THE NEW- CLTHING HO0U S E 71,73, 175 WoodwardAvenueDer , y Boys THING HTS AfN QC,/W- r -'LatsstNovelties /\r,-v n L Dail. c/i F-A Fr4 NEW BOOK STORES, 6 SQLth Main Street. 44 SoutltaeStreet, UNI ERSITY TEXT-BOOKS , '~T _1 'ZON = WR MecalBoSsrs.Law Books, B;ANji1Booss, ALL FInSD, All;Books used in City Schools. Students, Note Books aod Pads, Draft- Coinpiete Liiie of Sporting Goods, ing Instruments. Large Stork of Fountain Pens. A. Warranted F ountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. A2' i G. H. WILD is booing ItheI o s st todof iTrull t D rc itings in the manket. All the Ilitest shides andnvlt5iettin Ii oosenngsanid (C ILo itiligS. 1FinieVests( can hi had ot A No. 2 E. Washington St .near Main. G. H. __... r __,,, . JAMES M, STAFFORD, ThILOR r PRTR The best place to get a f lgs+ ±Q zA S 1+UI .MADEVO ORDER LATESTj STYLES MODERATE. PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., .ANN]ARBOR, - - - MI-CH. ,Saturday Only. We Shall Sell on Saturday. The best $1. Lainndried Shirt for - i89e. Ane extra quality unlaundried shirt 69e. The heat 50c. Shirt in Ann Arbor - 42c. (niffa worth 20c. at - - - ;]5c. Collars worli 25c, at- - - 17c. All linen Ist'd Itank'f's worth 25e. - - . - -17C. Slipecial values iin Ties, Underwear, Ilosiery, Souspenilers, &c. at the Gent ' Furnisn oikp't. OF 20 South Main. THE LARGEST STOCK, BUS INESS DI RLOCTG5 GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES I M RNL. " Oni LAMPS, in this city. You will savyeimoney by bnying of us. Our 3 MAIN ST~taREp'aTr eg IED STAR " OIL has no equal, hurns without odor, or spcil ttntonpad o er rnga a4Jeer.charring of wick and gives a clear white light. W. _ SLAKE,_ Sold at 11) cents per gallon, delivered to any part of tlie city. PCURS4FAE ,1 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. p3EAN G O.. ART GOOUDS. 10 West iUroll FERDON LUMBER YARD. THE CAMPUS. ess, Miss Biuntt historian, J. iM. Manufaurerof and dealer in Mr. Trcarley, proprietor IDetroit Ne lson. SAGINAW GANG SAWED SUM BER Journal, will be in Ann .Arbor, at It is runnored that the Oracle Us!Fst ndDptPo a wil o o prss dringtheJ. HALLER )'30 to-iiiglit, and mecet Prof. doewllgo o rssduigth Pont fiiid coinndittee of studnrlts Thanksgiving vacation, anud will 46 SO 50 iMAIN ST. inteeste itsthe(yiinasiiii thtis. be out before the holidayrORepaieing a supeeiiaty. pro- 0. M. MARTIN, ject, at the Arlington Hotel, at i vactation. If this be so the mons- IDEALERO IN p. tn. bers of the -board deserve great Cloth Caskets,. Metallic AND COMMON COFFINS. i Herbert Fox, '()I-, left for home praise for their palihiid Ipromupt-, A--LEMS this morning to speind Thanksgiv- Dess. I" ing vacation. Thoe followiiig is the Alpha NtU ALSO iBUS HACK AND nAno3AGe I I The freshmnen iindependeitts prograistie for Nov. 22: Music, NrhMi tet havema ayaoo instrumental solo; essay, Mr. W. RINSEY & SEABOLT, ha owe relto- alygold Bkers and dealera in judgment in nominating J. W. Ij* Nichocls; reading, Mr. C. E. Groceries, Provisions, Flour andrOgd Loeb for the presideucy. Mr. Loeb Filkins; skotcho, Mr. Patterson; 8 OH and 8 E. Washington ' t. has great executive ability, having music, vocal, IM. II.and K. qular- Makerot fine, gtette; debate, Should the Christ- L.ADIES' and GENTrs' 500 been residnt o the raduaing epairing neatly done. 4:,8 . Main Si' bee prsidnt f isegrauatngmas vacations be slhorteined amid -_ --- ____-_____ class in thte Chicago high school, no spring vacation be given? Aff, GRANGER'S and also of tihe Hawthorne literary Mr. Chas. hill; nog., Mr. L. E. .g ACADEMY OF DANClNG,:t SO .qsueoi rut vert1 ffiv.a_. ood' D .non] dpni Tnatr hundred mtemnbers. Mr. Loch is a 1 good parliantarian, a staunichl indepeindont, atid a diesvoted aiis enthusiastic meimber of '934. Tite Nortlhwesterii World htas a Tvery line portrait of their psresi- dent, Henry Wade Rogers, in the isstte of thtis week. Thte freshmnin idependemtts' cautcus resttited as follows : Presi- dent, J. W. Loeb ; vice-president, Miss RI. Wadsworth ; secretary, J. Cliapimo; treasurer, R. Mattliew- son ; orator, IR. A. J. Show ; poetess, Miss Hamilton ; prophiet- rr Uvu UII~tdT dULAU SI~IIUI, IH. M. 1-. and K. quarte-tte. The sophtoinore-freshtinait tug- of-war will be hield on the campust1 to-morrow, providing rope can be obtained strong eitoughi to with- stand the treitendoius strain. There will be a nmeeting of tlhe Pennsylvania Club, in Room A, on Satnrday,Nov. 22, at 10 a. n., to hoar the executive coimmittee's report on the Thtanksgiving meet- ing and to receive new members. We would urge all Pennsylvania students whto have not yet done so, to sign the roll of inember- ship on Saturday. D. M. Licavi-, President. Ooposite ILaw Buiiding. Ptupils wilt be received at any time duin4 the season. Through Vestibled and COionf'9 Sieepers Between Chicago and Tacoma Wash., and Port- and Oregon. The Wisconsin Centrah and Nei rthleu Pacific ines run through Pulhmanil tibuhed and Colonist Sleepers betWe Chicago aiid Tacoma, Wash., aD Portland, Oregon. Thie train k'0r a s the 'Pacific Express" heaves a Giland Centrah Passenger Stati 11 the comnerof FifthoAvenue .s IHarrison Street, at 10:45 p. 3M. dWil For tickets, berths in Pullman o onist Sheepeis, etc., apphy to Q00" he TonasoN, City Passenger and Tic Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to f EDDY, Depot Tieket Agent, Gaf Central PassengerStation, cornemt Avnesolhrrison Street, Chl