TI-ITU (WM TDAITLy CLOTH-~ENG OUE'- e 1 71,13,75 Woodward Aveue D trot, 1 l itesu Noveltes R r r v1n a ~ ~ ~ -.-~ NEW BOOK STORES, ______ 6 South Maiq Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEX'T-BOOKS, C'~ . H. WILD, MedesalBookLawr Books, LANK Boois, ALL KiNDs, 'A I O *M ~ -V -- All' looks used to City Schools. Students, Note Books and Pads, D)raft- Is show ig the Lsrge st stoc k of FullDress, Suitings in tihe market. Compete ineof Sortng Gods ingInsrumets.All the latest shade s andInoveltiesi1 Irousering~s and {Oni~let Lie ofSporing(toas. ig Istroiieits.Overcostings. F ie Vgsts (cani le liaudof Large Sitork: of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Penl (Gold) for $1.51). No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILE), JAMES M. STAFFORD, Thle best plato to get a fJS ±QIzASVI+U~' MADE TO ORDER- LATEST; STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19s SOUTH MAIN ST., ANNjARI3OR, - - . MICIT. Lady SiudentS. KID GLOVES.--49c, 730, 980. $1.35 and $1.5o Largest liun and lswear; rices. HO S I E RY.-Special ( Fast Bllacke at 250 and, ul) Sate Agents ftax Lienafat" Biack Hose. Gentlemen studenfS COLLAR1S, 12,15fc and 17c CUFFS, 15c and 25c. TIES, 17c, 25c and 50c.j iINDF', 7, 25c tsp. IF, .HILLS & 0. Popular 1Dry goods aan aret "tsre, 20 South Main. THE L.ARG: GREATEST VARIETY On LAMPS, ini this city. You wilt IED STAID" OIL has noe charring of wick and gi Sold at it) tents per galloit, delivere44SUHMIST THE CAMPUS. Mirs. Mary A. Livermore will deliver her lecture entitledl "P41erils of the Rlepublic' before unity Club, Saturday evening Nov. 22, at the unitarian chuirch. Everyone should hear lici, she be- ing tiemeIost lnoted woman lecturer in America. The Ftresbnman Election will take place next Saturday, at 2 p. in., in Room A. The ladies of thse Congrega- tional Church are making exten- sive preparations for a fair the first week of December. Partic- nlars will be given next week. It will be a good place to find a gift for Christmsas. A number of Harvard mnen are planning to take a trip through France on bicycles next summer. A quartette of Swarthimore Stu- dents traveled through England in that mnanner a few yeas ago. Tbe higbeat price paid for the private boxes at the Yale-Prince- ton game was $115. The Harvard Glee Club has been granted the privilege of taking a Christmas trip by tbe faculty. The Freshmen at Cornell are trying to raise $1,500 for their class crew. EST STOCK, BIISIiTNESS PILLCIORY- b LOWEST PRICES --CWM.ARNOLDLE 1 save mney by hosing otftts. Otto8 MAIN STREET. qit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Seca 1bussttutoltm,5rtattention paidtmreairing 4 tch yes a clear white light. M. W .BLAKE, Ilto anry tart of the city. PICTURIES, FRtAMES, A740 )DEAN & GO. ART G ooDs. 15 west Huron St. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Brown has arranged to play Manufacturer of anmd deater in Wesleyano at Springfield, Nov. 21. SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER tsor. Fsiirth andr Depot Sts. Newell, .3, is snakiitg togreat -'' ''iep' tttackle ont the Harrvatrd!, 3. HALLE R, . liine. I di S,00 Ti1M AIN 5T. Nbssatliusetts Inisttitte of - 0. M.MARTIN, Tehooywill probably do DEALER IN Telologe drtern . Cloth Caskets, Metallic, out of h EseIn otercollegiaote AND COaMMON COFFINS. Foot-Ball League at the close of J . A. POLHiEMUS, .... the presenmt seasons. Tl =v R-1,T ~ j Time Aioherst gynasim is ALSO 'OltT5 HACK AND BAGGAGE £155 gymnasiumNorth Main street. one of the most complete in the RINSEY & SEABOLT, college world. A bae ball cage Bakers ad dealers in has just been added to its facili- Groceries, Provisions,Flourand Feed, 8 and S ..WashmngtonStL ties. JOHN WOTZKE, At a recent meeting of time As IADIES' anndGENrTS'! SS(O sociation of Alanini of Columbia Repairing neatly dane._48 . Mn St-~~ College it was decided to purchase GRANGERS a tract of land at Williamsburg, aACADEMY OF DANCING,-~ on tlme Harlem railrmoad, for a new opst ~w>li