TT-E U rOPM. DAILV 71, 173, 175 Woodward AvenrueDetro itMlcla q.4 Mten's, CLT ( r L1 F i Latest Novotieo Prrving DEL Li ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _____ j r '" - .- # ._Y ' ""'.._. ^" i ,y '\. ' C/ D ~I i cf NEW BOOK STORES, A q,t u.M in - + .44 Slouth State Street, "-4 IP "Iter". UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, 011~ - = Gt".H. ,WILD Medical' Books, Law Books, BLAnNK Booxs, ALL KIN-DS, A O A ~ * AllZook usd i Ciy Scool. Ssdests Noe hoks id als Drft- Is showing the Largest SMock of Fnll Dress Suitings in the market. Eleo prigGoods. ing tnstrusoents. All.1 the latest shazdes ass1 novelties in T.roezserings and Complete Ln fSotn Overcoatings. Fine Vests canibhadon of La rge Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1a.50 No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G. H. WItLD- JAMES M, STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, TJIllS3LI'REOTO~I.Y GREATEST VARIETY C OETPIES W.ANL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, TR Ott LAMPS, itn this city. You will save mioney by huying of us. IOr ;36SAIN STREET TAILR IILJ P 0'"ICED STAR " OIL hiasno equal, horns without odor, or ani'ea attention paid to repairing Wa 595ib charring of wick and gives a clear white light. M .BAE Sold at 10) cents per gallon, delivered to any part of te ciy. PICTURES, FRAMES, Ar0 Tehsplctogta 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. FEAJ.N & Co. ART GOODS. 10 west Sin-SOst' ' ' T S7ct HE AMPU, FERDON LUMBER YARD, + --Q AS 1THEaCAMPUS. E. F. Vast Veclitest, Law 91, manufacturereof and deaertin The late Tihotnas Sloante, of was married this snorsning at Watt- BAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER -MADE TO ORDER Now York, loft $400,000 to Yalo i waoa Ws o. srttaLnEtstt college. J. IR. Allen, Lit. t3)2, expects a ,T - L AtET T The Harvard Glee atnd IBanjo call to-iorrow frosts Iis bsrotlier Ste 4n tSUT tAIN ST. AT TSTLSClubs will lease Canibridge De- who liss boos tatkisig a post- o . M.MSARTIN, e, SIT=I cessber 22. They will give cost- grssbdustte couse itismedisne, itt DEALER SN Cloth Caskets,crtatNwYrDeebr er y Metallic cert atNew orkI~ecsnbr Gosisny.AND COMMON COFFISs. MODERATE PRICES. 23, at Chicago Decesmber 26, at Th1rsius sdpsdst J. A. POLHEMUS, St. Lottis Decesmber 27, at Cissein- will hsold auscsus to-iorrow at .ST I\7 ;E E . 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., nati Dieesmber 21, sat Waslhing-ton 7:30 p. usl., isn Alpha Nit Fall. ALSO 'BUS HACK AND SAGAGE LIS~ Decesmber 31, at Phsiladelphsia Eda~trasLt'0 i RINSEY & SEABOLT, ANNA BR,- --MC.January 1. twnBakernantS denle-n In - Prof. D'Oogo will lecture oss Prof. Hudsons to Vest Arsdale, Groceries, Provi sionsorand Feed, adDutch Literature in Adelplsi Hall Whiting, Tichienor and Taylor: JOHN WOTZKE, Lady tudnext.Saturday evensing. 441lhope Chat you gentleaens didn't LDIB (IKID GLOVES.--9e, In order to rid the Harvard conclude that because I called on Repairing neaty dne.41an St.n 73e, 90. $1.35 and $i.5o law school of men wise have used your besneh last time, Cthat I GRANGER'S L argost iue and lowest pricsn it as a laigpae thefaut wouldn't call osn yon oda. 0S I E R Y.--Special laigpae aut ody" -~- ACADEMY OF DANCING,-~ Fast Slacke at 25c and up have given snotiee that nso special Charles E. Adams, Law '90, is O jno ebro h a imo poie>~w>iidrg SoeAgnsfa lanatstdnt il ealoe o eai -- lc Hs. more titan one year at the school Baker & Adass Woodland, Cal. y}y ' Pupils wilt berecelsved at any tine during thetses. unless they pass in at least thrsee The conmmittee of tse Sopho---- ---' Qentiernen studentS courses, assd also tse regular ssses nmore class hsas decided on a class Throgh estib Chicg and lns -----_TaomaWash, anPort- __ -will be dropped usless they isave cane, wiies nay be obtaisned at land Oregon. (COLLARS, 12, 15e and lie three courses Co thirs credit.- Moore & Taber's store. Thse Wisconsein Central and Northern Pacific lines run through Pellman Ve, CUFFS, 15e and 25c. Mail and Express. The class in Faust has istipro- tibuled ansd Colosnist Sleepers between p Chicago and Taconma, Wash., and TIES, 17e,25c and 50c. Programuof tise Webster Society, vised a college yell. Yuclsaysa! Portland, Oregon. The train knoW9 IIANDKF'S ~Wednesday, Nov. 19. Dechinta- Y ucliisa! Yuchay! Yaclia! U. of Gas eta asne tto as thse 'Pacific Exptress" leaves the f7c 2ctp" tion, I. D. Jewell; Essay, Joseph .II. hal Rals! Flal! Rals. the corner of Fifth Avenue andl Kral Ortio, J W.i~ouebuls. TueCorsellFrelsmn pste a Harrison Street, at 10:45 P.M. daily-. Kral Ortio, J W.Roudbusl, he ornll Feshen astd aFor tickets, herthss in Pullman or Cal" EF IL 0 Debate: Resolved, thsat the mesn- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gio. ' E1 r MILL ~ CU tal capacities of tise sexes are niumSber of class posters on thse Txoasssoac, City Passenger and Ticket mail boxes in Ttc recently, ad Agenst, 205 (lark Street, or to r J- Popular Dry Goods and Carpet Store, equal. Aff.:, H. S. Haines, C. L. yr tcaa EDDY, IDepot Ticket Agent Gra1d Dsundey; Neg., J. W. Downing, th~e postsnastor proposes to arrest Central PassengerStation, corsierFifih 20 Suth ain. J. . Atood.tis guity oes.Aveue and lI arrison Street, CjsicagO 20 SuthMai. J F.Atwod. he uily oes.Ill. , i x