The Thanksgiving Vacation.
This morning at chapel Presi-
ent Angell made some remarks
relative to the Thanksgiving vaca-
and the granting of excuses
efore the beginning of the recess.
Originally, lie said, the vacation
as Only for a single day. Fi-
allY it was decided to give the
lldents the preceding day and
e day followinzg. When college
as dismissed for the single day,
ere Were very few requests to
e eleused from attendance Mon-
ay and Tuesday of the college
Week- Now that the student is
glvek three days of Thanksgiviig
we, great pressure is brought
i hear upon him to secure ex-
te55 for the remainder of the
Week It is not the intention of
tcollege authorities to give the
pPortunity at Thanksgiving for
dents residing 'at a"distance
toeg home, as it is only a month
ore the Christmas vacation.
rAngell requests that no stu.
alit ask to be excused, unless on
toaunt of some matter of imore
tOa Ordinary importance.
The Principles of Style.
le have received the work
hearing the above title, by Fred
iSott. The body of the work
iaen from a note-book coin-
ed hy the writer for his class in
rles of Style, and consists
treat fe nces to writings which
io pon the various subdivis-
of this topic. To these ref-
erence "s prefixed a prefactory
Nly.This is not an original
Entribution to the theory of style,
tot, as the author says, "simply
pake Plain to other instructors,
e jjQaY care to use the refer-
to ee',the writer's purpose in
rPiling them."
There are three ways of study-
ing rhetoric, the author says. The
first is as a guide to composition,
the second is a study of the sci-
ence of rhetoric. These are
grouped together as the Lower
Rhetoric, then comes the third
division-the Higher Rhetoric.
The aim of this is to give concrete-
ness to the student's conceptions
and to make what lie has already
learned a piece of his personality.
It is this third division, the High-
er Rhetoric, that is considered in
the author's work. -
The Cornell Sun's Account of the
Notwithstanding the fact that
the Sun previously had said that
the game at Detroit would hardly
be interesting, yet it devotes more
space to reporting this than any
other gasne. The following are
parts of the Soul's accounit:
"Cornell played a steady game and
won by skill alone. The guarding was
better in the game than any heretofore,
and the running by the halfs made
more ground than usual."'
"Osgood and Bacon exchange kicks
with Duffy, who makes a fair catch at
the 50-yard line. From this catch
Duffy made the most brilliant play of
the afternoon and probably the most
difficult of its kind ever made on a
foot-ball field. Cornell did not expect
a drop-kick for goal and everybody
was surprised to see the attempt and
more surprised at its result."
"The boys played a team game
throughout and the absence of 'grand-
stand' plays was noticeable. They
worked together better than any game
this season. The running and tack-
ling was better than usual,andthecon-
duet of the men on the field as com-
pared with that of their opponents has
won them the respect of the citizens of
From this account it seems, that
had the U. of M. had a . good
coach and played several practice
games with strong teams, especi-
ally eastern, the result would
have been different.
Class Foot-nail.
The last game of the class
schedule was played -yesterday
afternoon, between '94 Lit and
'93 Dent. Before the champion-
ship banner can be awarded,'93
Lit must play each of the class
teams. The score yesterday was
18 to 0, '94 Lit winning. Jewett
made all of the touch-downs and
kicked all of the goals. The rush
line work of the Dents was super-
ior to that of the Lits, but the
latter were stronger behind the
To the Flowery Kingdom.
The following dispatch from
Ypsilanti to the Detroit Tribune,
dated Sunday, furnishes the
sequel to the elopement of the
Japs. as told in these columns a
couple of weeks ago.
Ypsilanti, Nov. 10. Edith Ful-
ler, the girl living near this city
who with a woman of Ann Arbor,
eloped with a couple of Japanese
students of the University of
Michigan, was here yesterday
with her husband, and left last
night for Tokio, Japan, to live.
They were married Monday last
at Toledo, 0.
Bishop Garrett's Lectures-
The general subject of Bishop
Garrett's course of lectures before
the Hobart Guild is "The Philo-
sophy of the Incarnation". The
subject of the individual lectures
are as follows: 1, The Philosophy
of the Infinite; II, Evolution-
Spencer; III, Idealism-Hegel .
IV, The Person of Christ; V,
Sin; VI, Redemption; VII, The
Kingdom of God,
After the lecture, Friday even-
ing, no more tickets will be sold
by the Students' Lecture Associa-
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gams
and Art Goods, Jewelers aiGd Op-
ticlars. Manufacturers of the
Finest Society Badges rlade in the
Country. Samplessent upon pro-
per references,
D 4toit OiPDWAR sV f.,
Special Rates to Students.
An important Engagement at the
Opera House' Next Tnursday
Ev n Ing.
An event of unusual importance
to all lovers of legitimate acting
will be the appearance of Mr.
Louis James at the Opera House,
next Thursday evening, in Shake-
speare's greatest tragedy, "Julius
Caesar." Mr. James is now con-
sidered our leading actor of trag-
edy on the stage to-day, possess-
ing the intellectual dramatic at-
tributes of Edwin Booth and in
physical qualifications far sur-
passing him; Mr. James, in char-
acters like "Birutus" in "Julius
Caesar," "Virginius" and "Othel-
lo," stands to-day without an
equal. His dramatic education
has been long and enthusiastic.
His conceptions of a character
are true and his presentation of
them in harmony with his ideal.
We are free to aver that there
will be no other occasion so fertile
in interest at the Opera House
this season.