THE U. OF) M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays exeped) during the Collge y ear, by THE L.oscM. INDEPENDENT AWOCIATION. Subcriptonoprior 52.350 pee year, lnvaribly in advance. Single opie' scents. O sale at Sheehanoa and Pot Ofbe nerastand every evening at a o'clock. Subcriptio may be left at the officr o1 the DuLY, (Jers House bloc, at Sreatn's, at Stoitc', yrwith ay of the editors. Commnuncatios should reach the office by IS A. . if they tre to appear the saae day. Address at matter itenrded or publiatio to the Managing Editor. All tsiness comtnt- iatons should be sent tnorie Busites Man- ager. Report all teglecr on te part of Carriers to the City Cirulautor, V. n. ONeill. THE U. of X. DAILY, Amm Arbor, Hic. EDITORS. H. B. SHOEAKERn-. M......a.Ha. WE. GRtFFtN. 1.'aT. MA~NASIaanE-nOR. A. H-. Cana, '9,A.Ma-. M.... a.mBa. M. B. HaMMNatnn'a, Ba aa. aNAa uma. W. . ONEtuL. 'at, aas- .Ba. MAaan. . W.DOUHTY,',A.-ane.Ba. MNaaaR.. HeoNunStit~ns, 'S. I. B. TIBaLaS, '1. H. . EwaL..'Il. H. N. trzLcta, '1. Ti..IHtLtLtANt, 'w. t. SUstiMA, .'. RAt~LtSNoE., Wl. ,t,. TAucts,'IC L. G. WtrITERAD, E'1: LI. MAcSt, 5. The getierous ofer of the De- troit Joutrnalshioliditnot be al- loweid to palss withotio mel~i action leing taken upoti it. There is hardly a college ill the contry that has tnot a well eqtipped gytm- nasium, atid the greatest cutle-1 tors of te land have Cole to look upon a course of systetnatic gymnnasiutm training as qutite as itmportatnt to tnty students as any other course. in nany of the smaller itstitutions a certain quantity of gytnasiumn work is required. The Journal is quite correct when it says that «lazing" and "'rushing" have becomie far less prevalent in Easterti colleges since athletics are taken such a strong , hold. Experience has taught that the Journal's ctre for these "town and gown' conflictsI is ilie most effective, atd it is our opilniotn that the university an-I tlioiities would find it easier to tnaittaitn order if this cure were adopted by theil. There would then -be less inclitiatiotnoti the part of the students to itdulge in fun and frolic ot the streets.' But it must be remembered that the regents of the university are hampered by the difficulty of se- curing appropriations from the legislature. President Angell has already said that the little nmoney' they can succeed in getting is badly needed in the over- crowded departments, and a re- quest for funds to erect a gynna- slum would prejudice their other requlests. Ile is untoubtesdly right, amd it is unforttttate that tlte legislator's hae not more state piriheinil the largest educta- tional intitutioti ittAtmerica. No, swe insf111kto(other qutarters. Is there not some ptrioic private inidividulal ill Michigant who wotld tmae a gift stdficiett to erect a fist clatss gymiltasiumi for the 2,500 studetts that attetd here tsntiallv t HIarvartl had it lleitway, ale its Richards, anid the University of Mlicigan its The Journal woulddtitdoubt- edly be able to raise a goodly sum amotig the alunni and citizens of Detroit, and it is unforttttate' that the btilditig is tot iti exist- etice, sso that it could be asstred a first-class eqtipmient. Colutmbia has a tew litertry weekly calledl the Bte and White. BUSINESS LOCALS. N~otices inerted in this columnt at the rate 01 10 centn pee le, sinle insertion. Speial rates forelone time and axtra lines furnihed tty ap plying at thin adisa nr y eanstiun RE W. D7oughty. AsitanlBsiuanes Managed~ Go to E. B. lallI for coal. Gruber's chocolates antI bol-hons ire the itest that call be nade, pure flavors, no adulteratiol. Tiry them. P., . News 1Roo11. Nobly Black Chevit Otitiligs $25.00 anti upweards atStafford's. Blark Utdresed Kid Glovs-jtst received. Wagner & Co. For ftmi! Vs' will cnt prices ott Ban- jos, Guitars, Mandolins, Cases Sld Strittgs for the same, lower than at aIni usic house in Michigan. This mesans all thie words imply. A. Wilsey,j 25 S. 4th Avente, City. Novelties in Topt Coatitgs at Staf- ford's. Stewart Banjos at Wilseys. Baths 1cr at Y. . Barber Shop. Splendtid value in Warm Underwear anid Half lBos. Wagner & Co. Mell Gillespie, Teacher of Gtitar, Banjo and Mandolin at Clements. Bay State ald other Guitars. Bajos and Maudolins at Wilsevos. Blest Srilgs at Wilseys. Schleede, 51 State, sells 10 sheets of Lottis Linen, & by 11 icfhes, for 25. Books boud for 1Sf, upwards. Foit RENT-Suite of rooms nitfely ftrnished, bath ht atd cold weter, furnace, etc. No. 48:E. Liberty-t. WAN-rED.-Fifteen Young Mn atd Ladies tol cativass. Good pay. Apply at . . News Room at oife. WANTED.- Immediately! A first class agett to canvass Aln Arbor for Stalelys Own Book. Liberal con- mission. Apply to C. E. IDecker, 9 E. University Ave. TWENTY ILECTUES5IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND THE ART OF TEACHING. Every Saturday fo Twnty weea at 4 . m. at li South Fifth Street, beginning Snav. For Teachers, Snger, and advanced ta- dantesf the Practical Art of Music. Tuition, $5.00. ORIN CADY. STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUY YOtE COLLEGE TETT IBOOTS, LAW AN~D MEDICAL B053$ NOTL BOOKS, AT THlE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Seconld-lanid books at low prices. We are agelits of Paul E. Wirt, Scott 5ltd Hlolland fotutain pents. Bargains its stationery. SI- F' .A' T c CCU, - 0'R '=C " IS =MIT- AND inE tElIURN EUSS111Adff MIcmoGANGENIL CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. RIa '0 ; ccal t.i R Cn C . 7Il STHE BEST .4 ii u -i Steventeen teachers. IBoard switht Furnushetd g d~ B~S Ruo l , li.prweek. Circulars upon appli- 5 ~ I: cation. I I a . PR.CERPresident. ~ ~ l BURLEIGH & JOLLY1 M 'p e.; DEALERtS IN z to-xe o S a ETATIDNER__ Y, z1 I r _ __ BLANK ROOKS.__etst. ATHLETIC COODAND STUDENTS' SUPPLIED. ~ Blest litte of FOUNTAIN PENS in the a onta IV - to city. Ice Cretin, Soda Water, Comfectiens,Cold Lunches, Cigars tind Tobacco. c:' . OYSTiER1S, FRY, STEW OR PLAIN. Call antdseeus at 1oA ' j D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. I bn 9.2 1 I Fot Btain-Worhnn &Sedentary People; f q H5~ l~~- Gtementu, Ladies, Youths, the '5 O~ s Atlelte or lavalid. A complete I I 55n+5s SO'- gymn.asium. 'rakeusphbot Vho I qaeforroom, tsar, sintific, +Daily. *-Sutnday excepts ' durable, compreshensives hep y, cer~cgymen, editors & others 0. W.RUGGLES, H. w, BAI enusiolgit. Sedtaorildicu-sa G.P.& T. A. Chicago. AgtA-00t ' ad. tar,4 ns~g;nnosharge. Irof.D. L. D~owd, ScienticPhsical and __ __ __ __ __ Vocal Culture, 9 East 14th at., New Toek IToledo, Ann Arbor and North -7 7 Michigan Railway. i ieTbegigit fet ody I TFENC OOS Ns. LO ET PH ICES FOR EC ong North. SATIN. Gena t. BIFr ~,EST MATERIAL., ~ Ma isCd-d e 71Fr tWent. - Detroit, Mich . 4- 2-- CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE.,--- C. L. YOST, PRRETuaaOR. Ioo l re at " Ms. 13 and 11 Waahlngton St. - T lal11h - 4 iP. W.A . ... .beDO..O..P M 1 p10 Firnt-class RigsansdtSStylish Saddle Horses i - 401 66 0^ 45...Monro eu ft'... for Hire. -...4.02 547-B ans-nI 5 1~ 4 31 7 0.......Milan......1157 1It r .' 4 M 727.. ..Pittsfield ..11a7 94 6 .,.. 77 4tl.ASS ARBOR 11 1 g I f "~5 35 8st6Whatsara Late 11 00 W ... 5271 815 ...murg. ....Lni 1-75S f 7 651 24 8 55 ......H oellaa.... 5510 dl R O M .... t 735 940 mDrn....9. 4 I g.6 o .or L tna..911 '8. tOGRAP ll . .. 8 10 10 20 ....C.Oosso....nh 5 f'I" ........YIt aa..... 74f . NO, E1 SIGHTHU ON lY.& 17150 ..wS. DLo is...72850r HoaA.nM.y9E3e12,45 ...... Ama .......7Cuin4g ' 7P(10E3 1"i5.. t.Plesan... 6 65 4lP JI7M38A110TJ 45 1t'-sa..Lv]Car.A. 6at-3 " b " IiIc 01 -.oeitarn .d.5 II 40 -- 512 2c5ND 75 . ....: 7L0EY. ae,,.. 7.P 3! i0~S nowonSae1t2. 03SwnSem. .. 6HAZLEWzo. 7a ASaL 81