs vAt-e-Nt5 ~5151noti sn Y tlerebole tioh lly 5ill tie uciy aIlllatal~tiuon f "AuroraI - .. ltdIdOc~t pan 'srusIt $10,0t). ('11btoinIiht, but 'lhe will s)' k Floyd" h hnde r le title Ill "(uilty ' 11 -t a e t he GenetraltIrtanking ~Lae''l 'tilth r >e' I t 11eltuh H°i tt.Rclavssnilci atbays' lhe dat the IllitaruIn iurcilto-morrow It t e 5l e trTime'lltwl ansenthusi-ul'tile 5iti1 tatesgn~h l'td t-aprpesrlhlOlrlzlg advelnil«g. Her eveln- tgetrotgpi alttriceles orrfe iti' . -1 Rrs~s G~rIN M CK Ptes. in~g sbetwil be "htsa l lidedtto tie echo. Ihe 01t1rof ithis Bt nihst w. t . Hls, ie su.Cse. 101 1 , play is tihe autifult 3111 accomplisied Bt n Ih51 W.i. osml.VieOrs, do wiii o Jragters ? . EHse' as~rMiss Iatime Asten. It is 01n rem1o- t4,gtrTtIAND.-Any one desirittg in- NOTICE :Tile Rugby, Base- bal tiolal ptrt steessaOIys 1111d strog ork M So l tCs~i~t St th 011u Shothand willlease call atiTni iecosaerqlste-reuuiretd of lher. Ill tis cotpaty sr a ~lv bteole of J. W. Miner, Practical tlr r ulate.M.Dt ivd t149 ler,319 E. Huron Street. to teet at tite Alphta Delta Phli 301,aI n elo-ulamatie actor of te told RPDrI r eanable. Call and see me. htouse tihis evening at 7 o'ciock. shool, is seen~ to t goot advantage n IIAN.PIs atveI ratbsns.tis play. Mr. Davidson has ieen S~~GN &atalesnew and old, large and mpottbuies seen here efore and has won an envi- for coal, wood, oil and '- - - able reputation. Those who-enjoy FINE JO$3 PRINTING. $S4olineatJ E. Harkins', 8E rneo>'4 a o l h melodrama without the usualeumber- at2-. Prneo,'9,hswohl h some load of scenery, will enjoy tis t is ot atm tpeae. satfJc~oufueteanlateee roll street games played titus far. strong production at the Globe." REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITECOO0K HOUSE.