THE.U. OF Xit of 3Z(B ' T aTIV. Resolutions o '94. hecommittee appointed to Pubiebhed Daily (Sndys excepIted) during Th the College Sear, iy draft resolutions upon the death THEUor . NDEENENTAoOGITINof I. J. Dnnison have made the THE . wM. NDEENDNT sSOIATONfollowing report, and tte, resoi- Sutbeisciion pelee $,211pee 1r, invnibly tion have been adopted: in advannce. Single cpies :iceuti. On sle at Wherea. tGod in his Diviie lrovi- Secitot'e cnd Pnost iete w tacndleveery evening att 0o'clock. SobciptelOnemay ibe encel has ,seen it tl remove from ot iriSa nthliceitcclflice ltt, cc eec incisae iiidsa belovedl anti resetedlticlass- bleek, t sieeho's,xi Solieteo, citcanyi a~e.Iring J. JDenisn, and, of tie editoes. Whereas by his iiitiiiely death, ii Contenct nionsoldnIclml th eeficeIy 101 A. i. ir they ne tco perte isamoedaythe miiidst of atiht ndt li rolirs~inilg _Addreece all mtt~ter itieindedl fore tbliction in career, we, icc commlnel wihl the whole the Mnging Edior. All icciinese citenoti'lUniversity f 'Milligan, hve nts- ctins ou ldn bie seicnt tlie iBoeiness Mxi- tlliiedl a serios iiiclmach regretted specr. lo, Ierefore lie i Report nalneletxnte cxci oi Crriestote CittcltoW.B ONileolvedl That lilt class of '4' THE U. f . DAILY, mournin t phie dethtits ml~emb~ter, Ann Abs, ich. exltendico the tberevet parets their - e~~eep andchherfelt symipaty,trusting EDITORS. 11at thi tn ider cimpasioii of a or- H. S. SHOMAKER, '.I.cMN.. EBBx.1 ciftl Father swill 00o1so10 teainhist W. E. GRIFFIN. '5.ABB-. MNAGIN5EsITen. locr of sorrow, and be it fuirhr A. H. OEs.'92 . ABT. M... I.0 EnIten. Resolved, That an egrosse cpy of M. B. HAMMOND, a . ...... ~MOBB.. tese resoltiosie set tci tie Iarets i. B. O'NEiL. '91t. AB.B. MABBABS. f tiete ceasedO andthtoieiobie R. W. DOsUGHTY'92. A-B.Bn. MeNBS.. forwardedto c the college papers. HeesoSuN S cc x, 'cc. F. nIBI.TintLm,'1. i F.BIlhiiiIie~voi, H. . JEwEit . 'ci i.MN t xci, 'U t. . IrTIA, E. 0. Hoi i~cni1'O. i . Satcrxnxtxx',9.I. RH 'e,TO'ET. J. t'C.riAis, 'tO C. F. W1Eil, 1.0. WHIiix A'1 t 'c . i.I..)iItett, 53. c Oilfittilet. __ BUSINESS LOCALS. XVe lre plesed oS Iisee tiat the IRotics isetecld ithliscoclmntit ccelatel Unliversity spiit is still boolminilceof 1icntsr ine 1c, sinle iseitin pea raeteeornigticeetietAid extraliclnsturishedc The Yellocw and11(1 lie waini~g from l l acpyin cHci11c' 011c e Iy