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November 17, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-17

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I.'" No. 4:3.
r _ i
: . . r A I+r'
- ''.r. .20-_U. ot M. 5. Our rush line was the stronger oe,
utf faks aWondrfu Kic.hbt the constant hinisoering sit the
Make a Wnderul Kckcenter caused Cornell to mass her
But N'o Other Points are strenth againist it, sanl no gri aniiid
Scored. lie made, when a riii ariound the ends
Sli sPcaltajsm- Study a-or a biit, followed well by the ciii
rte l ia0Rtran n.aurayy rusiers, would surely have advaniccid
11151 ' S iel lidionghatcovcrleftthe ball. The policy oftling 'len
e a elor to upothanatherlettc who are out of trainilig, siiiiply because
abe,~ Tihe vets s vortysiis ahleictihcyare old players, proved, in sonie
2~ e a llLieranflinased driz- respects, disastrous. For instanice,
he H anfl i tay uarless lost us 30 yards biy rough ainud
Vtlll 1 afterliosn, which nisde Itie offside play, w'hien we were well inito
le 1vy soft for playing anod less- Cornells territory, while D~uffy-, though
SQt tltt$~dillc at athe,(game.t playing at timles a brillianit game, was
e fluiigtaheateQ0 itunlsteadly, very liable to fiimble the
the game and a neat surlusTaset fothfo-bltrsuy ball or kick too low. N o attempt wan
rte t oo-blrteauy. maide to encinirage our eleven bsy cog-
ttcl 5tlly .ofM nrod eiar cheering, but gall was quiet as
alsso al of the D~etroit contingent s(oo1 as Cornell sceeeu to have the ad-
St4 tIushiposte colors. Coriiell lihdti vantage, at just the tinie swlen our
Itty girl5 ror, aiid on1e bevy of team needied the eincouragemenst most.
ar~ t c , as seed v;i rg-tereil
lht0 cailg h Cornell wcas lute in reaching the held,
-L its so the gamie stas iiot beguis intil about
1EPt "enerally explectedl, the game tree o'clock.
re na tdefeat foir our team, but e .
tler hilead 1n0 walk-over, altlsougl
vrr y's i511 our territory ruttier Corinell starts the ball wills a V,
Al 'tha half tie time. Cornlell Osgood miakinig 5 antlis, Strait mlakes
b,. th~e tolg game, aided materially <3-yard run atidtStiehsrilgainis 10 tmore
(refeseeiing prejudice of the 1). A. unit is tackled by Jeivett at our 10-yd.
tif 4 e slid umlpire aigainsot the U. lhne. Our ball here ots 4 downis. Daffly
o lwett's e long run an~d tou~ch- goes throngh centre for 15 yards, lint
Po it- e perfectly legal, for Malley the bail is lost after an advance of 5
fal Itely. w'll not off-side whlen the yds. more. Cornell gets 5 yds. oil 'ret-
'111014aa tsnapped. The score tihen tynlall's off-siiie play. We get ball 011
got11 1lily be 21)-11, assumnlgthast a 4 idowvns, thlen are given 14)yils. io the
al i i ave been kickeil with tile off-side play of Shlepard anld JohnSson.
fYis el'sdthie posts. After disquali- Dotty makes 4 yds. again by tackle
~taleg trl te oumpire systemati- play, hblt rusts line weakens ansd Cor-
roll~ A 11sed to see Cornell's conltinuetleill0 gets ball, Osgood fulsbes it, but
ae"t1 y, bult unfairly disqualifieid Cornell gets it again on 4 dowtns.
the5 te, t 11o is tile very last 10111 onl Strait goes arousd end for 10 yds.
rtgl to he Inspected of inltentional Short rsshes by Htorton, Johstson,
'i~e Y. An insutancee of the ref- aShsepard and Osgood take ball to our
50t er s5illhs refusal to allow Dutty 15-yid linle, whsere Duffy gets ball i1n a
outsiet ksick Athen the ball wass kicked scrimmsage an~d rins to centre wvhere
1tr0 edtfer a fair catchs, un~til c'o-ise is tackledi fromn behind by Biacons.
sae Vth earl own decisioll of the Jewett, protected by Groshs and Mc-
to1 Wli0t earser i the game, 1t a Keon, ,5runs 20 yds hsto Cornsell terni-
"l Ile"te decision fasvored Cor- tory. Htoldlen makes 5 yds. Strait
Sd ~fd tl tis rulilng not heeln covers- slulgs1an1( Ray (Hternlandez) tsskes his
foal frllPW ould lrst hssve kicked his plaee as hsaf-hack, Barr goinlg on at
tie s;tti e field. Cornell worked righst-tackle. Balt outside is passed in
t obl l rw"to tierfection when to R. Sheruman, whsere good runs is stop-
he s ser tlhe goal line, while ped by Shepard's fool tackle whsichs
th rrtrag9of ttse whsole team ansd referee doesn't see. Cornell's ball on
the ending of the hsalf-backs aroond 4 downs. Bacon kicks, Jewett catchses
enbe as very fine. We were heat- hail and rolls tilfoughi the whole Cur-
p.4 was Ve used hut one style of nell team, hot the touch-down is not
pte at t Do5uing the centre. The allowed, on tise ground that Malley
te se tok broken welli, but Cor- was offside when ball was snapped.
tmeĀ°U unrfromrbohind every Thse ends follow Bacon's kick and
down Jewett, gaining 30 yds. Cor-
ne11'5ball a 4 daw s ay gaisslI)
ysards. Malley downs Ogo n rg t a o
T1rainier gets bll; tGroshs ma.kes 5 hyds
bust loses the bsill. Rasy sakes5 10) yds.IForn A -L , Importe-sof SGen'
throuught centre, O~sgood 12 yds. isithi and ArtC s ,Ga a ri.a d On-
three turtle crass, reaiching osur 5-ydl.
hine, thsen Rasy "crssuls" to 1-yd. liuse. tic'ars VMonu'nnaes of 5the
Jewsett disqssslifieid; Dufva y lss bsuck, FinestSociety E) a 'do iA th-
Malley hlhf, ad aitltsress tsackle. RSiss ty , 5 A..Sop n::sens supon pro-
now gets over the liise. Nou goasl.
Fromsi25-yd.linme Grosh suid ]Mslley per ref'rer~ces,
adlvansce 10 yids. Duifty kicks o11 4
douwnus bsall oultsiide at Cornsell's 21-yd. D( 17-Oilt OI'iwis^alto)sj's' Wk.,
linue. Biacots kicks, said Cirnell gets
thse balh. Basconl kicks sagais ansd ttsy 10W~)WJi V
gets it sit ouir 40-yd. line. Shiepsard atnd 14 OI AE.
itay both advsince the hall, thets Shsep-
ard, ailed Isy bealutiful initerference, QDetroi , -- Mrvi 'Eau--.
maskes hotig rususbut goes osutside sit 2-____________
3y1. line.whietnce Osgoosh sndilthe W TN I Y= ILr TI,
it Crawl" ca..ssry the bsslhos-u-u. Bcol WEsseN1sisiL lll
kicks posiasl n time in siahed.Score-STiOl'AT T11u
hi)- r iuu (octsu-ths fav'ou'. h1-T mT -.-In T
Seconsd hassf.-We stsrtiut ihuthue UAI~liB, ~ lUt
weudge, gain 5 3'is, iiwhet sios oes. ID AL E ,
toruellget 3 315.on lsiressoffide Special Rates to Students.
laiy. Bhacon kicks. D uffy fuimshles ---------------------------------------------------
hut Mustaley fsalls mn it. (Grosh stud Mssl- TRAGEDIAN LOUIS JAMES AS
hey masske 31) yds. ins successhve rushes, JULIUS CIZESAR.
whicth (orels cough play3 catnuot
sto. liify ics. ehimislonsAn Important Engagement at the
Bacon t sit5hyd. hlise. Ray ilnterferes Eer vHuenesn ur. a
withs iDuffy's fair catch of Bacons Eeig
punt aind we get 5 yds. Mtalley and' nsttofussaliprnc
Giros carry thse ball to 25-yd. line, hut A vn fuuuliprac
Harless is accused of thsrottling Johsn- to all lovers of logitilnate acting
s00 anid Cornsell gets a present of 2-5still be tise appearance of Mr.
yds. Dusffy kicks, Bhacon returns, From Louis Jameos at thse Opera Douse,
Pushy's fair catch hall is kicked out-
side. The referee oriders anotiser trial, next Tlsursday evening, in Shake-
Yaguwer msakinsg a fair catchs from thse speare's greatest tragedy, "6Julius
kick. Osgsod runs 1.5 pus., Rauy 20, Coesar." Mr. James is nest con-
thon Osgoodl's lonig run takes the hali ee u- laigato fta
outside at 3-yd. hine, whence Osgood sdrdorlaig ctrftag-
goes ster on the neOxt downs. The try edy on thse stage to-day, possess-
at goal is a hbhuft, ansd the ball is sours lng the intellectual dranmatic st-
at -y. ile.hhldei asesshuttotributes of Edwin Booths and int
Puffy, who kicks againist the riushinse,
and Johinsosn falls ili the bssl as it re- physical qualifications fur sour-
hounds over tile goss inhu. Ihacon passing hsinm; Mr. James, in elsar-
kicks gossl. 20-0. Dssffy kicks frsm actors like "Brutus" in ''Julius
center. Bacon returns. Htolden rolls C ~ i n
tile ball on thse grounld and D~uffy loses Cesar," 'iginius" nd"ttsel-
30lyds. Sherman maskes fair catchso00 Ic," stands to-day stithout an
tile return to Puffy's kick and Puffy equal. His dramatic education
comes within a foot cf a goal from has been long and enthuosiastic.
field. We gain on the interchange of His conceptions of a character
kicks. Cornsell's ball outside at their are true and Isis presentation of
30-yd.line. Bacon's kick is returned so them in lsarmony with Isis ideal.
low as to strike a Cornell man, and We are free to aver that there
Harless thus being on-side gets ball at will be no other occasion so fertile
center, from where we are given 25 i neeta h pr os
yds. on a Cornell throttle. Malley andtisinerst tthnpeaHos
Continued an thirst page. ti esn

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