THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUDENT'S HEADQUARTERS' ~ ~ ~ 7~T Of Old IT. of M. should have a A T T W 0Prices lowset, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. 5 cts. Everything ini proportion. N -ooteplcintectcayo hda or complete line of Students' L. IT. Clement, 'Wii-L T .L i ifii a eur S A M i. C r 22 G2i N: U. TI.he _______ '0I'reot DpartentEn .A. sate The L-s Suit Departmuent ility The -raetHat Huei Southjern Michigan. The larges s FaishIg tore in dAnn Arhor. I 1 - 'I -i tall all-l see '1II:t'T1K TWO N I for any thing; inou line. ~~ ARl JA}T S ~Lamm VOORHEIS & ITS TBEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST GLASS WORK. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. TALL AND SEE US,. Geilts' uii~shers aijd $aters ,tarrtaIfull line of HIT S, ('.1 ',L NCKWEAR , IOSITEIY, GLOVES, UN DEl ' ;I;,AI, Etc. The 1latest ,t 1-limdani entire new stock to select from. tOB'ELIIMAIN AND) lHURON STIIEETS. LslE 'i iF TOILErT GOODS A-ND FoaIECucx ns, Toj1,ccos AND tic THE CiN ITY(H. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING! SbCHO""OL OFT1TjHORTHfAND lWill this week iiive into the new hrick 1)1ock, No.'') SO(U1,1STATE1' STE ET, ;aud will lie rea(i' to o~rgaiie new classes during the secondl week of Octoher JDay aiid ev ening classes w"ill then hlefomed so(1 thatth.e Convenience of aill nisy lieSiiiteil. CALL ANI) SEE ("5 INOt~t LEG1:11:ANT \NWQIAlt- T EES.School will hoieii sess ii f n frii9a. im. to .ii.I. ;Nearly 10111) lsipils hav( lou t lo 1E'ices. Je ~h it:io 2 s,1i1oiiltorood is,', ''a e ach LEAD,..IN1._G 1100K STORE IN THlE CITY. " FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. ATHLETIC NOTES. JOHN C. ROLFE. cLAe N-..hiealexlnntj Zlfo ise first foot ball gansse will be l il a tbonti otui dhuuuusinLatin will be hold of our Uniiversity to add a inian toI1 t. iii R(foouu F, Saturday oiigplaiyed in Detroit on Saturdaytb, Fciit wuocoiies betterl iieat, sit 0 o'clock:.Nwith fhn Detroit Athdetic Club.1trepacudltya As.v ro.JibnC i~I3A-i1 . isov The D. A. C.will play four ea-- lie. Ho is a graduate of Hasr- +< OT E~uus4 vil motth sn- al uie an aiinior f ldU~yard, from wbicb inrstitistion hue AOV1 M e i s ! ) v h o e e r c h c u r s e4 ' o f , ,. l l y e s . T h e n ia k e - u p o f t o t e d e g r e e o f A . A l . IH o t o o k sH O S i1L roosus IL to-uno01ros fr our team~i for this gam~e cannot y'etth ee h.DfrmCnllle;va Evngmslaea- Ircxto ujcsA .DiMN ral enarngdwls' n '82, anidheld the posiion of _______ Soesmsi 'sr-cmSrioD in bum yet to ( vbeiearsge ith' niinstructor in thistiUniversity from S, r rr: It k,,,X1.,,Sctiz D n br yt t b herd rom Th 12 to '55. Dr. Rlolfe was at the readling ii ctI d from. ( The. 1"2) a: isousuced in o stel Oi B is u - sllscwl e1ubile ssoihseaod of the Latin departineuit ust will iiieet Im. Swiggett in roomIs flueed te Cinocimnnati Iligh-_School,___from oi. ous Vuscsdavs amid Thursdays The D. A. C. nine were -white- '85 to Is.le spent the year [' froiiu to N wsheod at 1New York yvesterday y bIs-t at the Americans School oif BIZsC.--Course XI will be iv- thue New Jersey Athletic Clubl. Classicual Studies at .Athiens. Ile FJr HO 6R ?8 ciiWeiueda ard ridy mmi CddP ieeod uo Make 1Aye ws givens charge of important ox- Millinery and Art Goods. 4 to 5 iiilJRoomi 24. cenrter field for the D. A. C. caivations, aii interestimig account :,_- ooit Huron St. A- A STAINLEy. Score 4-t0. of which msay be found iii a late al ORE& SON, Sws1Dus..Tlios0 desiring to The Fa aofa t itcnmbro hAe retaurn lt elect the course in Swedish will groa Cnaia ahlti musbe o te ioerca Juroa find me in room tomorwa event of floe year, the annual o Archlaeology.Hertndo 26li hiis country in the summer of '89 k d ld Dahsll '1.,5a. n.gaes f he andin Aaturand filled tise position of instruce- - - CALV-"N TroooAs.. Athletic Association, took place tor at Harvard last year. Besides - ~~~Saturday. John Owen, Jr., D.A. the article above mentioned, Dr. eLHi5 Prf ono ssntye - C., won the 100 yards dash; also Rolfe has written other, articlesBadndrisa turned from Europe. Dr. Prescott tl 2 nfo the same journal. Hh d B- ~d lhlh and Mr. Evans take his work inodUofMm ,abetn icoed Macanley's Lays of Ancient M U I ceityfor a week or two, until the 120 yards hurdle by Williams, Rome, and the Heautontimorum- -aled Frlee. hemarivstry enos of science, the last to appear GRAPIrDS, hoF rrvs a Yale mlan. in a few days.MIHGN