A61RITED CLASS ELECTION. Fourth ballot resulted: Plillips, 77 ;
N, A- h aldWiu, 54; IPetherbridge.28; Waples,
S~il~slooed resden of25 Middlekauflt. 14; 'aulu-u. 10; scat-
0rlor Law Class on the Fifth
WI151Micigaui apparently divided here.
111 resideint leuri called liie some yelling. 'Mtichigan for Phillips,'
l°0egn of the senior laos to order at anol solnc yelling " Michiigaui for
tothis Iloruing there was a large at- Baldwin.' The ifthi ballot was taken
n n who wr unusually orderly, auiidst great enthusisi nud resulted:
0t l emdt realize the importaut Phillips, 892; Blaldwini, 7:3; Pethierbridge,
at 1und 19; Waples. 2; Mtiddlekanif', 10: ('an-
l h allot system of last year was kien, lii; scattering, 4.
usde this Year, the class being divided The cries of 'lBaldwin,'"sand "Phil-
fivesections, each provided will lips:" becamne deafeiiing. Menl from
1 llot boesvrosfcinbea wrkn fr
°vhyOxe and polling lists presided aosfctoltenWrkgfr
bthree judges of electioni. (aukesi quietly. Great excitemnt
tle " VOliuger, of Olilowas appinlted prevailed wheis the sixth- ballot was
of election. announlcedl, as follows : Phillips, 109;
f or lat sp'eechies being called Baldwin, 95; Pethserbridge, 0I;AWaples,
isl ' S. E. iLow took the floorasid 1; Middlekanit', 2; Casi~en, 10i; scat-
12ethligng speech presented Mr. . jC. tering, -. Total. 217 ; necessary for
e erbridgre the trans-Mississippi choice.,1.
dste IiiOliilnationl was sec- Aniidst intenise excitemlent Ithe 5nom-
fule by' J. L. Iler in a very care- inastions of Mr. Phillips -wasgniade
ful W orded speech. uiianimouis.
S. 'Buva~ll thenarose ".to Inomiun- Messrs. Petlierbridlge, IBaldwvin anld
at rt 1u froni Indiaina," anld inl a Waples were ippointetd a commllittee to
1511 lth1y speechs presenited the conduct Mr. Phillips to the chair.
n0 f L. II. Baldwin. Pres. Henry was givens three rousing
1 rJ.It. XNewcomer, in ais earliest slicers on retiring, anid Mr. Phillips
of10,i resenited C. W. Middlekauft, was as enthusiastically received. Ile
550hs thasiked the class ill a few pleasanit
of'A. 1Browninominlated B. XNaples, words, slid thse meetihng adjournied un-
'nIclian, i a speecs bristling with til two o'clock.
e figures f o 11t anyearliest GThe Sophomore-Freshman Tug-
appeal 41 ssser, wt neretof-war.
15la merits he the standard
N S lca dstncton, reened Shortly after eleven o'clock this
~.Phillips, of Peninsylvania. niorning, the sophomores came in a
noin1. Z. Caukin seconded the hody frons main hall with the rope,
$ 511011 of Mr. Waples. Mr. E. 0. which was three hundred feet long by
15f ~llld ecoide th noinaionan inch slid a half in diameter. Unider
A.fi' Phillips. Mr. 0. M. Jonei the direction of Prof. de Pont and Rt.
131 ortefi the niomination of L. D. T. Farranid the two classes linied up~
v ~5 Mr C. . Dnde Sllp~re dalong the rope to the numher of fifty
Ili' Middlekauffl, of Illinois. men on a side. At the word the pull-
alnd 1fsuthaotwstknt103, ing began. For the first minsute there
17. 4sted as follows : Pethierbridge, was mio perceptihle galls by either side.
1;a' Vpes, 11; Baldwin, 32; Middle- At the en~d of thse second miinute the
' 2- 'Piillips, 835; Scattering, 4. freshsmen had gainsed about a foot. At
ectl0d hallot taken at 10:4.5 resulted: this junicture the sophomores, whose
IviN b bridge, 49; Waples, 42 ;(Bald- enidurance proved thse greatest, set-
Se Middlekauii, 17; Phillips, 59; tied downi to the pull, and amid great
foaering, 9. Total, 201);inecessary cheerinig drew the rope across the cen-
Dice,105,ter mark, winninsg the tog-of-war by
an"ee he Phillips mens became jilbil- shout two vards.-
pul ud all sections hegan tlseir wire- Blelow we give as complete a list of
g i earnest. the pullers as possible :
Ijflr hallot taken at 11:00 resulted;:FRESHMEN.
in 143 rsge, 311; Waples, 34 ; Bald- Chasdbourne, Corhusier,
an, e ; Middllekauff, 16l; Phillips, 73 ; Jones, .Hfogg,
neesr o Scattering, 3. Total, 208; Jewett, Luet,
a choice, 1015. Church, Blunt,
Ward, ('reedy,
G~ale, Wedeimeyer,
Friedmsan, Buscher.
Croze, William,
Winans, McGurran,
Battin, '1lewvellii;.
ttickelts, leusmick.
Cadwrell, Powell.
Shields, Ward,
Wilkes, lPrins,
Drake, Ilurgor,"
Larlliiug. Rosesserauls.
Worden, Quinn,
Chulkey, Sager,
Wlitworthi, Miller.
Lfumit, Straus,
ltathbone, Sharpless.
Q01iO( 1tli ti.
D)ygert, Winsder.
Htart, Itubbell.
Mason, IBecker,
Griflin, Davidson,
Trainier, X agley.
Blrinkerhiolf, l-inuiill,
Decke Ne,
Davidsoin, 1Potter.
Millei, 11, IFeeler,
Parker, ucan,
Southwuoitli, I Lawrensce,
Thiois Cumings,
Goddard, Spitzer,
Millei, J., Whitnsey,
Coisklin, Hookway,
Weber, Curtis,
Cheever, IDickson.
Ilendems, Reardon.
Wrentmore, Whiting.
Pomeroy, Ryans,
McLaclans, Freedman,
Baker, Fassett,
Hfolmses, Day.
Wright, Kayi& Co.
and Ar; Goods, Jeweles aidOs-
ticarxs, Maorufaotoers of the
Finest SoietyBadges ropde intoo
co'nrjo Samp es'sntuponpro-
per references,
Detroit, - - chw n
Special Rates ts Students.
The Meeting Last Evening Does
.Cood Work.
Mr. Brearley, proprietor of thle De-
troit Journal, Mr. Slocssni and If.
Brearley of the Journal staff, George
W. Ehler, superinitendent of physical
educstioss at the Y. M. C. A., Detroit,
Secretary Wade, Prof. IDePonst, G. P.
Codd, Hugh Van Deventer, P. La-
due, T. L. Wilkinson, Mulford Wade
and Rtalph Stone met in the parlors of
the Arlington hotel last evening, and
discussed ways and means for raising
a sum of money for the erection of a
gynasium. Mr. Blrearley hiss engin-
eered many projects of this kind, and
always wills signal success, and the
studensts are to be conigratulated upon
securing isis aid. The subject was
thoroughly discussed, and those pres-
ent came to the coliclusion that thse
raising of a sufficient 5sum, without
calling for a very large amount from
thse legislature, was entirely feasible.
The hsearty co-operation of the stu-
dents is required, however. Mr. Brear-
hey will issve a sketch sand estimates
of a building prepared and forwsarded
to thse faculty and regents early next
week, so that the latter may determine
whsethser they shsall incorporate inthseir
memorial to the next legislature,
which meet in January, a request for a
certain sum of money for a gymnas-
Ccuinuedonstird page.
The fall teniss toisruasment, which
hsas been dragging 011 for so long, is at
last finished. Last week in the first-
class sinigles, Slocum heat ('odd 6-3,
6-1, and Page beat Shsaw 6-4, 6i-0. The
finals between Page slid Shocum were
played yesterday afternsoonl, Page win-
ning by score of 6-3, 4-6, 6-4, 6-0.;
In the finals iln doubles Page and
Slocum heat Brown and Shaw 0-4, 6-3,
6-4. McKenzie won the second-class
singles, and Suydam the second.
Univ. of Penn. defeated liar-;
yard in 1884, but hs never
beaten Yale or Princeton.