OL. I. No. 46. UNIV.
the Detroit Journal Comes Out
With a Good "Gym' Suggestion.
of1 through the exciting tities
of the past ten days, the Journal,
'f betroit, has shown itself a truie
hampion of the students' cause.
It as given evidence, by its edi-
torials, that it appreciates their
Aositio and sympathizes very
gly with them. It thinks
hat all these troubles "are due to
tale ea
estape of youthful energies
eni1sPirits," and it suggests as a
re, that a gymnasium be erected
I Wliea this superfluous energy
(ae worked off. The following
at extracts fromci its editorial of
' ho It overflow of spirits, as natural
as thei0 ubb~ingo o
os fubb10ng of fonutains or the
I f the d river, must have escape.
tss ,,do not find it in safe and harm-
se hannels they will find it in dan-
er5s snd obnoxious ones.
the glir and scientific exercise in
)al1 gr5aium; practice on the base-
th hdslthe pulling of boats, and
haother methods of physical exercise
Port'nOrded the students the needed
aha Itiites for working off the en-
Ust-1 and d the superfluous energy
bodiesi bottled up in all youthful
Physie deans and facilities for
al xercise at Ann Arbor are few
beecalt-a Boating isan impossibility
o ue tliere is no water. They haes
thela lasium. Their numbers are
tontie tof any-institution on the
a te itand'their athletic advant-
lt lere than some of the smallest
Isi a ins- What it needs just now
isalth h sasium of the first rank with
5the5 modern conveniences andaappa-
Satl ale e h. the state will erect a suit-
ake to ,ing the Journal will under-
ebi Iaise a sum large enough to
leaqIt in first class order, and will
thae esbscription with $100."
t has the right ring ! Add
the ' ,0 0 already saved to what
n Ollal can raise, and the
be oedOf an equipment could
- - ide
1890. PRICE 3 CENTS.
Where was Villiers?
There are few persons in this
busy world of ours, who have had
a life more full of thrilling inter-
est than the man who is to address
us to-morrow night, Frederick
Villiers. Villiers is the was artist
of the London Graphic. IIn a
litte book souvenirs of the prince
of war correspondents, Archi-
bald Forbes, there is an interesting
sketch of Villiers' first campaign.
It was in the Servian War in 1877
that Villiers, then a boy, was tear-
fully entrusted by his mother to
the care of Forbes during the cain-
paign. Both men threw their
fortunes with the Russian Army,
and bore together the neglect of
blunt old Schaborsky, the want of
suitable food and the charges of
the Turks. At last in the battle
of Radisoro, Villiers, who had
been ill and weak all day, was
forced to leave the front ranks
and retire to assist the surgeons
in the rear. When at the close
of the day, Forbes sought hire, he
was no where to be found nor was
there a man who remembered'
having seen him.
All night Forbes sought for
him but to no avail, and in the
morning there came tidings that
the Turks had crept into the vill-
age of Radisoro, and slaughtered
every man there. With a heavy
heart Forbes abandoned the quest
and set out for the telegraph sta-
tion at Bucharest, where lie re-
solved to give one day to fortune
before telegraphing to the mother
in London the sad fate of her son.
But while dining in the garden of
the hotel Forbes was startled by
hearing a familiar voice call out,
"Waiter, quick - dinner ; I'm
beastly hungry." It was Villiers;
he had been asleep in an ambu-
lance wagon in Radisoro. A W right, Kay & Co.
young surgeon had jumped on the
box and driven the vehicle out of Fore gn Buyers, inporters of Geas
the village just as the Turks had and Art Goods, Jewelers ar d Op-
surged up close behind it. It was ticiars. Manufacturers of the
a close shave, but in the words of Finest Society Badges rrade in the
Forbes it had sufficed to bring courltry, Samples'sent upon pro-
him out safe, and lie had got to per references,
Bucharest in time to shout for his
dinner and to save me the misery Deteroit OBEk I er Bf ..,
of telegraphing to his mother that
I had a sad answer to the ques- 140 WOODWARD AVE.,
tion "Where was Vilhiers
--Dtroit, - - M±hgan.
Freshman Independent Caucus.
The Independents of '94 met
in Apha Nu Hall last eveiing to
select candidates for Saturday's
election. The meeting was
graced by the presence of four
charming co-eds, probably the
first time in the history of the
University that co-eds have at-
tended a freshman caucus. A.
D. Rathibone was selected chair-
man pro tem, and Gower secre-
After deciding that the candi-
date for president should, if
elected, agree to resign his posi-
tion if lie decided to join a fra-
ternity, an informal ballot was
taken for president which resulted
in 14 votes each for Mr. Lobe
and Mr. Ricketts. On the sec-
ond informal ballot Lobe's sup-
porters numbered 18, Ricketts'
14, and Lyons' 10. Wire-pulling
now commenced in earnest and
on the third ballot Ricketts re-
ceived 25 votes, Lobe 19, and
Lyons 9. A formal ballot was
next taken, giving Ricketts 32
votes, Lobe 27 and Lyons 7.
None receiving a majority another
ballot was ordered. The sup-
porters of Lyons now combined
with those of Lobe against the
Continued on third page.
Special Rates to Students.
An important Engagement at the
Opera House' Next Tnursday
Ev n ing.
An event of unusual importance
to all lovers of legitimate acting
will be the appearance of Mr.
Louis James at the Opera House,
next Thursday evening, in Shake-
speare's greatest tragedy, "Julius
Caesar." Mr. James is now con.
sidered our leading actor of trag-
edy on the stage to-day, possess-
ing the intellectual dramatic at-
tributes of Edwin Booth and in
physical qualifications far sur-
passing him; Mr. James, in char-
acters like 6"Brutus" in " Julius
Caesar," " Virginius" and "<Othel-
lo," stands to-day without an
equal. His dramatic education
has been long and enthusiastic.
His conceptions of a character
are true and his'presentation of
them in harmony with his ideal.
We are free to aver that there
will be no other occasion so fertile
in interest at the Opera House
this season.