THE U. OF M. DAILY AT -ETWO SAMS1 Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, -JUST ARRIVED--.- See Yumian's Hat, Knox's Hat, Silverman's Hets and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS AIMI Arbor SloollILDllltY, VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN TrHE CITY ! STATE Sra1, TAIL ORS, WORK CALLEPTOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 1."SPCIA RATES To STUTDENTS3. CL IV U Office, 23 South Fourth Ave. SILA~ E 8 Of 'Old U. of M. should have a UniverSity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guranmteed every inchs of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cdo.; Banmjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Everything in proportiorn. L. IT. Clement, :38 s. Mii i,S. Ai.LLNINGPIITG NO W & OR U.G1N O. BROWN'"S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN ANT) HURON STREETS. LARGEST -STOCK On TOILET Goons AND FINE CIGA Iis, TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES SN THE CITY. )3hz~J Youar Collarsf anti] Chdfs, Neckties aalclPep rl j id Gloives OF 22 S017T12 5. T 2=., - 2T2 .TZ:0R WA B'S 0K TR,0 T Eey Stuldenit will save mloniey iy- buying University Text-Books and all supplii :-1Ileailqiiarters. We allow special discouint cOn LAW ROOKS, AMEI)ltCAL BOOBS, TIENTAI, ROOKS, iiishourt, every BReteld051in sthe Univsr-ity. 5,00s) Blank Reel 5 at lows e prices. 1.I_- IIOI 0K STORE TNNITHE CITY. ELTHE T1V77 SI.STYLESCORRUNLL VS. IU. OF M.-Concluded. MISCELLANEOUS. i Grosh giii 10 snore. DTiiffy kicks sin MONAliY EVENiG, NOiV. 1 7.- -r4 ilosiliiil dSiitherlaindlclowssOtsgoioi Unity)'Club. l5Pipir-on'sisi T e'- rr-~rna\TyGdsiline,. TBaionikicks. TDiilfy is riodlic Sysieiiiof lShe iiiOrlts," CoLUtsIdIe, cli;ianter trie kickros by Prof. P. C. hecti. (,aig a goal frons the 4t-ed. liie. 5 poiiits. by Miss ZeilliiHrd.. IishiMeo- CF ALL KINDS;AT lie idisla~y of elitlliusiaslin folleswinig dies by Miss Lucy Cole. J. T. J.A..OOBS & CQ*',) cusI short (delay, tlse,, Corsuell The time iosp to wbicb contribss- AND 29 A5N ST. starts the ball froml ceniter by s'V. Os- tionis to the Oracle will be re- 27 A 11 9 ANWN good 1nd 1 Ray niake it) yds. each. 11ty ciehsbe o ilnx = --"-_is well taickled by McKeols after 5iyds. Frd, asy. ee putoA. illMnex L. GRUNER. rdy l .l" -IN tDnnier ingiin. Shiermian tackles Shepiard, 110 ZQQTrS , ITD Siioms galls. Osgood, weell guarded, risns to There.s-ill be ai meeOtin~g of tse No. R sut lsi nsteet. thse 5-yd. lisse and goes outsiide. Me- S. L. A. board in the S. C. A. Slepalrlngdsne~tesnnntd Pptlypsi. Keen gets thse ball before it is 51 inlasy Hloorn, at 1:15 p osTedy ~is~hond Srai~t Qti. ald runis down field, but thieplay 1is1101 Ns.,5x uallowved- Time calledh. Cornsells hall LU. of Ml. ORATORICAtL AssocsA- CIGARETTES. at ousr -yd. lilse. Score, Cornell 20, TION-Thlere will be ai sseetinsg of Isgoett te sssissses whs U. of M. 5. The ceniter Nvork of Chad- the U. of M. Oratorical Associa- seWiilig toi cit lec bourne, Trainer al1id Suthierlanid, and s more. Itu n She pvricethe Si~silg of Mulley, werea worthy of tions in D1o005024, Tusesday even- elisetgesl I(ee w ,irooilsmentionswhile frCor (1t lll O- sat coc t,(W( Cigs~leeees, will fend Ruy, O9-slu,atolo. Y I]hr".sfllsssND superior toi goeslSlsepard assd Racons diid the best J. L. 11n EsRProS. ,1 The iissttoni Steaightif - es, I gi rcti e: 5me u f ross ushe bcrii-_ , The 1. 0. G. T. wsll giv essn to lsicace y ness ,I-rndi hs i hel o U.SfX11c. Positiss. Corneii. oyster supper iss their lodg11 room1s ain originarniesd o!' Straight ulotigisrtteClssblrs sYr (alrih.oe aos soetsseeusg ans) EnsusSrongt sst by is ill tho vm Sp i hdbun..ocetr .. ; 157Ii0vra~l~ ta'ti eeig sts~~,i n h ita sindttofssere Ithattlie Siithserlansl .. G.S , rifths. An isteresting literary pro grasn T~snALLN &ONTEI~nnib saiser . .. .ilsiss. has beess prepared asideverybody 3anu c)M itse AneriisTtl obiseo Co.. 'ialley ,_i. tseees.- - Rielisshnonisxi i. ,. ly. is invited. 47uU Arbor Savings Bank P'earsoni. . . . Barr._____ An urb pilus, InlsisSoc,50,5 'rtYls0. . ' Jlsuo. U. of M. Geological Society. Oriranined uider teins rl, akigLasM50n5..00.)...E....Mrtn R~it ta~ teIeceives tDepsisl,buys and ~Ssrsas. .L ne ~eGnr5Satn asM~es . .E Iot~.- n t5ebhnsge on te principnl cities o the ItShra..__LE_.,.Separd, At thse mooting of thse Geologi- ed States. Draftsenseid upon proper Ilolden. Qo. .ur back..Yaswger. Snuaeiatsion offieers: cttntSTlAa Msca Pres., Grosli Osgood. cal Society, Friday p. in., Miss UnD.HAS. E. Vicc, Pr er. uKy(I . Half batcks..,.. Strait Miller read and illustrated a very CHSS.SSc~x ahe.MllyJRy ORTAND.-.Any on5e dsrn eetissteresting paper on Bivalves. trcinin Shsorthand wldpesinglin Jefett Back...Bacon. at utfion J.WillrPeaseicall DffyMiss Miller is interested in, and Seogracero,.W Mnr ratclWisner Ter ims er,119E. Huron Street. Dgr alive to, ber subject. As the ena reasonable. Call and see me. Mc osrass, Sbtts ae was not completed, for lack Stoves, new and old, large and S. Sherman, Softtutimpa e ti oedteato sm~all, o ol odoladBeard, ftmi shpdteato fra , wod, Griffin'. J will continue the subject in the gasoline, a .E Harkins', 28 E. N. G. Williams, Jr., Referee. nerftr. $urea street. 11. B. Joy, Unspire. na uue Ii iteset S i i s.:eid lson t, telW- f iil1sii1 ,jr sji iS Sp b MILLER Ties. The IPA TENT ILE ATHEsRs Best1 8H0E8. Mlneyand Art APHds. ..0 East Slsiron fL . J.W. YORK & 509 - . Band dOrchestra ..,; .PtUsLISHERnS Or ,an Band hnd Qlclihesna, _ ild for ( io e GRAND RAPIDS, MICIGAN. ---fTHE ARGUS,- AT LOA I'BJ(15. SORTHAN D TA IT WRILLlPAY vOUt. Sh orl tAuD Seel, Nevr Bulding, 90 Sutuh Stole StreoL.