THE U. 0 "cKR. Rur ,,.c..-r = ;:r:.rc c. '. x x ..-._..: ;.e:-. , ti.: mX. '.".ac. :ice " AT THE. TWO SAMS $12.00) buys a Fine Black Cheviot Suit. I~3.5) a line IDouble Breasted Black Cheviot Suit. --'°8EUY THE NEW SILK HAT, KNOX'S, l TTHE TWO bAMb, h Ar oSloeiiiLalllltY, VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WQORX OALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPI~AL RATES Tn STUDLENTS. o,-23 South Fourth Ave. CAILL PIN[] SEE US, F M. DAILY Of Old U. of M. should have a Uni.versity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin anid Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5cts. Everything in +proportion. L. It. Clement, tiLLLEKU. VtR PTl. TU I Co V. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNElR MAIN AND I1t'IION STREETS. LARGEST STOCK 0. TOILET GOODS AND FINE CIGARIS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN TIIEc.CY jpi~j Your . W, ~ Collars anal Cuffs, ]Neckties and -'Peri l )(hGloves OF FERGU SON 22 soTYTIIza s2TAIZ sue., &SLATING, Ever WAHR'S 00OK STORE, DOWN TOW.N. teyStudent wtill savie money lly buying University Iext-lluoks and all Ilupllil'- atIleadquarters. We allost 5heciatl discount oni LAM' BOOKS, MIEIICAL BOOKS, 1)B-NT ALJ3BOOKS, inl short, ev ery Bucok used in the Uieit.5,000 IBlank Books it toss ist prices *..,, ~ I ItN(, C IaC}CK "Slt 1IN 1111 (>E ITY. i I A LL THlE NEW EST STYLES I r mm II M ISCELLANEcOS. Jas. Murphy in Kerry Cow. All studienits sw'ioli ase testified l Milphly lappearls here Satulrdlay eve- G t the liquest of I. 3..Deiiuisoi, nhig. Thle IDetroit Free Press Says: C L O T F1~~N arc requlestedl by the coronier The extraiordlinaryl'd1111wuhichi Josepsl Martin Clark, to nieet liimiat the Murphyihaslois 111 very' numIerous aiii 1implressimiablle class of thieater-goers Aut's (Cif~ico Opera Block, next was attested at the Detroit Opera OF; ALL KINDSAT Aonitay, Nov. 24, at 1 o'clock Htouse last night Ily the piresence a. Iin. of one of the largest and warmest aul- . JAC B 'S& CO'S diences of the season. His last night's 'I'.JACO S & CO.', IFoLE- GUtD.-Thero will be openinlg hroke the record ot this sea- AN 9 mA4IN sT. a mieeting of lie Foley Guild son's single star receipts in Detroit. L. GRUN ER. Saturday, No.2,aI8p n loor were sold alid sothi galleries were DealerTI2 n o sP.JJILT packed froiii rail to wall. CJ"ZI _ts .1th ni e eS=0-. P .RAL. "Kerry txllw' twas thellay. It is Ae5~t _ N.Aoth an_____t. _____ now' in its thirteenth year. It ldles Prlstl.___ h"CroersInunt not seem to ha:ve lost atiy of its origi- onI Strad ht ci. 'Thiecrnrsi~~s lvsiail a vitality, nor doies Mr. Murphy's he tcetoiofers iustnestigaeditheDanati Olara shioswsign of advanciing No. I1 h etso enio eue h years. In restlectiof youlthiful appear- CIGARETTES. hearing of testimoniy yesterday in the ttlce, sp~righly atiton, sinigina voice CigU-aretGe Smoters wtoll agriculltulral r'oom nlt thie coutrt hlotuse. and getieral effectiveness, it its a better Xare willig to Euay a ltleThe testitoy'dveoe il o mpersonationtithlan it was ive years more than theie le OllyIvlpd ilIo rillg ago. This ttity be attributable to thle nae~rg Ic Ithe ll'fnd iaY douit 551lil t Denniison. Thi salienlt cotnediati's restoredl health atid per- 'tusit sINDsuperior to featulres of it are its followss: lisps t(o a comlbitnationt of cattses. At tt ,, ail others.itiacheflatowih t l The Ric'timInd tra ighlt A haniSaner, a salini pneratny rateitsa ierilftowiii Iapntr dolleartei '11 5 imadelo ~nltilhe ight si hil t Adohilat' htod iln1t lolly Mr.Mttrplty,bttt his thiotusands aartt5 l~ l tld110 ~ wa~l-lilttedbeeevrsi1iedth v5id eatY Ilnes~elandtlt ig+lest(101 stfid5 ha1 $nsdinndfis in Virginia. TIhis is ti< led11about this ''racket," atid said tihat lietmirers are to be felicitated. Ile is this Sll 'r. toit lby is in tile year tV75. 1. 15551) tiit 0n0 studetithti his guti represenltative Irish comuediani of the ai nat,':irlEitt tilt an osterveothnt till'aitross eithter this arm or hlpl anlh also time. llis aork rises ahbove the level LantAi~itl. llGIw i n eypackage. ta rd}'o a ihtn nteOf clown~in~g ltndldeals with cl'liuexll. ldas O urrg er& a G I' tirileCo th, t c r lBotwda.igiitglt Iletoeach of his Irish imipersonations AeRicmondVirgCoi, there is a conlsistenit and aell colisill- $400w hh rbx oratio B. Smith, a stuldettshio trillplirpose swhich thle spectator sees ~~McilClih~a Suck S , hoatrded it thie toll house, testified to developed step by step an~d which t0'ed ner 1w 11n1Ii an''ngofa'sgives0110 somsetehat toy thiik over liiig a' this liilitiamntalinglof goig out while enijoyig th~e actor's hitmor anid (T kba© eceives .Depolsits. Snys and after the sttudenits anidl"'knocking this studying his methods of unfolding C s'tu D {nte ric pal citielflerd--l1cout of thlemi." character.Hils 1DattOllara abounids, KTI N ~ k Prs.,George A. Birown~, a student, sate one in sharp contrasts and the play offers IV D. RRANn~s, Vise Pret.,. stttdetit struck wehille junipig over a stakraletuthill.ha rdueanu Cas. . ~i;'c, asiir.fence, aod anlotherastruck severah times----"+-- - htito AND.-Any one desiring in- niear the German chitrchi at the 00 hn Shorthand will'please call T.,.?A. A.& N. M. IR. It., c)0 account S i teeof J. W. Miner, Practical The inituest then adjoutrned until of Thanksgiving Vacation, will sell lri 411er, 39 E. Huron Street. Tiuesday morning at ten o'clock, to tickets Nov. 25, linmited to return up to s r oable. Call and see me. give the steniographer time to write up and including Dec. 1, a tone and onie Stoves wan ld lre n the evidence h insses mightt third fare for (ies round tfip. or ewadod lreadsign it. -- a ~0y coal, wood, oil and It is thought that (lie evidence is Candidates for the 'Williams' 110, at J. E. Harkins', 28 E. about all in, and this case. will go to base-ball nine are in conlstant >7 Street.(lie jury next Tuesday. practice. LMG 'S i I GUS! l' Morroe ee ,Getroit,/ V 1110 a .~1lu A otts Is l t- ti ll tsllml, onr aid li'e',uty I: ocs. Jti t Siriss in the WorliSenlt LN1.t llllcllctl.1rc-lal 1ualts Goo-dsped. - U WILL ALWAYS find the Latest NoT - eltie s in Shirts, Hats , Nec kwe ar , Gloves, Shoes, with Style, Quality, Price, to Suit the Eye and Pocket . We cater to t he wants of th e young man. Goodspeedi. DOUBLE STORE. C 1nr adAtGod.East Ruron Ct. s wt Tons& SON a Blnd ltd Ochestra \ PUBiLISHERS iF B ted Au.hh . GRIAND RAPIDS, MIICHIGAN. SHORTHAND [COURIS. IT WILL PAT YOU. ShoerthaundiSehueelitew Building, l20 BSth State Street.