THE U. OF MIC. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS $12.00i buys a Fine Black Cheviot Suit. $13.50) a Fine Doable Breasted Black Cheviot Suit. ---___BUY w THE NEW S IL!_K HAT, KNOXS%, AT THE TW O SAM blAtrSomVOHI ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS 141$$ ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Ie 3Soth outnhTJ AveI. F'I LL f\NDLIS3E ELi3. Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the read. Violin nmd Guitar Strings, 10i cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, is ets. Everything 1in propertiesl. L. Ii. Clement, LLEDIGRPAN R 1N U 38S. Slain St. A L ED.. WLU~UiU U TR A.TmE x.T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND HURtON STREETS. LARbGESTSTOro f TOILET GooPS AND DsNE CIGARS, To ACCOS AND CIGARETE IN TILE CITY. j bib Yo~ar ]),Collar$ anal Chffss Neckides and. --' Pevrin xid aGloves OF FERGUSON & SLATING, 22 S0'TTII STZA2T SC., ANN .: F OR. WAHR'S 00OK STORE, DOW TOWN. eIYStuldentwill sav e monley hy lbiying Uneiversity'TextIolls and all supplies at I headquarrter'. AVe allow special discount oil LAW BOOKS, IEIICAl lOOl(S, DENTAL BOOKS, ill shiort, every Bock eused ill tihl I 'lis'ersit, . 50 hBlank Books at lowest prices. - wi ;- " M l..V 17-T \i T)\!Y IT11 T I I ALTHlE lIEWEST 1ST71LES MISCELLANEOUS. f T The timel, III,)10 which cOntribn- tiolls to the Oracle will be re- C'-JpTI'(jceived, has been put (A till ext Friday, II. A. I IIEIAN. UOfM. ORCATORICAL ASSoesA- OF ALL KINOaSIAT" TION.-Tllere will be ai Ineetiilig of the U fM rtrcl.~sca "I T JACOBS & 00.5,7 tion in 110011 24, Tulesday even- * 7 AI% D29 MAIN WI. ing, at ( o'clock. --°- J. L. HANER, Pros. L. GRUNER. Dealer Ilu 92 MEms-Please pay yonr -%- -M 'DSZIO=S class tax of fifty cenlts t on011 _ ___ ____ ad ranply of the col~illlittee. Trind Stra.ight Q . R. T. FARRANII, N. I MISS BAINBIDGE, CIGARETTES. L. SQUTnsIAYD. '" C ,ie 'ek (nWlOICommlII ite. niewiling Do Fay alitle - .----- mo lre than thle price - 'h.arged fen the ordinary , trely 1111o0110eaIIIconmplain thlal tcod c igs "(tt -. will tinndAiiii Arhor is lilt visitedihy tile best ni ,bl . al othlers. ;~. ~c ~ I -Ir tel Sright lellcltslit till'Oilera Itouse for this FelaIo tt itfntes nre lmade Cr111m1the blight- I week 1111nd lnt very cleairly shlow. 5 , Iet lenlely lavredclian1d highest dllco uist i li5 t lrown in Virgin~ia..Thisis 5the ld 1111 iiiiaes plays Juliuls C 'satTllrs-i teelea InlltotbSu hh tar87.snlyooo foddfobtisJblt e M hs 0rn1 n fl)niiatinsn, andI nbserve IthaC tle follows in Kerry Gow, Satardlay nigiit- F5 a IN IER i ln Tftveyp e . p latJFIl lay ed Slitaln lRile lere last sea- Of ~rwtheriAnl'robll 'olllCI.. son, 1an111t1111e0who iheardlimlltihent ---lrs - - RtichmS~ond, XVirginia. wilt certaiiily go 110w5'idl take tiieir As5Arhbor Savings Ban]; friends with thenm. Moiiday nighlt of n ro Mihl. Cnitnl Stock, $50,5115, iext week 1Do111DaviisonIandlithe Me~r5nieed S~rlin lusI[. chalruing Mtamiie Au~stell wiltl presenit sgl elzch e nlieceiven Depolsits, hblysllad te l-Dram, "Gilty withlout 1140 g~f SnI~ Prnclnied of'the Crime." Mr. Dalvidison lalyed "Dr. Drftatieton. tllserJekyl and Mr. Ityde" here tw~o years CialalS5AiO Offc enn.. ugo, andI is well r'enmberedl hy all w.D a. IAlas Vice Per. who hleardlimll. J:"or the enltertain- CHIAR. E. Hscoca. Cshier eet of thlose who remainl in the eity StruC}RTIAD.Any one desiring in' during the Thanlksgiving recess there at tutani Shorthand will please call is P. Alexander JCohnston, tile mind Steti ©ce of J. W. Miner, Practical reader, who has performed somle re- Terr5her, 39 E. Hturonl Street. markahie featsillChcgoatid i , resonable. Call Slid see lee, other western cities. The Imaly who Stoveleave inlquired ahoilt Mr. Johnston aihaQ vfl ew and old, large and will he glad to hear him Thlanksgivinlg f~1or coal, wood, oil and eve. he~)a J. E. ilarkins', 28 E. WANTED-Fifteen Younlg Men and 411 ? Ladies to canlvass. Gcod pay. Apply nStreet. at P. 0. ?News Room at once. THE CAMPUS. Elevenl Yale protessors aided ini conmpilin~g a 110'Seditlion of ui gloat dictionlary recently pu~b- liehled. The Williamns College library is now open to students fol' reading on1 Sunday. Au alumnuls If Washlington anid Lee Univer'sity has offered a prize of $50 fol' the best aiticle publish- ed in tile college paper. The total numllber of Greek so- ciety miemibers in the counltry, graduate and unldergraduate, is about 75, 000. =.T.- Chase, the winner of the full lawn tenis tournlamient, at Harvard college, has since defeat- ed Hugh Tallaiit, the presenit col- loge champion, in three straighit sets 6-4, 6-3 6-2. The Bostoni Atlltic Associa- tions foot-ball teami is largely muade up of Harvard graduates. A mlovemnlt is on foot for the foundationl ofa University Club anmong the Cornell Faculty. The 44th Annual Convention of the Thieta Delta Cli fraternity takes place in New York, Nov. 19, 20 anld 21. The Amherst Glee Club has been incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts as time Amherst Musical Association. t- crccc I ye,,DCtrc t N'hI c ill> S ag 131 l Im-M ii. abun MILLtER I HA TS] Ties. Goodpeed'S, The PA TENT B estLET R -- SHOES.. FIL11F1E PHgOT6GRAPLHS Millinery and Art Goods. 15 Rast HuonsaSt. I . Baid lid Orcheitra ihiad iid Oicheista M UES[IC C RAND RAPIDSC MIICIGAN. --eTHE ARGUSX- AT LOWWIl'JdCFS~. FINE JOB PRINTING. tIt inaour aim to please. MnlifnetlnnGated~el REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.