T4E U cl ' DAILY ---THE NEW CLOTHING HOUSE, 71,[73, 75 Woodlward Avenue, Detroit, Miciga len's CL T I un -iM (L N 1E.1I \'s F tlIN(= Chidr sCL11N H/\TS AND j 1WS Ba LatstoNvelis Arrvira L_. NEW BOOK STORES, C!D ~~s 6 South Main Street, 44 South State Street, -+ A T A'' ( 4 I mmomommommoom UNiV ERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, T T~~~ .H ID Medical Books, Law Books, _BLANK BooKs, ALL KINDS, Z9 AlljlBooks used in City Schools. studeiits, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Is showving the Latigest Stock otf1Full Diess Suitisgs in the market. Comlet Lue o Sprtig; ood. ig Istrmens.All the lte st sasi ndni- oveltes in 1rouserings and Compete ineof Sortng Co a. inginstunints.(0wo tinngs.1FineVests canii te had Of' Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50.; No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WL JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAILOR ~IMP ORTRJ The best place to get a THDE L.ARG:. GREATEST VARIEfl Ott LAMIP5, in ths city. You will '1ED STAR " OIL has noE chtarrintg of wick and gi Sold at 10) cenits per gallon, delivere, 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. 1 lgs ; ± Q12 72k&11gliN THE CAMPUS. I IThe followinig is the Adelpi MAD=O ORDERt program for Nov. 22: Vocal Solo, Miss Volland, Miss Davis LATEST] STYLES (acconmpanist); Essaty, Miss Latlhatm; Lecture, ''A Sketch of * AT~DDutch Literature, Prof. D'Ooge; ,. Music, Delta Beta Delta Quar- MODERATE PRICES, tette. Debaite; Resolved, that a National University should be 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. established by the government at Washington. Aff.,Ii. D. H~askins, ANN]ARBO0R, - - - MICII. Neg., R. W. Doughty. General Debate. Vocal Solo, Miss Vol- saturday Only. land1, Miss Davis (accompanist). ____________________ Tle inquest over Dennison's death met to-day according to the We Shall Sell on Saturday. adjournment. Up to thie time of gointg to press nothing of special The best $1- Laundried Shirt for - 89c. importance~ has been brought out. An extraqdualitynlaundried shirt 6fe. Chancellor Stomie, of the Kan- The heat 5ce. Shirt in Ann Arbor - 42c. sas State University, recently paid Cuffs worth 20c. at - - - ;15c.a visit to our University. Thee Collars worlt 25c, at - - - Ile. contemiplate adding a school of All linienmiI'st'd ltank'f a worth. Medicinte at that institution, amid 25c. - - - - - 17c the chancellor was senit to Ann EST STOCK, 3INLESS DER LOTO.Y. f LOWEST PRICES -- W.AROD 11 save montey by buying of uts. Our Oi MAIN STREET, equal, burns without odot or Specoat attention paid tos repairing watche5 yves a clear white light. M. W. BLAKE, , to any part of the city. rnCTiuRES, FRAMES, A740 p EANl & GO- AtRT GOODS. 10 West Huron St- FERDON LUMBER YARD, ing the proceedintgs aigainst thie Mantufacurersofad dester in Mayor dropped. AGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Extra program it itAdelpiiball CrFothadDptS. Saturday night. J "HALLER Mirs. ,Jamnes B. Angell is at- t 46i ~SiTHsi MAIN ST. tendinig thse ladies' commtittt RpangasecialtM.ATN meeting of the World's Fair, tat DEALER IN Chicago, this week. Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COFFINS. The Detroit University Club, J. A._POLHE -U made tip chtiefly of U. of M'. Z- -71RI. aluimtui, has disbanded. ALSO0'BUS HAtCK AND BAGGAGE LINS1 NrhMain Street. Sneak thieves being in townt, is avisblefor to eep RINSEY & SEABOLT, it i dial o students linee Bkers and dealers in their roonts locked. Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, Prof. D}'OogE, at Adelphi hall, 8 and 8SE. Wshington t JOHN WOTZKE, Saturday nightt.Maeofln LADIIES' and GENTiS' SsxoZg' As Prof. Stanley is obliged to Repairing naty done. 48.Saiast be out of the city Saturday, the GRANGER'S class in College songs will not d CDEYOFDNCN,.~ meet. e- We are requested to announice Opposie ILaw Building. that the student, Fred Parsons, Pupisewillibe received ai any time duri~il Hosiery, Suspenders, &c. at the GentP' Furningnq Dep't: -OF- 7,F. F MLLS & 00., 20 South Main. Arbor to finid on what principle our school is conducted. lie also investigated the system by which the accounts are kept at the Stew- ard's amid Treasurer's offices. Thewe is considerable bad feel- ing in the' Law department con- cerning the action of two members of the Senior class relative to hay- is not tihe same person as thte mtil- itia roan of the same nante who was recently arrested. 11. F. Johns, Law '91, returned' last night to conmplete the course. Thme Jeffersonian Society his been adjourned till next Montday evening. Charles Dudley Warner recently lectured in the Phi Beta Kappa course at Yale on the subject of ";The Relation of Life and Litera- ture." Through Veatibuled and Colonist Sleepers' Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- and Oregon. The Wisconisin Central and Nortiers Pacific lines run through Pullman Vex'- tibuled and Colonist Sleepers betweelS Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Portland Oregon. The train knovr" as the ' Pacific Express" leaves the5 Gi and Central Passenger Station, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and IHarrison Street, at 10:45C P. X. dailY- For tickets, berthus in Pullman or Col' onist Sleepers, etc., apply to hGmO.0% TumosMssose, City Passenger and TirOt5 Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F.3 EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, G01114 Central PassengerStation, corner1GZth Avenue and H arrison Street, Chhc49 Ill.