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November 18, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-18

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VO . I. No. 44. UNIV
The S. C. A. to Have a Fine
Through the kindness of the
Qontractor, Mr. Copeland, a rep-
esentative of the DAILY was re-
Ostly shown through Newberry
lali. The building is so well
a Visit that it was thought
pt to give our readers a short
lescription of it.
On entering the hall, on the
.ht are found the ladies' recep-
1i ro oms. The floors are of
Wood with a border of white
ple red oak and walnut.
Lhere is a large arch adorned
with fine spindle work between
a two rooms. The rooms are
fnsed in cherry, which gives a
vr cozy appearance to the
kle, this effect being heightened
Yl the .grate and mantel. The
d and ceilings are to be fres-
-afi' These rooms open into the
Jbrary, the walls of which are
Nlnscoted and the ceiling is
avy paneling. There is an
gl&1Wvood fireplace on the north
jatof the room and a small
rate at the west end.
The Prayer-meeting rooms, of
ehl there are three, are so ar-
aged that they may be thrown
ti er for general meetings.
a are finished in plain red
The second floor. Ascending
0 t second floor by a handsome
f taircase we enter the vesti-
bi the large hall. This
°m, which is unfinished as yet,
e a very fine assembly hall.
h floor is to be on an incline
tlaard the rostrum and music
blilon- the west end of the
ling- If it is seated with
pe chairs, as is expected at
sent, it will probably hold
about 500, besides the large gal-
lery, which will hold 300 more.
There is a large memorial window
on one side.
The wails are to be wainscoted
with red oak. The ceiling is to
be ribbed frescoed. Any one
who wishes to do the association
a great favor can have no better
opportunity than by giving a me-
morial window. The building is
to be heated with furnaces and
lighted with gas, and will be one
of the finest structures of the
kind in the state.
Dr. J. S. Grant.
About a year ago the Students'
Christian Assocciation took up a
somewhat new line of work, yet
one which other college associa-
tions of its kind had undertaken
before. It was decided to do
some aggressive work in a foreign
field by sending out a U. of M.
man as missionary.
Mr. Grant, Med. '89, was
chosen to act in this capacity.
Soon after he was married and
started for China, where, for over
a year, he has been learning the
language and doing what good he
could in a professional way. A
letter has just been received from
him from Ning-po, from which we
quote a few extracts.
'This has been a trying summer
to us, but God has been with us
and I trust that each day finds us
in closer communion with Him.
I have stood the summer very
well with the exception of a short
time when I found it necessary to
give up my teacher. I seem to
have lost most of my energy and
tire out very quickly. I am now
about as deliberate in my move-
ments as a Chinaman. There is a
great deal of sickness about here.
Daily is one brought to realize
how short life is. I hope before
another year to write about souls
saved by God's blessing upon our
The salary paid to Dr. Grant is
$800 per year, raised by weekly
subscriptions among the students
of the several departments. He
is a noble man engaged in a noble
work and needs our hearty co-op-
eration. The canvass is now be-
ing made for funds. Let each
one give as he is able.
Prof. James L. High's Lecture, Next
Friday Afternoon.
At the request of the Law Fac-
ulty, Prof. James L. High, one of
the lecturers to the Graduate
Laws, has consented to give a
public lecture in the Law lecture
room, next Friday afternoon, at 4
o'clock. His subject will be "A
Great Orator, Thomas Erskine."
This subjectlis one of peculiar
interest to students of Law and all
who are interested in the study of
oratory. A short biography of
Prof. High has already been given
in these columns. His reputation
as a scholar and a lawyer has se-
cured for him a prominent posi-
tion among the legal profession
and in college circles, and his
lecture .n this interesting subject
will be a rare treat to all who are
fortunate enough to hear him.
The University of Minnesota is
having an interesting lawsuit over
the possession of a seventy pound
aerolite which recently fell near
Forest City, Iowa. The univer-
sity purchased it from the tenant
of the farm upon which it fell,
but the owner of the land now
claims the meteor. ,
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gems
and Art Goods, Jewelers artd Op-
ticians. Manufacturers of the
Finest Society adges reade irl the
courtry. Samples'sent upon pro-
per references,
Detroit Opmera Honc/se Bfk.,
Detroit, - - Mioh aan.
Special Rates toStudents.
An important Engagement at the
O,3r i) - -NxcTnursdxy
Ev ning.
An event of unusual importance
to all lovers of legitimate acting
will be the appearance of Mr.
Louis James at the Opera House,
next Thursday evening, in Shake-
speare's greatest tragedy, "Julius
Caesar." Mr. James is now con-
sidered our leading actor of trag-
edy on the stage to-day, possess-
ing the intellectual dramatic at-
tributes of Edwin Booth and in
physical qualifications far sur-
passing him; Mr. Jamnes, in char-
acters like "Brutus" in "Julius
Caesar," "Virginius" and "Othel-
lo," stands to-day without an
equal. His dramatic education
has been long and enthusiastic.
His conceptions of a character
are true and his presentation of
them in harmony with his ideal.
We are free to aver that there
will be no other occasion so fertile
in interest at the Opera House
this season.

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