THE U. OF011M. DAILY. r o T~ '~ s to urday, when she 'defeated the IT. ST U DETN TS' BOOKS. ' of P. by 60-0, carried consterna- BUY YOUR COLLEGE Published Daiy (Sudays ecepted) during tion to the hearts of H~arvard sup- TEXT BOons.T L AND HME DICA L 3005 the College sear, by porters. W yllis Terry, Yale's anu hlfbc *. 81-J1NTBOSATH TH U OM IDEEDET :)OIAIO.writes in a private letter that hie STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. conisiders the pireselit eleven the Seconid-limtid books at low prices. We are agents of Panl E. Wirt, Scott slud Sabscriptio price $2.,50 per year, invuriubly strongest Yale ever had. The Holland fountain pens. Bargains in stationsery. in advanceu. inle co'pies3 cens . On sale at She h ussand Yst Office naws sd every Harnvardlfisen are tnearly all old S=T00, - evnnaut u o'scc. Subscription ayu be players, bitt like old players else-_______________________ lefathe i eo h AI pr or.sliere lave cons'ideired tatthey rr== 7:MSIT M C IA bloek, at Sieehas, at Stoithet's, sosswti lany -he MICHlIidGoudAN_________ Commnnicationus should reach thesofficeby siot gain a great deal by pactce"The Niagara FalsRoute." 10 A. Mi. Vifhey aire so appear the souse day. Then, tos Capt. Ctitonock has ~UERLSADR IE Address all mastter liteded tsr publication to ii'ieeCEhsTneRAaLreaTANNTEDARD___TIMF"___ the.Managleg Edior. All business eotutn_ linge si le tabut a__great__ANDTHE ieatiosshsiould be senttso the Buionlesostan- lelsi ht hyhaeno ad ' a l 5 Repori all tnegletoth iepari o1 Carriers to tebs haietIernt ly ER U ESCQ E--W , lbs City Circulator, W. it. O'Neil,15as taft Old. THE U. of M. DAILY, Yale. on the other hattd, has a 'Y'aSo~ o.2i . a I As Abu, iCintew eleveni,Ipicked aitnost enitirely Isaz~~a iS EDITORB. fromii her last year's stubstittites___ : H. B. SHAE. uaa. uMNAGInG EuDITOR. id sew tlttteial,-thle best kitnd """" THCE4BEST. -- .4- o 2'c. s a a W. E. GRIFFIN .'al.A,.'T. MNGING EDITOR. of 11ti'lral, hioweverI,y if there be Seveuteent teachsers. Board witth Faruishedt2~~~ A. H. COVERT. '2. A6S'. Mu,,,asNa EuITuR: eniosgl ofit fot' sitel itiets Will itosus 2.25.per wceek. Circutlars upon appi- fi I ,all . M. B. HAMMtND. '9uat . MANAE..rcaion. .5ngf work.' As the eleveti is now play- P.RCER,.rsi, W. B. O'NEILL, 'at, ASS 'T. Bas. MAtNAE. OC R. W. DOsGHaY'92'a. Atutue. BUS. MNuAE. Isng the rush hise is very Strocng, I t Ha " HUDS. D.SHE~s '51. it. I3 ltt, l. lost i'21)e tb', ndplays a BVD1T'OT' JILTfl4. H.eDtiou tst1' tis. H. M. Tusat, '1. a itoesaaanLUtsJJI& ~- 1g1a u~~ E:. 0. Hols.l, sss,!1'. tL. Sotrssxset, '92. .ve'Trtble w12'wiilwid gaille, r'apid. "DEALEtRS 5r a1- ese 03wa2 .E.G.Wttimj:s:t1, '13.1. E . it s, I. asid sharp, asnd snappy, while the ET-jA -IDNERYK o l, 111011 -- - lenbehlisid the line are ijiick, i. JI/''\t , sO1r-t' hard ruinnsers, slire tacklers, and BLANK BOOKS, ,- eCC'J.0 We pblih t-da 11t'Oilllllt- u ntlllers. Tile reslult of the ATETN DGOODS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, cation frolsbeaabase-balltentoiuslist Best lisle of FOUNT-AIN PENS in the e I C '' cto fr m a b s-ale tui s ilteles;t. i s ~ , ai.' ~ t~t- Ir ,e m-S d. ae. I fliat is well worth seriouls conisid- erationi. Tiierenre certaily good reasoss for desirinig the electioni of offi- cers before Cltristtnas, We cani- not pliiy the Easterni colleges aii initerestisig gamte of foiot-hall; but there is every reasoni to believe that the U. of Al, cats sends a nine east that will win tiot far fromi half the games played. Whets Purdue and other smiall colleges raise entough mney to send their teatis east, certainly we can do as well wit oir large attendance. Ansd if oitr dhree- tory lack authority to snake defi- niite arranlgemlenits because thieii' terms lire son to expire, ani elec- tions shoulds be held sooti enougli to tsake the niecessary arraunge- nments foi' the desired trip east. rSaturday's 'Yate-Harvard Game. Probably tile closest and11 lmost excitir~g gamie of lie seasons will be played Saturday at Springfield, Mass., between Yale and Harvard. No one feels able to foreteil the resuit. Harvard has been the most confident of winning, rely-, lng on her veteran team and the, large scores pilied up eariy in the " season. But for the past month Yale's improvement hafs been pite. somenal, and her game lest Sat- BUSINESS LOCALS. [Nosicles iniserted isntisecelumnis at thse ruse eof rents per ine, siugle iusertion. Spesiat rates fssr lonsger t isue attd extra lues furnished by) susplyise at ttsis etlus a r by eotsaslt inseIt. W.' .Ooughisy, AesistasnitiBusines laugoer.l (o to E. B. lEall for coial. iGruber's chocolates andsl bonl-bonis lire the lisiest that cast be iade, pire flavosis, tie0sadtilteratioll. TIry them. 1'. 0. N es'soom. Nobly Black Cheviot silitit~gs *25.e00 Blaick unidressed hid Gloves-just r'eceived. Wagner &" Co. For fut! we will cut prices sitsBatn- jos, Guitars, Mauidolitis, Caaes atid Stritsgs for the same, lower thlan at anty miusic house int Michigan. This mneats all the words imiply. A.Wilsey, )5 8. 4thi Avenuie, Ciiy. NovelieAs ilt Toth Coaititngs lit Staft- foird's. Stewart Blanjos at Wilsey's. Batlis li0t at P. 0. Bharber Situp. Splendsid value itt Warmi t tiseruvear atsiitI halfHss.Wagnier' & Co. Me~ll (Gillspie,5 Tealcher of Gitasr, Bantjo anid AMaudollit at Clement's. Baoy Staite stnd ether Gusitars. Banljos anid Masudoins at Wilsey's. Best'Strligs .atwilsey's. Foiti t RE' bte sit rooms iciely funis,ttslbatht hot ands coldt water, fsiunste, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-st. WANT11.--FifteentYoun AlMent sui Ladies to cativass. Good pay. Atiply at P. 0. New's Rosom at once. WANTED.- Immediately! A first class agenit to catnvass Annl Arbor for Stanley's Ownt Book. Liberal comn- mhiisstn. Apply to C. E. Decker, 9i E. tUivNersity Ave. LOS's-..-A pair of glasses. Finder kiti please returns to 14 N. Thayer or to Aztlsts oftice. TWENTY tLECTURES ON THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND THE ART OF TEACHING. Every Saturday for Twenty W~eeks at 4 at'21 Souath Fifth Street, beginniug Ilav...5 Fur Teachers, Singers. and adivanced utu. dents af the Practecal Art af Music, Tuition,.$6.00. ORIN CADY. Cigars and Tobacco. _________ I " OYSTERS, FRY, STEW Olt PLAIN.Calndseuat;; 26 SO'tT 21E. S2FA2TMES'.i- ;,0 : C :0I DL.DOWD$ HEALTH EXERCISER. I ya da'' i ° orain- okereSdenaryeople: Gtiilemens, Ladies,viouths; the .5h5k 2s~ gdtssltssiio.ruinali. Acs p eteis. ^ - tl, sua es zreoess , riasentific, 'tDaily. uStinday excepsted. surble, coamprehbensive, ceap. Endotrsed 1)ao,000 o siiiassalaws es, ce)rsymen, editrs .bz sthsers 0. WC. RUGG.LES, H.W .HAYow.50{ sate ssi~g it. Send for ill'd cireu- G. P. & T. A.Chicago. Ag'tAuni iK Ciea r otilae,.iisrng's;anochages. Prof. D. I 0. Dsowd, Scietiific Phsysal andil" _________________ Votcal Culture, o E-st 1tst,, New York. , J~E.A .L~L OW,1 Toledo, Ann Arbor and North -1 Z17-Time -1C Michigan Railway. I 1 ieTable going itotaeffect, Sunday. NOe. 25 FRENCH ICE: CREAM. FINEST FRENCH COOlItNi. LOWEST P'RICES FOtS Goinag North. I aau~Ns.Gosing SantS' 71 S FotSt. MATERIAL- 6.ctaI2 7 ottWest, - Dtroit, Mich, i 3 S CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. T~~i C. L..YOST, Paorstiissol. ,~~ .e P. 13 salit 15Wahin tooSt. - . onitith A i. vI'iibu.E ,OIs.50.51fus birst-clases5Rigs aid Stylish Saddle 1Horses i...4 02 6 40 Sanres utae'n 52 25 1us .1 toe Rire. 4 10 6 471_.....Dnee..,... 12 16 1 2" 4 31 7 05. ..Mian .....1i1 5 10 4 55 i7.27 Pittseld 1137 0 .S-"' 507 7O40i..ANN ARBORti1 S5 95"" 5 ;- 7F5. '... au~ld's.~..11 i2 ss9 '-'0 5 38(6hitmorueakut11500 Si5 NO. 12 W6,32RON ST...,tHwell...7410 15' " 54.Dra.0 940 7 20.'' _____________________ ,5 9 55.uLasia...... 875 61i 1 5 d O.. rt.Pluau.... 5 9try6 l3 s.f. n'a 05 10 0 20.S O wotaso.. 9 51 5dii30 111i ..'(i... 20...Feail... utS NO. 12 W IILTsuo.ST..9 2a11 30..CaItaa........ 7.C& 5 18 5t 9 27- e11te 502.....St p s .... 7285 5 uA....9.35 12 .......eAlma.....2345 4 .. ,,t... 7P 0123.... 5 ...M.BPlasaant.... 6 45 71581 101.... 05 ...Fee llet.... 8.23.6sOn 1o1 cv.,Nv.2. oaing Nabith uoeavxsh ..uiS 55265 .. ..,EA JTEi{ 215.Lv] ~e A' 1 12 30 .... 740.Aa . .... 7-t 9 g H. agLEawA.IISt.EY.. PRCS -- lc.AND NDTC I hsrhans LF.Ps.i, Set o nt t P. 0. Newa s Bn. (5E0-.... AZLEWOD.] aaA gsesu.:..: 9