THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutawvay Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, - --JUST .ARRIVED____ __-_____ See Yournan's Hat, Knox's Hat Silverman's Hots and Cabs, AT THE TWO SAMS AIl Arlior t1o a nd~lliry. VOOR2HIS S&DEABEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, 0MXOALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FISCLSWOK +$ 23South FourthAe LLA[ E U8 =T7=1Z WJT ==TT Of Old IT..of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Iliices lowest, Quality highest. Onuarnte ed every inch ef the road. Violin amid Guitar Striugs, 10) cts.; Itaiijo and Mandolin Strings., cia. Every thing iu proportion. 38L. IT. ClnS.ement, A IIDNGR ILO&01 G..Nri0. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK OFi TOILEr GOODS5 ANI) FINE CIGARS, Ton3A(XOS AND CIGARETTES IN THElITYCir. jhbg Yobr CollarC andl Ctdfs, Neckides a ,k JPew rli niGloves --oF FERGUSON 171-171,I HT-ZTAT7 SM. Eivery WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN YStudent will save money hy buying University 'Text-Rooks and all supplic it !lheadquoarters. We allow slpecial discount onl LAW ROOKS, MEICAL IhOOKs, 1)ENT'AI, BOOKS, in-;hrt, cvcry RBeoktiml diii the t niVersitx. 5)0 Blank Rooks at loetprices. LEADINo 1BOOK STORE IIN THE CITY'. ALL THlL l T~IESTS LES FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS- ( ersosnnel of onr eleven will not IN Conladed, hbe (eci('ell until after to-day's G John J. Cook teatilied that lie heard lpratice, but lte followving menl C LO H { one of the militia say "then we get will be takeni lown: Cliadboune, past tue corner we'll kniock It--- out or Trainer. Malleytheld Er --O H I G them."' I)id not see any saoe thrown tirad ir till after second attack of militia, less, leaiisoni, Prettyman, R. OF ALL KINOSIAT %V. II. Uinlor, Law, also heard a Shiermian, McKeon, lBolden, J.. T. J ACOBS & CO.'S, militia moan say t4when we get past the Duff'y, Jewett, Grosli, i3ygert, ~ AN 29 AIN T.ecrner we will knock II--- out of them" 27 ~ xx> x M~x 8r. Mr. Cmolr was with Mr. Cook. Wisher, Mel~orran, and three or L. GRUNER. - Henry Richards, wood dealer, testi- fonr others to be decided ois later: Dealer inflied that lie saw Giranger fall back as if 1A.L'TD S=02-" S hit before the first charge; hut did not MSELNOS lhtingdSou~5ath Main Street seeIthCEissN.EOUS. - M~oeNeatiy and Penapiy.___ d Straight ~ fB C Heseassistant in Chemical C~so> ti oloioe Laa.rItry, heard the leader say "Club wsin 'ascnslaeIhi HI-- out of them, Boys. Saw Graiigeroidrwth ore&Tbrn CIGARETTES. hit by stone just before secoiid charge. ordeswith Mtreet.Taoron Cigarette 5niokeres who -___.. Mansret o are wilting In naysa ltte inset than the price The Corneli Came. Joe Mutrphty, whlo drew sutch a 1large chinged car the ordnas house here last seaison in ShtattttIhtue, friaunetCigarettes, wit Cad . wl yti iyaohrvstoiSt T"is iii rAt su sperior to Stutirdava g 'pante is e'xetlstg illrdayithist, noh2.rTvisimeSte , y all theers. gudyngtNo.2.Titieth tn 4 Th rle iliehaurini straighttmnore interest in iDetroit titaitlhas play will bhei, Kerry Gdow. Last E~.ur i l ai fre mdcnw liitheahighi-yerr.Mttlywsotuotuae t5ddt- t ttanidad higetcot everrMbeenuphyiwastoiuatrtlilt Go~ asso r ac gand highesteglilba.nTileisat eaidy presioits as tot tlay tlesameitiglht as tthe Junior lY sreadinoraViruya irin i ts , - I contest.., OldbHo. Aslie hl oistiioppositionl this En,...Imtaeonst ,- antothneusert inttfoot aul onetestr, year we see ito reaston swly liestioutld Th It~1li is ii vr ieae rsai that every tang ot laly ti the capaicity of the house. ATtti I N11I Beanch NO fthe American T~oalusnew.,.. and coach ill the city wass engaged lioySt.--A pleasan~t suite of ronts lL - S ichiiondVirgiia. i t ucoairul itfidesired) illpirivatte An orSvig for this gatuto over' a week a nfitiily, it ?i7ivN. Ingalls-st. Arbormrell, cai~eaI sustca, 00,aisdievery idicationt points to a 5~Itdanei~en aa ah ndat very lii'go attendlance from iDe- REESD eS('18 atate nn teteetiI iies bicis rolrenubr Lieeghaiwswtswee0 iaenttsen. Drafts cashiedupon, prsopertai, regardless of ftlt ubr Ti ih mnwiiWr NVM'DwhoRMAo.frome rere. iled in jail for participation in SIOR CAS._E._IHiscocK,_Cashier. Tile special train from Ann Ar- the muinrder were released this stoiicTHAND.-Anly onle desiriiig in- bor will carry from 500 to 1,000 afternoon because of wanit of suf- a ~~oii in Sh~orthand will please call Ste0 eonlce of J. W. Miner, Practical supporters of the yellow and blue. Relent evidenice. They are how- Ier 0g5pher, 39 E. Huron Street. The game will be called at 2.30 ever unuder the care of deputy sreasonale. Call and see me. Sto p. in. on Recreation Park (reached sheriffs. sohat, new and old, large and by the Woodward olzorcawodilanD.Pestt iladeste ~1 ~,at J. E. 'Harkins' 28 E. Referee and umpire have not yet DrPesotwladesth furon street. been agreed upon. The exact Sunday meeting in chapel. &SLATING, 7-NcDrcc , CU~r( OIL. the Vttc. iii e ( or, [c l Ai'Is ' 't2uoditeii t istarsi ul ~t 51 t-t- y ~ ta Iceuas. t'iSliirs in iinei Vorid set b.N i ail Illny addr s s ltilnt ILLERI H 8ITies. ~eGood~ped'3, TePA TENT BetLEATHER FIJfNE PHOr"6GRAPH8, Millinery and Art Goods. :35 EatHurineStt.______ JW, YORE& :ON, ' Manfaretuirersor Baat lnd OQhhuin Bind lnd Orehelnia M UIS11IO Ceit(lfor Caaslsl~t. .hlarilel Free. GRIANDS RAPIDS, MICHtIGAN. --tTHE ARGhJS..-" AT LO W 5 ICtlI. SHORTHAND OUS IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Srhcnl, MEW Building, 10 South Stale Street.