THEiU. GF f~z . of W cr*4). mitted ; While in truth the I ~ militia were not out in their ca- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during pacity as militia at all. the Collette 3ear, by THE U. Op M. INDEPENIENT AsSOCIATION. Mayor Maniy Assaulted. As the Mayor was driving Sahoecriptlion price -2,,0 per year, invariabhly in an(Imet. Single capita 3i cent on stale at acros3s the railroad bridge, last Choehan's taid Post Oti(ee nw,s stand eeri y",l";it ih iswfieNa sop ev-ening a;tt ii ociach~. uSabaripticlnttamyb} iill wt1iwwfle a tp eit at th iteie of the O1)i,Operaianse pid b severalnegroes who asked bloci, at Sheehans, at stoltltile, (r Nau t tay at the editors. for a ride. The Alayor get Gilt Comion etioba shotl uliahtuew aitire by 1a1d1 attemplltedl to arrest otie of 154A. i. it they are to appear ilte eattu day. Atidressa:Ill matter intentled forpubliieation t teiii,whleni lie was struck at. the NMangt Editor. All btintesscemmnt One of tht e street ear condtuctors ieationihoutitibe aent tn theiBuuinesa Matt- ae. catme tti the Mayor's hassistaince, Report nilltiegletatt the part at Carriers to but iiolirrests were made. the City Circitlattor, W. IB. ONeill. THE U. of X. DAILY' This miornling one of the ne- AnnmArhier, Miach.1 groes apologiazed to Mr. Manly, EDITORS. saying they were initoxicted~( when H. S. nSnOEMAKER, 'D, MNAGItNGEaITenR, the Ma yor waissopd W. E. GRIFIN. '91.A.e. MAAGIN EDITOnR.s pd A. H. CnVERT, 12'An'T.. MANAGING iEDIenR. It has been rinnored that the M. B. HAMOND. '91, Eam,., MAAER. stutdents had instigated the assault, W. a. O'NVEILL. '91, Aa..BUS. MNAGE, { R. W. DOnUGHTY, 'a.,As-. BUS. MNAGER. bitt the .itt1 r 5itys there is i~otli- HI. 0. JeaNviI, 'I)t. ii. .. ITrya., i. ISI ing('lwhatever ill the runior. Ls6. NVItuorV, 1 . ( . . I . Tseli1:3C FM. DAILY. STUDENTS' BOOKS. tBUY YOUth COLLEGE. TEXT Boors, LAW AN'D MEDICAL r NOTE BOOKS, AT THE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secttid-ianid beeks at low prices. We are agents of Pattl E. Wirt, SO Holland fountain pens. Bargains iii statiouery. Satiirdliy's ganie (lid ntot leave-( enough 111o110Y Ill the tesuyto warrant inii Easterii trip; conlse- giieitly there remiaini Jit one or two molire galies to be flaiyed. We siiicerely trust tliat thii teamn will remnain iii traiiiing in prepara- lion for soume stronig goiiie to be arranigedl for Thaniksgiving oit the Saturday followling. As far as this year's record is coneeriied it matters little, but the fact that the present eleven will, with hut few clianges, he next year's elev'en, renders it necessary to get all possible practice this fall iii order to start the seasons well next yeai. Therefore we urge the directors to accept a date with the Chicago Utniversity club, if one can be securetd. We should be willing to play sectond fiddle this year in order thierebiy to) come out ahead next year. Owimig to the faict that iiearly all the papers, even those of De- troit, misunderstand the exact cir- cunistances of young Dennison's murder, it weould he well for the students to appoint a comsmittee to write a correct account of thle affair for publication. The Chicago Times, for ex- ample, seems to be under the im- pression that the militia was call- ed out to quell a disturbance at the postoffice and a riot followed in which the murder was cons- Ai. enlain house greeico tioucri. iNoirse, Sattirday evetning, proba- bly because so lalniy were abseiit att the Detroit gaine.. It weas otie of the ines) exhibits tif draiihtic osratory ever iii the Mail. Hils "l{ D. Jekyll atid Mr. Hyde" is destiiieidti be. a gi eat lecture, and( should have beeni given a iiiuchlin-arger luse. BUSINESS LOCALS. )Niiieteittetctri iii ihisinninlaithoi role at ill canis pir ine, sinlie rtilt. 'periuti jrtatea foriauigertitmle 11tid extrainesaturiheu i~yt y aiflngat tilta ltic*r by cenattlinie H. '. IOaaghiy. Atsitant Buaiiiesns Yana iinr.1 Bogs! Don't forget The Two Sams. Go to E. B. 11'ai11 for coal. For Warm Inlerwear amid Stylish Overcoats see Wagnier & (o. Buny your flats amnd Clothing at The To'o Satus. Grtillers ehioctlates anmilbotnibonis aire the liniest thattcai ha mailetpure illivto, hisn atlutlteiratioii. Try them. P. 0. News 1il0111. = Bocys! Donit fttrget Thei Two Sams. ,See the Colinihia Bicycle ini windlow. State a'nd WilliamiSt. Buy your Overcoats at 'The 'Two Shl. : Nohly Black thieviot stittings $25.00 aimd up1wards a tStaltforths. For fuim we weill cut prices oit Bant- jos, GuIti tars, Maudolimis, Cases amid Striings for the samie, lower titan at my11 miusic house ini Michigan. This me1amis till the words hmly. A. Wilsey, ,15 S. 4th Aveiite, City. Novelties iii Top Coatings at Staf- f ords. Steyvart Bamjos at Wilsey's. Baths 10c at P. 0. Barber Shop. Melt Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar, Bamjo and Mandolin at Clements. Bay Stats and other Guitars, Banjos and Mandolins at Wilsey's. Best Strings at Wilsey's. Schileede, 5tt State, sells 1610 sheets of Lotus Linen, 8 hy 11 inches, for 25c. Books hound for it5c, upwards. Fox RENT--Suite of rooms nicety fur~nished, bath hot and cold water, furnace, etc. No. 48 E11. Liberty-st. TM TITU"The Niagaea Fails .R'$ - CENTRAL STANDARD TV AND THE ____ a -t5' H E B EST -- = Ln.I Seventeen teachers. tBoard witii Furnished ! OrEOa°a" cc Roomnnu.::5 pter weet. Cireuluirs neon apply >w 0 BURLEIGH & JOLLY, ~ tDtOAEtis IN- sanaso r BLANK BOOKS,. cMU c ATHLETICGeOS DAND STUDENTS' EUPbIES c fP Blest huse of Ft)UNT.iIN 5I E N S t'il the q ___ I cily. iTteCren, 1Seda ltt Cetifectiotstoli3l uiles, Cigairs amid Tibacco. I OYS T EIS, FRY, STEW OH.,PTLAIN.Csanseust 26 SOTTrNR IA-.'TB2 p"SI a ,10 D, L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER C a a For B.aa-Wnrhnm i& tdeinry PoplehapLc ? (etiruarae, litoesnTthe; tie C + " A tielol or ttstuiidi. A Coetie ______ ,tuui1iutit. 'latuS t:; 1t iii ,- -i Si qsV uetee mflat roomt, tie , sirutitic, Il~aily. iSandoy ecls d cue~t,ie, cpet ntiet, cslip.__ uuuuu'ig it. Sendtu l lldecirca- 0. t'.&T. A. Citicago, . Ag't ra Suta ut.1111. ru 4s;noareeuge. Pro.tD.i toa iCiultreo Eat 1thlst., NewsT rkit Ivf 21-T T I .- Toledo, Ann Arbor and ma TablaMihgan Railway. F~tRECtIT (C1 CREAM. FT\TEST FRENtH_.- COO KIN G. LOW'EST PtIt3E5 b'Oa Going Nrth. aSAeTINSn.Goeng IBST )MAlTRiAL. ..-________ 71 Fort St.. West, - Detroit, Micht. 4:ian.C1rCanldard Time. deec CITY LIVRRY AND SALE STABLE.xphap. iamStall C. L.. TOST, 'arnPinastu. i r ,i ~ Le Aue hom. 13 at 15 ahI thln iS., Tpl Ihtl, Sit. «..... ta ioi6e00...TOLEDO . 1 is bi-eaigis and Slsh S5 d -n Ba 4I026a40lonraeJunet u.l12 for hire.,1 4 i ilii nn 4 ,... a4W 647.S...undee... 1 4 75 0 t'.......iim t Sa ld 11 l 507 1 7dli ASSAt 6I5 ' ......, tnd'.J1 t 50) 8st1Whitmnre tatc1 it ..t.u.t. hmug..." 10 7(OIV 0.5 ...Cornna...7ll li,.8tto 1 hit. .Owss o... .. s NO{ 1 W. IIUROIN -T 512 11i8as..Ithaca...... __________________________ 17115 ...tanLoin.... A. sa 3512 46..Alma,..., 7 .- O 1um3 125 t .n.cPlasa..a' { c in3 1 4 15 5' . i .JCle. ..eit t r 1 ) t '.. . , 7 50 .. 2a5l.....m ae l...« -* 920 3i5.... Cadilac....,. ONE NIGHtTONLY Saginaw IviSIOO' Smturday Eve., Ptov. 22. GonmgNarth STATIaNS. GO JOSEPH XUPrI1 P PG _ --IN-- -.-.-___ Pm-....A . LT.] tAr. A.M Tt 07..- li40 A,8 Arbor., 1it25 II 785 ....114..InemDu GOW ,* g47 *77lis 07...Flushaing...- 8S4 PRICES -- S0c.. 7Cc. AND $1.00 HL W. ASHLEY, A. 5 PAISO SnatsaonnSale Tuesday, 5 a .ma., at P. 0. Suverisnudn. Om. Pte ewasBom. GEO.BH. BAZLEWOODs. Laat A9E0ih