THE U. OFAM. DAILY. C c -~ii 'tN( agers of the new daily have announcedS C. ^' that they propose to mount the hill of Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during success over the corpses of the DAILY, 7 TXT B001 the college Sear, by Chronicle-Argonaut, Castalian, Palla diunm, Oracle, Omega, Bulletin, etc, THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT A8SOCIATION. Whens we consider that every small STUI college ini the coantry putblishes several Seconid-hiand hooks Subseilpionc price $250,i per y ear, invariably 101 in advance. Single espies 3 rents. tOn sale at publlications it is to he regrettesd that ol Sheehan's and Yoset Olce nernwa stand every the Unciv. of Miche. is to lee deperived S ' . 2- eamning at 60o'elocek. Subscription cay Itse left at the cOtice ofc the tDAILY, Opera House 111 this I7tisiser ot ier stews organs. blocS, at Sheehan's, at Stoftiet's, ocreitieanys a'lley eiglst leave ets the IBulletins at of the editors. z C'onmmisnicatisons shouldt reach ale othee by least. Wltat mteassof extertaineationtIST 10 A. M. i5 they are seo appiear the earns day. will he taken wve have ntot yet letarnted, 0~ 'addresall smatter intensdesdtoerisublication teehio ttessiehngtafrse uasAI she Managing Editar. All besitnest sommon-btunessmtlignfrentrsA-D icatiosn iuescsentta shelasiess Mass- 1111the Dit.s"twill laitenmpt to conic out Iteportaillneglectsson the. part 01 Carriers to -___F. ..... M A1RY BNR the Ciy Circulator, it'S 1,1. ATHLETIC NOTES. THE U. of M. DAILY, __Y ESIIz.a. Ann As rbrXich. I VANaltetr Cantus,.Vale. i190. lean STUDENTS' BOOKS. BtUY YOtURtCOLLEGE -S, LAW AI{P MEDICAL B005 NOTE BIOOKS, AT TilE DENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. at low prices. We are agenets of Patti E. Wirt, Scott ~ land fosintain penes. Bargaines ina stationery. LLfafffA G 00-, I1I "The Niagara Falls Raute." TnHE r1, MaeAcI., EDITORS. H. B. SHOEAER9, a.Ms.A'NAINGEDITO. WE.GIFFIN. 'as1,.'s. MAAGI assITO. A. H. CasVET, 2asas. MANeAaeIea EDIsa. M. B. HAMONs.'D. 11,Bus*'sMANGER W. S. O'Nsee.. '11as aT. BaS. MNGR R. W. DnaGaTs. '92, sBB-5. Bas. MNAaER. H.1. .3esa's-T I '"u. It. 11. Itirecce 't9l. Fi. 0. HOesLAsND,'92. L SoelcsstsIAvst. ''2. RALtPHssSTONE, 1'..a. J.(C. ''eA S'1 ,'t_ I.. G. WST'erIeAe, '93. U E.L. MASONs.9:3. $Ii' Sttsca'i'tlttet'at zrares'. lc t 'li Thee stuenests still pleaeseetirse, theatC tile U. of M. I).cIrt' hox ill the lihrary is for announeescemiensts andalseot fsor let- ters. Several letters wcere fosesndlitssne sef thecbtoxes Iteis mtorneing. It is secoutragiiig tet saste ltatsomea vigorous aisseffsiective aictiosn isheiteg taketa looekisng tosvaerd te ralisineg of a gymnaasiseseefeend. 'We hoepe, ansi not witheout founsdations, that groeuned will he brokese sext spring feor a isle seew gyttetitisil. 'ie euneeerstaneeltheatthec meeetiseg called foer to-sigiet of foot-hball, hbase- tall aesad tensesairaector's is ia'eeeetee discuess plazssfler thee aete]algaisnatiett of' all attlectic ieterests. Thlis is a re ill the righet directione. Let sll attteel. Ilis'e Sesaiter Latins are lee le cosegletee- ailsel tiethe- te-seultef theiar elecstions le-la.'Ifle ei laalts'v tacicssosf last ye'ar aserc-etiresly throewneasiede andee veryhoely seeslsti tto be ansxioues tea get siown to tee'al hessietess. ''le arraey of candsidates, Stats espeeciailly ltie, every stud of thes heineg emneently ktible to till the position. The hest oef feeling psrevailedi amnassg temand if the other officers are elected with thec same good will the class sat '9t may wsell have good reasost to he prosad of the record bsothi on the campus anti at Commence- ment.I Apparently the Univ. of Michi. will soon he called upon to mourn the toss of its college publications.. The man- ati article ott the lInterpretationa of Foot-ball Rlsc, is tOhie Week's Sport. Tiaewxili be tao coach rtotm ott tiae foot-basil grountds at Spritig- fiel Lot'tte Yale-I atvard gante. Foot-~batll gaistes for Saturday. -Yae-larvard sit Springfield. Lafayvette-Creosu bia A. (C. at Wisashtisngtont. I)atitostht- \Wiil- iaisasa t 'Williamttowns. Haves'r- ford-Swatrthmsreo at Ilaisoiford - PoeleIl'yvanieai-Lriagha at lietlsie- hieesa. Syracutse - Rocesacter it EUSINESS LOCALS. [Noticcc isetrteed in this cisssses eat theeats of t csits prne,: itenseltinsertioes. Speceial reeeat's r lsssgs'rtimseeandextraliul'stfernished tey ipeplyittg at tis i n ortteeyts'onsueltnvat. Wt. Dogiety,Asestane teusinessc Meeeeer.l Got to E. 13. Ball for coal. Otether's checolates astesbll-bost ire thefittest theat cas e t-aedee, psire fla'vors, n0 adulslterationt. Tr'y them.. P. t). News Rosoim. Nobly Bliack Cheviot snitinegs $25.00 aned upwards attStafford's. Black Usndressedl Kidelolsves-jsest received. W~ageter & Co. For fuss! we will cust prices ons ans- joes, Gusitatrs, Alaudlinss, Caises ande Strisegs for thae sante, lower than at stey asesiclhousse ine-Mihigant. This itecats ash tse wordsimpiely. A. Wilsey, 25 S. 4tl Aveneee, City. Novelties itt TopieCoatitegs at Staif- fsord's. Stewart IBansjos at 's'ilseys Bhattis 10c at P~. 0. Barher -Shole. Splendhiedvaiue its tWarmUn 'derwvear iad Hlf Hose. W'agsner e&lCo. Mellillesitie, Teachaer of Guitar, Bantjo ase ladliniat Clements. Blay Staite aned oilier Guitars. Biantjos saee Mtudolelines at Wiloec's. Best Strinegs st Wilsey's. Fou aRE-N.-Sslite tef rooasniceely fursnishede, haththot steelcoldl watter, fuirteace, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-st. ArTEo.-- Fifteem Youneg Menandts Lathes tee canavaiss. Good paty. Apply at P. 0. Newes toom at onace. WVANTED- Immediately! A first class agetet to canavass Amen Artier for Stanley's Owsi Book. Liberal com- neissione. Apply to C. E. Decker, 9 E. tUniversity Ave. TWENTY LECTURES IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND TIKE ART OF TRACHMNG. Every Saturday forTwenty Weeks at 4 mu at 2tSouth Fifth Street, beginning l~ev. 5. oar Teachers, Singers, and advanced stui- denits oc the Practical Art nf Manic. Tuition, $&.00. ORIN CADY. mTHE BEST.w- Sevesateeanttechers. Hoard with burnisede Roomn V.2,s ,eer week. Circulars seprnaapple- cation. P. R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, 5)EA5.55t5IN 3T/\TIDNERY.I BLANK BOOKS. ATHLETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIED. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME- U 05'C ca .Qcc rr om 'Q rst 0 P o e 5' ' ael .r MG Vr tre r.r c- -a IdsOs . N Best lists of FOUNTAIN PENS ice this w4 e~C city. Ice Cresame, Soda Wastr, Cosefectiosas,('olIsesLuchees, s Cigaers aliech'Ioaccet. II O SRI S, FRY, STEW ORt PLaAI-N. I ;____ r Call and nee us at 26 SOiTTWEK S mA'TrE ST.'I D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH ~ 4 ForsBrain-Worsk Sledsntary Pesple: tseeteelaco, L Yic,'oestis; te I 10 Athlete se Insseal.} A complectec ( I xG r esensasi sites- Talcas sep battcitn. squeseefloosroasts, setw, sceiicid, +Daily. *Sueeday except ' * dureessee sttetttcbsits cheaep. __ Inedoesedlby 20,oos0plysicionc lawe- ye-re, clergyaen, ed itors &otters. 5.W. RUGGLES, H. W. IOAO' stow using it. Sentd forell'st circut- G. P. & T. A. Chiecago. Ag's Ann 1ttlatcas . lar,4tsesg''s; ncseeege. 'rof.tD.( L..Dowd, SlscientifictePhysical andel' °___________ __ 's'ael Ce2tese7 qett _b., Ness-Y-":. Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nod Thn Michigan Railway. i ieTable wgto effaetct, Monday,.40 F+RENCHlf ('E 'CIRAM. FINES'T ' FtENCIu at. avenn Otf0 tO()lKaNsa. LOWOESTLPRIiCES b-ott on ot.SATOS on O 71 BEST 'MATERIAL.. a es.Cd randTtn 71Fr tWest. - Detroit, Nich. 1a.6C' r C2. Sadr Tm -jli ' CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 'Lap'ueMeilt 1=pisa C'. I..YOSTr, t'tOP'sEr0o. pI a sey l s Tar Nosa. 12 and 15 Washingtons 3t. - Y miant 511tch. l3s30 60:......TO LEDOs. ai.. 1 ;1115 ilrct-sleesstigsassetStyish Satelie Hotss 402o 6 sate Mane eJ t' tlc.1.12,655 fo tirs. .,....__4_10_6__47_......Da dee ..... 3ass?~ 4 53 t1111.......Milsen .. f...it57 1 4 17 ...,~Pat''fid ..."i"7' 94 .)5 57 74as..ANN A133E 1159 52 751......'sebte 10.. 1l 9 5i tor8 ("htoeae if.5. 1 0.2S0 5 ..Howell...10oat;Oe 77 359 40 Duraand. d9Sti75 NO . 12 W. hURON ST is s2e1 30........ ILafca.......74 9 11-5 .,.St.PLa s .... 72' 50 A. M. 9 '35 110:.......Cla... 2 45 7 ('010.13 1 15e... tt..P.I F ast .... 6.4,. 4 1t 9 20i 3 35eto.... Cadil.. l c,...... -~~I1230i.6055....Sasonia....- 19 I 10 . 613,51... Frakfort.... ONjMGH OM'Saginaw DIvISIoia-. Monday Eve., NiOv. 24. GoingeNerth SnATIOaNS. GongaSSu poRE pA~lt'IPON P Pt. _5 JIAMIYE 1JSTE%1 Ai'-A LT-1LtAr AM. GUILTY WI]THOUT CRIME I .:9i , d.w- PRICES -- 35C.. 50c AND -T7C. . W SHineYet. GA. A Seats new en Sale at P. 0. NewasNRom. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD. Lal Agent. "G. If' . s' t ,' 'G 00i