THE.U. OF M. DAILY. "~(of jJ(" j( Resolutions ot '94. duig The tonmmittee appointed to the ihed D i t ear byed) draft resolutions upon the death THEU. M.INEPEDEN ASOCATIN.of I. J. Djennison have made the _____UO _.INEEDET_ SOIAIN following report, and the resolti- Sated ititi l rimee 5,50 CIr? itinv o'i 0h tiontsahave heen adoapted: in advancfle. ingle enie Itt rnts.tin t a t lciCs sdi 15Dvn '' Sheehtan's titd t'at ttie rrt "cht ti t'ae' ' r tt1 s st tttnliivePoi easning at ti a eloank. Saltir, ~tktinxnty be It ' eniths sen lit to tetiove frontc our left at the ttticet 'S the DILYt, It itno1ne ni slst .1at evat nd rtl tespeta'led la- bloek, at Sha'ehtaa',at Stetttet's, taittt' itt' 11t I J.Denitnt, andt, of ttlleditos. Wt~hereis, ley lis tutintely detatht int ttttnan nientiana ashouldIireachthteaoffice'ty Iii A' h, ittitey are ttappear the saettialay'.Ite lis oabrgtndpiiig Andrtessatilttmtttetritnateded tar publtictattttion tea iteer, it In emmet on ttithtewhole the Managing Editora. Altltstsineesa omnt- itsitty ttf Micltigatt, have atas- tratinaatttttt betstn t to ttitiatsinesa :Main. Itiled a eriouatnatd itutclt egr'ettecd tiger. loes, theef'oteae ittt Rieptln iteglect on the, tartt ateelata to Iloles IItatechatf'14 the City ienaatte, W, it. taNelal. Ieovc~ a h ls f4 THE 'U. of N. DAILY, itlouringtt fltieideatht if its nmemiber, Annt Arbor, Ivith, eatnd to ithat bereaved hptrents thteir deand tth leaitfhalt symipatlay, trutstintg EDITORS. lhat the tettnter tiapasasooa of a tter- H. B. 5SHOEMAKER, 'at, MAN.AGI NaITO. ctfutlIF athier will console thtet n itttis W. E. GRIFFIN, '51,A,,'n. MANAGaING EDITOR.fliotta ot storow, and be it further A. H. COnERT, '52. AS.',MAN.AING EaITOR. Otesiove(],That ntlatngrossed etopy of' M. B. HsAMMONDa'91,t sa.'....MANAGER. theseeresoluttis lie Sent ta thte ptrents W. B. O'NEILL, '9t. Ass'T. BUS. MNAGE, of fteesedatll( that c'op~ieaslie R. W.DOsUGaHTY, 'an. As'a, BaS. MNAGE., tutu id toli 1tthe college papters. hAi'tttaSttttt,'i. . it. t.tt4tlw , . C'St. Ititsilitet itt W iat :l , 1, , ..i'.. Lit tta, "ii nWas t it C' .STUDENTS' BOOKS. BlUY TOURt COLLEGES Tri Booi07s, LAW AITPMEDIcAL Boa5 NOTE Biooms, AT THIE STUDENTS' BO0OK STORE, STATE STRIEET. Secondi-hanad books at low prices. We are agets of Ptatil E. 'Wirt. Scott lngd Houllandl fotittaina penis. IBargainis tatiottery. ID i'~ The Niagara Falls Route." ETRAL STANDARD TIME. AND'tiIE "'tTHE BEST ''- " Nne h- Rooat V2.N. p useeek. Circattsuaon appttl I I $ (.a I a nationa. ( # anN ° ;Lat « P. R. CLEARY, President. 5'aatu 'ga a BURLEIGH & JOLLY, " :"_ DEiAtiLERS tN' 5T/7FIDNEH K a iaY, BLANK BOOKS. vc v~ tL : ATHLETIC GCDDM ANDDTUDLENTD' SUPPLIES. N We are Ileased toiisatethat the 11atisersity epirit is stlliiohineattg. The Yetllow andtilBlue woav'ingt frotti the sptecitl tt'aitt fot' 1etroit this imorintg, clearly intdicatea the itt- terest that is takenin t to-lay's gine. "At leatst onte-thirat of all that sttulents elf the Uniiva'rsity are in .Detroit. We a'nt justly feel proud of this representatiotn. lImmnediately after the sad tic- currenee of Wednesdaty evening becamie knownt, several studenits received telegrtiis fiom their pa- retits callihng them homte. We ac- knowledge that we tire nout its a positioni whichl enahles tts to fully realize the antxiety fliat sticht news muitst ntecessatrily arouse in the hearts of fathers tattl motlhers 'alit litve helovaed sons and dauglhters here itt college, hut at the samte tittet, we helieve tht this atctioti of' recttllingsitudentts hotie is setarcely etheed for. Alat- tea's will seotin(qtiet tltemtselves, atid be rtunitig smoothly aglain. It is very lprohahle that no serious difficulty will occtti againi for years, certainily not at lpresent. The more coitposed every onte is at this crisis of otur history, the better it will be for the University and all concerned, TPhe numuber of graduates of othter colleges entered at Harvard this year is greater than ever. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Noaic's'ainaeread inithis railw t t atwasr'ats' 'talU e n iitsap i e,'i' ala itiitott ts tai'it iiait by' aplyinti t iithis shu'itt' i11" ' rac atatltite it. il . Doutttaiy,. Assitat itthicsaatiiat'"c . Jlatntauschek ini iMatcbcth at Ya,-ilattti to-mtorrow niight.. BOeYS!Dotiat forget ITe 'liv Saitat. (lit to E. B1. hallD' for cotal. For Warn U'ndearw'eatr adutl ishi Ova'rcoata ace'W agttar & tCt. - hay' your fhats anth C'tlhinug at aThe~ aTwot Samst. Gritter's chotcolateesathdhboan-boits ae the fittestthiattcann he miatdet, tire flaivors, ntadultiteration.T, 'ry thetm. P., O. Nes's30011it. Boays! Don't forget Thae 'Iwo Sams. See the Coliamibia iBicycle in iinudow. State andh William St. Ladhy Macbeth by Jaaaoachaek at Ytsilanti to-miorrow uighat. Special traintad Iot artes. Buay your Overcoats at The Two Samts. NoblyIBlairk('hieviot auitinga $23,.)) atad tapwardasat Stard's. For fain'si'e swill cut hprice's oeta n- josa, (itars, Manolins;,(asses anal Striangs for the satiae, loiter thana at anu s tatic houase ini llic'ligaiia. 'This meiastill hte isoreda implhy. A. Wilsey-, 25 S. 4th1a1,tvenuie, City. Nov elties itt Top~ Cotinga at Staf- forad's. StewartIBantjoatat'Wilaey 'a. Baas 10c at P. . Barber Shotp. Mell Gilleaspiea, Teachter of (Guitar, Bhanijo andtantlhidolii at Clement's. Blay Staite anta other Guitars,.hBattjos tad Mataoitiaat Wilsey's. Bleat Stritags at Wilsey's. FOttRETat'.-Spiite of rooms nicely furishied, tbath hot andl cold wvater, fairatace, etc. No. 4)) E. Liberty-st. 'lAREN.-- Frout Prettymsant's board- itag htotase, Monaday night, a black, clite- viot, light sweighat, half box overcoat, Return-to J. M. Gries, 44 E. North-at., atad get $5 reward. CATHIOLIC STUDENTS-Two seats for renit iti pew 52, middle aisle. Apply at pew, Sutiday before hate nasas. JOS~Est DONNELLY, Scleede, 501 State, sells 1610 sheets of Lotus Linena, 1 by 11 inches, for 25c. Books bound for 35ce, upwards. h Ieat lhne of P"CUNI1'AIN PEtNS hn the ac's.acenreameSoa W tI" d CI. ce )ICat a itl C' a I II S OYS~TERhS, FRtY, STEW 01I LAIN.a Cllatand see us at y: 26 SO'U TliI5ST',A T'ES T s- }o;I' as' D. L. DOWfltS HEALTH EXERCISER ~ It~aaN In45 !taor Brai-Wtthsat4a latuttary People: }f a Ig a$ # ( a' y~ Genaateamen, .adis, 'Youths;thte D~ 5l S Atiatate ar tnvatid. A raaaiiiltt. ,.a Ma eal~t * /. tw~i square floanaroorn, asia, scietific, itatily. *Sunday exceptail durdabltet, cpeha ensive, cesap,.__ ut i ng it, aand forail'd circu- G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Agt An =.~ T'ae ~a outa,4 acortg's; tn ahage. Past. Dt L.. towid, Scenrtifai' hi alt 'aild __ .,__ _ - ViasiCuturie, oEant 4tht., Nrew Tnrk. a }Toledo, Ann Arbor and North L21E. Z 1.1L40 l~ -=Michigan Railway. QAy1eTime Table going ista stomct, Monday, Mae. FRItNCahaCIRAM. .F1INEST FRENC'H COOKtING. towES PItES FaIh Gonang Earth. SToATNS.toing South' BEtST MATERIAL _____________ 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit, Mien. 1 6. C4 reC~. j tdid ie i~IC I S(h SCITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE.I Nap. Rap. Mai haEp. Mail'aP C, .. YOaT, 5'aoa'naraa. 'S~ Eta:. 13 and 15 Washlagta St., - Tttilat IvT [r ,tpti, Mich. 3 it;a o ......TOLEJIO....... 1a0 to 1 a .... First-clasitigs and Stylisha SatdlntHoresaI ... 4 02 ads Mannar Jutin 1 51 4 o ir 0641...D n 's... 12IGa toli,,, Sac' it,__ _ ,...... 4ats 7d08,.......Milann..... 11 57 aa10 -( ! 4 i55 7 us .....PMattseld,.,.. ii1s37in e0 5 7 tt ..ANt O ,11. ti>a9 0 5 27 7 45 , Lela0 N tiE 5'1" 1 ...5hi uti eta .ak 10 Aft 10u5 ii....atasias ail9't3t;>u' Wa.a jaHURO" SZ'"4 71sa0....cStau i,...., 7 2:. n tt ...... .tnp siat. 7 O0 ..J h5,, ,Farahfsa.. 323SO ca~t9 20a ...a 3 45 ...aSag ala c.Di.... .. 14 4 Saturda Eve., Nov. 22. oing NrthSATIOS. Gaing Boath' JOSEPH MU'JRPHiY7 __ -1 Paro- ....A L r [r.Am . If 5 7 54.. .40 ...DAnnArbaaor.. 11 28.... q0o lanaw ....DFurlandg.....8 45.... B_______ 46... 1 05..East Saginaw.81 "+ PRICES -- S0c.. 75c. AND $1.00 H. W. ASHLE'Y, A. I. PAtSLEY, Set nuSale Tueasday, 8 a. am., atP. 0: I SGerinenen. Sen. Pss. Age°'' News Room. GE.B. HAZLEWOODS. tLocal AgentL