AT THE TWO $12.00 buys a Fine Black Chleviot Suit. $13-50O a Fine IDouble Breasted Black ('heviot THE U. OF M. DAILY SAMS r WJ I--TW Of Old U.ofMk.A oudhavea U n y r i y o M c i a Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Maindolin Strings, tSait. 5 eta. Everything in prioportion. 38 . Alint, .A LLMETDI1NGEL. PIANTO &ORKGAIT CO. ----BUY THE NEW SILK HAT,~TADA KNOX'S, BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HtUON STREETS. ifit T H E11£O , 'V 'J 0 o LARGEST STOtCKiOFt'TOILET GOOPS AND FINE CIGARSt, ToiIACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN THEl CITY. Anu Arbor N8to anl1 dlllrY VOORHEIS & DIETAS, 6 Yostub- I ollar;;ante C Gloeckie BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE S.T IL R , aj~ki O) 4 C llrinKitffGlovesl! ~O1 ALEDORan DLIERD. FIRST CLASS WORK. FERGUSON & SLATING, " 'rI'ErlAL RAsT STo S~TUDNT. Cef , 23 South Fourth Ave. 7_I3PILL ANL] SEE US, 2SOUJ'Z W.T T, - ATT veyWAN R'S BOOK STORE, DOW"N F creveD, /TOWTN. LMef~rgst Msical cad lOS4 i EeyStudent wilil save hosey by buying University Text-Books and all sopplira aIt Ileadqnuarter~s. We allow '1eStte Agents fr ittetia. Wosthe~larn, special discount oi L AW BOOKS, MEDSICAL BOOKS(, IDENTAL BOOKS, in shiort, every Book tused ill the tiat i I'rrtt1)tr13 )liiIt i i tStiie in Iet U niver'sity. 5{(j10 Blank Bok at l oweStpiices.acfo Si i i le1A t]ay wi cets 5callh ILADING BOtOK 1STOltE IN TH~E CITY. +s ej. _ _ AkLL THEE NEWEST STYLES MISCELLANEOUS. Freshman Caucus.-Cettelutitt. Goodspeed. I IN \Vill the persoli into took twoi)Ainn Arboi: canidutet, Iiicketts, 'books froii the desk in nIV recita- and succeeded ill electingliiim by) O WILL ALWAYS JG tio i roomr, be so kindl as to i'etuni a vote of 33tolit30. Te nomi- f ind the Latesat Nov - .nce.itation was miade iianimnts, and e 1 ti e a i n Sh i rtsa Pr. Lobe in a speech accepted thae Ht'Ncwer Glvs OF ALL KINDS AT PniLOSOPIIICAr. SOCIETY. -Thereaoiiain evrlcniae Shoes , wi t h St yl e, J. T. JACOBS & 0o.'S) will be a meeting 'of the Philo- foQteuueanwbengnmei tyt he rE ye atno soph1ical Society held in. ilooim 21fotraueno ben-amdaSuit th Eye and ________ 9_________ ______ at S o'clock, Thiuisday eveniiig of freshman moved that the t~polhs Pocket . We cat er to L. GRUNER. this week, at which Alias 1. Al. be elosed." t h e w a n t s of t li e Dealer in z .IT= OB Street will read a paper onl Tha. young man. No8ot ai tet kimi's Philosophy of Art. Princeton's New Building. ~km fd Srih l. All persons intei'ested inl the Ar.Iamo CokrAea- Go odspeeda N.5 gynmnasium offer of the Jounial- CIGAETTE are requested to hand their names dot, daughter of Chtarles Crocker,I DOUBLE STORE. CGRT or to-msorrow to Atr. Stof- h aioii mlinie i ae willing to pay a sttle flet, at the news stand. A repro- presentt Princeton Uniiversity with mosre then lte prine l chiarged frtche.otrdin te/t sentative of the Jiournall will he iii a flue hall.1 ti nth Cigarettes, will finm1§wi 1 mTISBR upe prior t n roFiato cne n il thert. - le Iia, cifr te tewv building will be used rI The Richmond Straightt with th leaders in the en~terprise, ~I budt N de iatel esre d th e bight- st ~aO for coimmencement exercises and H11G~ ?S FI.ECogamosttdoslareyniade rtt ndigthesbright-aiid it is desired that a paeanid of and O Ka greaein Virgittia. Thiis the etti time of meeting na be arne all the liighter functions o Univer- Millinery and Art GUood. fa ia ie rSrih u Cigrilma rangu01EastmHDamn St. It alw ro lttnttou sin theyear I87. tebetwxeemitimestuidemts and Aimr. sity life. It will be the finest, th5 as low&Gisn every pckage Stoiiet. most costly and best equipped iy °snaOftheAmermicanTbacco Ce.. SCIE'NTIFIC FEENCu.-Suhscm'ip.building of its kind belomiging to AMo. forrrs- R"Lad irina. atture" - ManufacturIertao AtAroMihCaitlSe ,-lions fo r eneb) Course aycleg4i hecutryBh and and Ochentra AnnI Arbor ih Stock, &50Ba00 in ScientificFrnh will he to- best architects will be consulted, o sunne trplas. ahigLwceived from Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1s cate eeives9 Depostsn. buys and 1. As there is no0w a special andi also tie best taste and prece- Sel xhn eon the prneipat cties of the , f tu aei states Drafts caslhedIpnprprcourse makeI ot.or he1. sdet in uildins of thi vtle. PBIHR Fen P.f~tns's ie5res., neers, preference will not be The new hail is to be a nmemorial l and and lnnhl _ CiHAS. .HEtIIC~sher given to them, therefore the first of the Alexander family, fifteen USIC at11"TnAD.-Any omie desiring in- thirty names registered will con- ofwo ,iscbe rdae S1t5office of J. W. Miner, Practical tfoni Princeton.i, Wegr5ather, as E. tHuron Street. tions must be paid before the GRANDmRAPIDS cas easonabhe. Call and see mue. Christmas vacation. 3. Appli- lyot, 'M0YaleIisAlay Stoves new and ohd, large and Bants not paying by that time will' hShal, for coal, wood, oil' and forfeit thleir places, which will be ing left tackle on time CJiicago FN O RN IG u~oline, at J. E. Harkins', 28 E. supplied at once. University Eleven, and Donnelly, Inns ur aimnmeplease. i'etifaanihml~seasi tI~~hl street. P. R. DE PONT. Princeton, left end. REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITEfiCOOK HOUSE.