THE U. OF:)M. DAILY. Puahished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collge year, by THE U. OF M. INIEPENIENT ASOCIATON. sbcription price $;.,11 peyear, invariably ini advaace. Sigle copier 3 cet. On sale at Sheehan's ad PotOfi 1cnews cstand eery evening at 6i o'clock. Sbsciption may bo eft it tle ofice of' the DtY, lpea aoe biock, at Sheloa'a. ac Foitet, orit5 ay of the editors. C'ota mi cations shols reah the offic by 0 A. . i they arc to aper he ram la. Address all matter itteided frpohliaion to the Managing Editor. All busincs comtmtunt- iatons should beosant o hclBusitiessan- ager -Report all tieget ;o the par of Crrer t0 the City Circulator, W. B.O'Nel. THE U. of M. DAILY. Ann Arbor, Mih. EDITORS. H. B. anOEMAKER. '-, M.ON DR W. E. GaRIFFIN '91.Ae. M..,.-0 EITO.. A. H. OERT. '92. A..'. MaN, .9EnIe.. M. B. HMONttn.'at. a.ooMNAO.,. W. Ba. O'NEILL 'a1. A--'e BasM .. R. W. DOaGHTY, '92. A.'c. Bas..MAvR itinON iticitoi, 'li. P. I. TinAt, '. H.tD. OIc'tcnct.'1. IfO i. tlcsr.ct '. E. s.i.OLLND'f1;:. L. SUTHMAtDt11,y,'. RAtePs SUNc,'l97. ii..'ITACt, '00 I. G. W ITccAcut, .3. . L . MAONo, 91. It shows a lick of riglt feelitg an~d sense of lionorl, wei tintgs arrive at such a pass that books of the instruictorls ae inot sae oti the desks inth le recitationi roomts. Prof. de onht has recently had two books taket, presumtably stolet, froni the desk in ioo0(11. There has comie to us before, a complaint of dishoesty especially in regard to coats and hats. This complaint has been directed to- wards the Freshmtan class, whether unjustly or not is a question which we hope can be settled in the near future. All lovers of the highest dra- miatic art will be afforded a rare opportunity of hearing something great to-molfrow evening. Louis 1Jalmes is undoubtedly, oule of or greatest tagic actors. Ilis repriesentattions of 4''Irutus" is conceded to be oe of the stronigest characterizations of that role, now onthde stage. No ote shotld miss this opportunity to hear James if they have not al- ready. The Cortell Sun complats of, the style of play of the U. of M. team in Saturday's game, and asserts that our players "tshowed themselves to be disreputable and niot gentlemen in the least sense." 1 This sort of talk seets to us in perfect accord with Cornell's con-t duct during the game, in a word babyish, not the manly spirit that one looks for in foot-bll. We grant that the game was rough and hard played, but deny the chlarge of intentiottal slugging ex- ('ept ii retaliation for Corell's dirty- pa . Their eastern trip leod taught them all (le means, 1011)3 f ilie gam te, anid they used tliemi with tellitig efect when, the1 Pcs /ese was't1flsokio. What wonder that our mn, little used to that st}'le of play, became ex- asperate.d at times and attempted to play thle same kind of game. In regard tos our "lack of ex- peience', anid ignorance of te first prinipiles of the game", the Sun mnakes ii direct quotation froma the Boston Globe criticism of their own game with Hlarvard. We have no fault to find with the result of Saturday's game. Foot-ball is yet iii its infancy here, and1( the imtprovemient from 56-0 last year, to 20-5 this, is decid- edly gratifying. Next year we will play Cornell a still better ganie, for we propose to start the season early, employ a coach, take ani eastern practice trip, and learn (lie game of whichl we "d,-)tiot know thle first piniciples' iii the opinion of(lie Cornell Sn.- BUSINESS LOCALS. [Ntietinerted in this comna at the rain 01 10 cents per line, sing~rle inetian. Special ratosn fr longer tor and eStales efrnihed by , apyig at thineflle or by cnnatinun . w. uiaghty Assistant Businesa Manager.) Go to E. B.. tall for coa. For Warm Underwear atd Stylish Overcoats see Wagner &c Co. Grubers chocolates atitlbn-oem are (ha fitest that cans be uade, pure lavors, no iadulteration. Try them. 1'. O. News Room. See tie Colubia Bicycle iti window State andt'Williamn St. Nobly Black Cheviot suitings $2At) atid upwards atStaitrds. For fun! we will cut prices on Ban- jos, Guitars, Maudolins, Cases and Strings for the samce lower thain at any music hotse in Michigan. This mns all the words implly. AWilsey, 2.5 S. 4tht Avenue, City. Novelties in) Top (oatings at Staf- ford's. Stewart Banjos at Wisey's. Baths 1ile at P1. . Barber Shop. Mdl Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar, Banjo and Mandolin at Clements. Bay State and other Gtitars, Banjos anid Mandolins at Wilsey's. Bost Strings at Wilsey's. Scbleede, 0 State, sells 110 sheets of Lotus Linen, 8 by 11 inches, for 25c. Books bound for 35c, upwards. FoxREtNT-Suite of rooms nicely furnished, bath hot and cold water, furnace, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-t. WANED-Fifteenl Young Men and Ladies to canvass. Good pay. Apply at . 0. News Room at once. STUDENTS' BOOKS- aUY YOUE COLLEGE TETBon~s. LAW ANDP MEDIcAL E005S NOTE HOOBS, AT THlE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STRIEET. S'ee'med-hanild book-s at low prices. We are agents of Paul E. Wirt, Scott a11' Hlolland fountain pens. Bargains ini stationery. SmT=FCO., - C I .x==-o=S'n CHRY1 USHESS C1tURE, wTHE B EST.S SvnenteachrslieBloardsick Farninhed Ram !V2.25psreki.C(iculars upon appli- P. R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY1 DEFALERaS IN ST/\TICLIN ERY. BLANK BOOKS. ATHLETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' 'PUPPLIEI. MMCHIGAN TGFin. "The Niagara Falls Raute."' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME' It _ E4 i a M t a.0CS O E on c.s cRB .15 m Best idle of FOUNTAIN PENS ill (le 2 E eQ w city. Ice Crearn, Sosda Water, Confcctiois,('ol Lriles, 0o ea rO Cigrs '.3and Tob:accol. ,1' I t-. Oacn '"N ,"-^ OYSTERtS, FRY, STEW OILt PLAIN. Cl adae sa 26 BOTWSE STA'FBJ S. l D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER., s ~a For Bran-Wohkera5o dentary People: n~1 (Gentluaes, Lidies, Yoiiiks; the' e a UdI t AtletoIlnovilidl. A comeplete .~sa~o q~u aric ot roeoms, ulki, scienific, t~aily. *Sanday excepted. drale, coimpreheasisve, cheap. __ iuobscraiymesnuedirs otherss0. W. RUGGfIES. Hnw. HAFat"'s noa s ag it. 5Sd fonill'd circut- 0. P. & T. A. ChI4 ago. Ag't Annt'Sr "'et'oi lMatk. lar,sieg's; nachange. ProsI.D.1 L. Dasurd, Scientific Physicxl and' _; ___________r__ Vnctl Cuulture Q iast 4th st.. NcwsYork, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North T 17cs- Michigan Railway. , 1 ieTahle gonag intoaeffect, tonday, Non. FRENCH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH b COOKINGI. LOWEST PaICES FOR ong North. STTONS. Going 5~ BEST MATERIAL. 1 1 71 Fort St.. Went. - Detroit. Mich. I1ta.4C"efad"5uadedTym Cc E LxM11\3CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. E00p't Mal'Rp" tt~ C'. L.YOS, Po'ano. I e s ee ~c .. '" Itt.. 13 ant 15 Washington St., - YsilantiMich. P. I 5t5 ..A. OL e DO.......,I iiilt1,t Frtcl'aslRigs aid Stylish Saddlehss 432360Suon s... eE...I'110 to lii' - I ....,. 4.10 6d7 ..Du..Ondee....,. 12 16 10 22 dl1 ii 70......Milani ....11u57l10 4 31 7 ...Pittfeld.11 37 9 4o-~ ! 5 07 740 ..ANN AtIAoF 11 5'0.. (5 5 715 Lamhue.... 1112 0 5,1)8 oWhitmore Lake11 00 5 ... 081 ..Howellg....102155 "' 6 a 855.,....Doweuid...... 10 1i8. j 7 5l..40 C Dua....9.407s2t1 'asiaa9 11170._,..IChaca ...... 7 54 W. HURON S. 9 1 711150.. .oist.... 7.2a 5 0'0 A.M.9 a51 5n Aa .....,5. 234& 4 Sat4u v"ls.ywEe . 9:20v.....Caing n .th moCaa...a.tcg.. 1eatb' it o- -.. . _:O (Acmih. . n ..55-4j6I KC1 1140YGO ek a .4"'; 1 12 25ao .....700a ,.-7-1' 0 f w170 itt 36Fra.gnkfort.. 41 .-"' _____ONENIGHT_ ONL_..ain..awstiaglSaw s se Seto atusday 5aEva. 4 0o. 22. .Gon Nrth aaSATIOS.GoingPs.go"t N e wsE E ont. E O. B E A Z L W O O D. Local A geu f