THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS $12.00j buys a Fine Black Cheviot Suit. $13.0 a( Fine I)ouble Breasted Black Cheviot Suit. ---_ -,U Y THE NEW SILK HAT, -_ - KNOX'S, AT THE TWO SAMf AuArbor SloolliLollilrY, eVOOFIHEIS & ITS $EST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, 1NM CA.LLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. WnrSt, tlh RTES TOSTUDETS50.AN -. 23 iSouth Fouth.-/ L ~_. SEL Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the read. Violin amud Guitar Strings, 15 ets.; Blanjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in proportion. L 81.Clement, ALLDITL A~O&OGl O T 'RAJJE ~rE BROWN'"S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HIURON STREETS. Lxssoaav STOCK of TOILET Goons ANT) FIXE CIGARS, ToITACCOS A D CIGARIETTES IN TH~E CITY. j3big Your ' Co ars 5andl cuffs, ]neckties and -)Perrin IidcGloves OF- FERGUSON & SLATING, fivery WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. S tudent will save money hy hoyirig l'ivsersity Text-Books and all auppliv.;a IlHeadquarters. We allow special discount 011 LAW BOOKS, MEICIAL 1BOOKs, DENTAL, BOOKS, in shll, every Book used in the University. 5,00s Blank Books at lowsset priices. I.E1 ~xIIJINI BOKLSODE IN THE (CITY. i LTHlE NEWIEST STLS tN- . MISCELLANEOUS. Will thie person soho took two (TG~F LJ T \TG1 tion 100111, he so kind as to retuni OF ALL KINDSIAT NOTICE'rO SENIOR LAWS.-.-Prof. "I TI. JACOBS & CO.'S, Thompson will lecture at 8:30- to- 27 AD *9MAINST. morrow (Thursday) morning. L.G inER Louis James. Dealer in jgoNat oy an treet. Of Mr. James' acting the Pittshurg Q and Psnipy. Leader says: 'b 1I1C Straight o~ Those who attendled tile opera houase No. 1 last lnighit .sa aiuperb Performiance CIGARETTES. and one they will not soon forhet. It Cigaett smoerswhorivets it self to the memoury, not from sre willing to n1y a iittle any special pairt or poinitt, hut as a1 play more than she price developed in all of its paris frotm the charged toe the srlilasr5 hegitinin g so thlat from the foundation + Te egilse~t% ettes. willta Tstasouperior to e to tihe inisah the untity is preserved alnd aill others. tile atlltlre grows itito vivid and lhar- eu o Tkr Ririlmondt Straight uloliols Oemhodimentt. This sort of __ aete r al ro h rgt I dramnatic art is extretmely rare nosra- 4ll01)d i ,.retn in Virgitnia. 'rise is the Ol dalys, especially withl travelinlg coumjii- 4higft t0f~~ ati 1dof Straight Cut Cigairetlte,niehutMrJaeisllodchl tare acorllsugiialisllbuoilnoberre that thirlaetor thlat served his long apprentice-k lsev Th Atihblow o NTE aur page. olhip and Idil not dossolfrom the am- 11.y("L4otteTeiraneacc Co ilitiolls longing of the alilateurl' o the -'Seatuers -RichmeondlVirginsia. ftill flodged star at oe stride. A5Arbor Savings Banuk - - r-.-- i ,1.0pim0l. 5,0, ATHLETIC NOTES. a1 Ot55nd under the tGeneral Bankiing Laws __ fqlte t 11 eeie ic'te © heon the priseipal eFe t ie ]~oot-ball gatues Saturday.- 8 ti~cOn Drafts caosted upon ~propter 0uTt .0 rnctnos tiltIA.oQ- ieern: Y 111 0 , .o . t.P iceo)6 W.3. HPIANs. TicesPees-, Wsean 4. Lehighs 66,Layet CHSE ICOK CsieETj 'AND. -Any 0111 deniring ill- 6. Williams 6, Amherst 0. Clove- dt t etiohti Shorthand will please call l aud A. A. 6, AllgeyAI .4 'St e l°Me of J. W. Miner, Practical . egetyAA.4 TesgFalFher, a9 E. Huron Street. Crescents 40, New York A. C. 8. ','- reasnathble. Call and see me. Dickinson 12, Ilaverford 0. Is li 5 nw and old, large and Faki n asll 8 u mall, or coal, wood, oil and Faki n asal3,Ml h55a Ol' h t J. E. H~arkins', 28 E. lersville 0. Wyoming Seminary railstret.12, Bucknel 0. THE CAMPUS. loot-bilil linebeeni firmnly etab- lislied ini Berlin, anid the Sunday afternoonlkicks on the Temipel- I hiofer-Feld are very lively. Ninle clubs are ill existencee ill thleGer- mnt capital. The Trinity College fotot-ball tenan has disbanded. Miss Edith l Sheffield, formierly '92 Lit, is visitinlg friendis inl towni. p1-of. J. B. Steere will give a lecture at tile M. E. church niext Thlul-sday evening, at eight o'clock, fotr the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society. Subject, ;Crossinig the. Andes." Admis- 51011 10 cents. The Wotman's League of the U. of -Al. will give an afternoon tea, Saturday, from 3 to J P. in., in the chapel. Choral Unlion does not mueet for two weeks owinlg to the Thanks- giving recess. A new college hlas been estab- lished at Sylvia, Kansas. Captain Cumnock, of Harvard, 1155 invented a nose-mask for foot-ball Jplayers. The Yale Freshiten heave formed a debating society. Thse Williams College Library is open to students on Sundays. 19NG' S G US! lbe Ma1te Sr e tii sbo 110111 u051 illn EI-1suonl I3ut1uuy C311 15. 11131 - sn, Strs,-- art5andtlii,0 lyIoutjis. '( hoo t 011il s he 1'odS nt la ITtb Hsil 1 n iu1 IL itu 15 c-1-1110 each for iu,,,H1d Cl/hull vdI# ive n,-lit Gkoods peed.. YUWILL ALWAYS find the Latest Nov- s It ies in Shirts, Hats , Neckwear , Gloves, Shoe s, wi th St yl e, Quali t y, Pr ic e, to Suit ths Eye and Pocket . We cater to the wants of the young man. Goodspeed.f DOUBLE STORE. FIF HDTOGRAPH8, N0 East Rut-on St. - ~ J W17011Ya~ & SON, -Masnufacuressof Band lnd Orhetr PUBLISHERS Os Bill and kthu a - GRAND RAPIDS, 'MICIGAN. SHORTHAND T RE IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Qchcslltew lnt3dtng, 20 South State Street.