AfAT THE4TW Pr ice Alb~ert Suits, andi Fine Dress THE U. OF M. DAILY 1 0 S re)m ST:_F151- ~ TSBJ=' 1%) 1kIV ~ IOf Old U. of M. should have a U nivesity of Michigan Prices lowest, (Quality highest. Guaranteed every inc Violin aind Gitar strings, 10 ets.; Banjo anid Man Cutawy S~tS, S cts. Everything in proportion. Suits, L. IT.Clement, T T T I F"M NTCTTFS-T? D NTn . F~ TTl Guitar. ciof the road. Qdolin Strings, 8 OPLGINCO. JUST ARRIVED- -- See Youus. n' Hat, Knox's Hat, Silvern'oIits cud Caps;, AT THE TWO SA L 1311LITZ. 05.Mainr i. .U.Li.0 LULN J.L.1101 up; ..LI LLN UG Tr:A3JIX s . r BROWN'"S DRUG STORE COR.N ER MAIN AND HURPON STREETS. LARGEST sTOCKs of VOILES-GOOD~S AND) FINE CIcIAis, Ton.ACCOS ANSD vIS 'OR ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED., IS LS WR.FR UO 85'ECIA ATSTO T TUDONTS .O Off tee _ 23 Sosuth Fourth Ave. 7.-> A NJSEj, 0TT1ST T T, EeyWAHR'S ROOK STOREDOWNTOWN E'eYStudent sill save icoicey by buying Univ ersity Text-Books and all Otipllie, i 'IHeadquarters. We allow special discount on LAWY BOOKS, MEICtAL IIO)0KS, I)ENTAL 11001(5.ini atvv. every book used in thes ITiliiesty. 5)00 Blank Books at locvest prices. 1,E NENGBOOK STOREI IN THEE CtTY. LL TlE lEWET 3T LE~ A PECULIAR LAW STUDENT.I -IN-Tne Law rDeparrtent Becomes a C LJOT I Iind1g[rtenfor"Jde. judgae of the twenty-fourt judicialt OF ALL KINDSIAT district of Kansas by the peo-t ' ple's party, is iiot an attorney and will .T.JACOBS & CO.S, be seiit to the law school at Anti Arbor 27 AND 29 MYAIN S'T. by the Alliance of which he is a mem- ber, to prepare him for his duties on1 L. GRUN ER. the benichi. 1e claims to have studied Q Dealer in law in Pennsylvania thirty years ago, N. sothAlinseet. bcit siiice that time lie has devoted liis I~t~lidane, Neatiy and Promtply. atteiition entirely to farmiiig. Fie has 1lsl hhI1Orm{ Straight Qtit but sixty days in which to acquire a No. legal education, ashie will take the oath CIGARTTES.of office lTan. 13. Four county attor- ~i~~1L.EL'J.neys elected by the Farmers' Alliance1 ti artte Smokes whon a tre willng tic e a ittle in Kansas, have tnnver been sdmitted inn gedothe ordeinryto the ba r.-('hicago iDaily News. I trae 1Cigaete, will fad ,+ isils Brupriorn i i to erputuctiot of lice law do- Cu tlg7%t 0 TIhe icmtonciStraight , prliilonct1s widlo-slsroctland thce etn3I t 1 5)0g. en:irmae frent the brighi- 0515 Le deleautl lavitoredi anl igeatcs ueiraiiiso t aut 61 ~neulnt iiVirginia. 'ciligatiktksiprrttitisousfcltyin itatdofScngh (a C euttn.icstionedbcit tlhis is lice first >1 aican m a blo i al n ve ack e itetiothey icav eover heinCcalled or teNAmerica'[ tc o., ieup lonlto iicctkie cijuilgeouttof a As, Sains Bnkfiricer it 600 cays. It is to bo AitArbor MticS. capital Sttoc o, 5000, oped ilcat tico Farnnors' Allianco s nder Athe tGenersl nanting Laows aro satisied wicetnticoy catsriaso 6{ 116 state. Receives 2epsiO sitys tonl Gri d8ngteoa the tiritnijicities of ithe catmeoncer fromtithic licy foeld Ciltt lcert nunsOffrcitir to tico boncih, wlico hadl never MAK res., W. D. HsARIMAtN, Vine Pres., Studied lw ee enamte CRiAS. E. Hiococic. (asher,. a, eo bedmte S~OtrOIAND.Any one deiring in- to the bar and never in a court in a its i Shorthand will please call official capacity, and let fim seek ot,.~hlce of J. W. Miner, Practical .r2111 Ogaphser, a391E.iturotn Street. the quaiifications afterwards, t~Ronale Cal ad ee e. whiie an ordinary student must Stoves, new and oid, large andepnyasostd adatai smiall spfor yeosifwood, oil atand gaoifral wo.oilar i',a8d.prominence otnly by dint of hard, 11uionstreet .Hrs,2 . labor and steady perseverance. ] Communication. c~rS.U.'.)ocN1. Dkir. Immucesdiately "aftir lce II cilocecei disturbansce lice mcayoir issued cc procla- cma~tiscnc ffericig cari-sarh of $101 for thce aiiirc-lceusiotc if the piersoiis Aico destroyed piroperty. Snce thcen, an- slicer occurreicce has tasken place of vastly miore importance, an occurrence whcichs reflects upon thce adtministration of city affairs. atid which, to say the least, thcrows grave doubts tipon the macyors sdiscretion. It also deals a blowv at thce tUtiversity's prosperity, upons which thaut of ltce city sdepends. Yet we Icave hcad ico proclamation. D~oes ltceniayor tintk that the mnagni- tude of ltce affair is not worth atteic- tioti cir is Ice afrcsid of off'eidincg thce "tosughc" elemceint of lice city's pcopul- latiou. A STUiDENTr. MISCELLANEOUS.' CLA~SS01o 9W. - Sopihomores wislhiing claiss caices lecave tiheir orders wssith Moore & Tabor 011 lccini street. Coin. W\ESLEYAN (3 ritti--ilo Wes- leyanChiild will give a social to tice sttudents of the LUiversity in ticepaulot's of lice Methodist church, Monday evening, Nov. 17. All are cordially invited. JUNIOS.-A meeting of the Junior class will be hseld in Rtoomn A, Monday, at 1:30) p. in., for the purpose of raising funds in con- nection with the late disturbance. I S. W. CUaRSs, Pres. Four ex-captains of the Yale. eleven play on the College Ath- letic Club's eleven. bars anell Chffs, ]Neckties Peatrn i c IJGloves &SLATING, Ilicicic and iii ac3ut~ icn a d 1iS ion, Siew- ar al] i~ea ii .c c. Vjc5 c tgi n s a the W rdsltb hail liry t -nc il 5 entis MILLER Te. 11/A T8.ITe G~ood~pecd'3, The PATENT Bes LATHER FINE11 PHOfflGR\P1S. iincery and Art Geoa. E3 ast Hamsn Si. - Ntanuifaciturers of k . Bhind lid Ochetr Band lnd Okhestra t~M U Spic nil dfcie Ccctal iac. Maxiled Fee. GRIANDRAPI'DS, i MiICHJIGAN. "--ST HE A RG U S.- AT LOW FIiCES. FINE JOB PRINTING. It in or aimtoeplease. Safdefactiofn:Garselet5 REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.