THE.U. OF M. DAILY. weC of facts of the case are,that the comn- psymarched north along Di- Publishet ileiy(Sutndays excepited) ding svision till they camne to Libterty, the Colle~evee, bythen they turned -downs Liberty THlE U. OF M . INDEPENIDENT ANSOGIATION. on the rec.°/s sit-I of the street, hut 1proceedled west o~ili about Substeition iti Fe t-s A p;e yie, stit t-abl 1saf l hit-k l;whleste -r -d ins silsesee. lsilise i - eCents. tiOiIct . i t esiose sheelme 'seeld lrtest t1tes'snewts steetd to os' th le i-youth sdeof Liberty, evensisg it 6ii seis -Sie. iscripti Iiay 11e left ai te's tcie'so'si te 1MIts .'. Oeract's esthteninaiircshled back oil inearly (ts blid, sat ,uet-eln's e it tlst-, s, oribh any'iviisison, 'istuthelswenst oit inito ci theecditsors. Coetemuiaeteos shouldsreacthet si 'sct-'by themiiddsle osithue strceFt: nd iSA 5.1 say it-eesea th sea' ey fos'itsl l tie. (Araisg;er triled to Addtires all matterittiendt'd tee publtion ito tieAanetg isEdtore. Aul bustnes simmon-Spteaik hut wats hiowleddot-wit. Tlie- istisshouils d ite sent to the Business Mean .great majorjirty aigiee thast pct t/sss a.Report all segisit tss nttit-'r otiCarsirs tt It11ticsissiICls weretlirsowtn, thse the City'irculiaetr, W. iB. O'Neili. *I~ w gsoi asCs sl ivt TSE U. of M. DAILY, Ants Arbor, itn.. Catisnsis /s c, wisstevier was done EDITORS. -beforle. Whets Granger was H~. B. SHOEMAKER. 11;iMANAQlINQBEDlITOR. howled dowin, lie inmmeditelyv or- W. E. GCIFFINes. ~tAss's. MANAQINQ EDITORB. tiered the charige. A. H. COVERTs, 92, AttnT. MANAGINGl EDITOR. M. B. HAMMBONC,.191, Bus e MAN., W. B. O'NEILL, 19t. Ass'5. Bus. BBBBB 1. i.i'QsRLuw hT T7iie R. W. 0OUGHTY. 192, A-n. Bes. MANAQER. I.1.TaiLw'0 a c HUDOesses Fiet no ,'i F't. 113 Ii 'ititxs, '91. cepted a sresposisiblo positioss in 11. UI. testust..1'5i1 t1 M. ii trtEn 'il. E. 0t. HStLLAt, 51!. 1, ' oI; iIt"tti'9°- the Ilaw otffice of AMosirooiery & ]ts1t tesee Nit''9-1. i rA S ,atis.r L. u0.WittTEttIIAiI, '93l. , '1IN 5IAO, iP3. Bittis vi (Granid Rapids, Micli. the faict that(te pr'ice'ofst'hei DAILY 1lss not beesnsuies.If Iniste (tsnthe s'eguiluar'pulese asked ft-is the pasper yestei'day the newsboys tit-iIt without siur cots- seist. The Uuosrnell Sunisremarks, wills a forcible tinge of sarcasmn, that the comng Detroit gamsie sees to be the great athletic evenst of the year with us. Yes, we ad- ilut that it is. I.Foot-ball is cotmparatively sucs a new game in the 'west, thast a match between two strong teams like the Cornell atnd the U. of M., is iiideed a rarity. How evenly isiatched the two elevetnsis-c the gasme alotie will deterinse. Corinell lass 1ud tlie iissseisse aidvasntage of a Ipractice tripi, uit- has pilayed soise of tlie best csollege teams ttf the .fast, ass well as several strtsig teais t lioite. iNeverthless, we shiall scud osur teami to D~etroit, confidetit that they will put up a good, though probably nitstuswits- tting gamse. If Cornsellshoes win we will play her a return gasme niext spring with Codd its the box. That First Charge. There senms to be a tmisunder- standing, especially among De- troit papers, as to; the circum- stances at the time of the first charge of Company A. The BUSINESS LOCAL'S. N it 'I' inlser5tedin is s lin i he i tesi of10 cnt-sspe lilt-, stnigieisertin. Spilt-si raellssfor ilongeii'etn iesexit ic rixsed-l 15 appling511at t his offiice orby' enlllincItei. Wi. Dousghty, Assistantl Businsess S iess. .lasiiti~lsitk isn Macb~eths at Ypsitaiti to-imorr'otw nighit. Bastl's: Bon't forget 'The 'lw'o Samis. Go to E. 13. IHall for coalt. For Warns Utnd-erwear atidtStylists Ove-rcoats see-cWagnier &-('o. Itisy wear Stats sait Clthting it The Two Samns. (ritte's ctiocoltates andt-Sbssn-bots ate the in lest thtstcats bemadse, pure Sators, iso adlte~rations. Try thsens. Y. 0. New's Roomis. Botis! Dton't forget The Two Sams. See thse Colustmbia Bicycle its window. State atid William St. Laity Macbetshtey Jatnausehsek at Ypssilatnti to-nmorrowt- tigtht. Special train atndtlots'rates. Buiy your Ov)eircoats att The Two Sas.s Nobsty Black Chev--iot suiltisigs $2.3.0t sait upwas~rd~s tiStaltose's. Ft-si'.!we will cut prices on5 lBat- js, tGuitars, Mauisdolinis, (,ases ansd Strinsafor the samtse, loswer thatn at anty msisic souse in ichiisligant. Thils masaitSthse,.wors imspty. 3. Wilsey, 2 S. 4th Avieinie, City. Novelties ini '1o11Coatitngs at Staf- fords. Ste'vasrt tBanjs a t Wilsey's. lthls.ttte at P. 0. Barber Shop. Melt tiitlesptie, Teacher of (Guitar, Batnjo astd Mantdolin at Clement's. Baey State aud other Giuitars, Batijos andss Maudotlinss at Wilsey's. Blest Strins at Wilsey7s. FORus RENT.-Sute Of rooms tiicely furtnishsed, bath hot stud cold water, fusrtnace, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-st. T1.AKEN.--FroistsPLrettytsatn's board- lug bous Monsday night, a black, chse- viot, light weight, hsalf tox overcoat. Rteturn~to J. Al. Gries, 44 E. North-st., atsd get $5 reward. CA,'rloLtC STUDETSr.-Two seats for rent in1 pew' S, msiddle aisle. Apply at pew, Stundsay before ate msass." JOSEsPi DONNELLY. Schleede, 5t0 State, sells tee0stiects of Lotus Linen, 8 by 11 inches, for :?5e. Books heound for I35c, upwards. STUDENTS' BOOKS. TETX ooE..LiT ANDT MEDIOAL BOOBS NOSE tiOKtS ,.t'AT TE STUDlENTS' BOOK STOKE, STATE SThRET. Sec'slill-HandisSbooks attowv prices. We are agents of IPautl E. Wit. Scott atnd Hlltand founttain pens. Btargaits its statiotery. }MwH JOAN GENTr1;v 19- ';"The Niagara alls Rute." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. AND THE HES MAR sesSsICERY PdQUEGm .;s Y i es , iS tN en .,. °C« -Tf7FINESE , c o55 0I g 0,6I BLANKE BOOS, Pity . IeCLEsAns, Prsd ent.Watt DL ODEALH RCSE IIV'<55 BLAssK BO OKt Sstsst-ic ste-rtht-sp _ ci ers, iteigtSoaeiWc teri 0w 5t'OE, a w IAS TClgdorAnnnAboroanaNort CallEanditeEusilS a. tEG '; SFNG' 26 OtTii. OSTA55T5E S 5I- a Nes. re~ os. Beng01 __E_ MA__ SL.-______________ ti 71Fot t., W est, -adiesrout Much 1, Oe^Nd.isdeed Time. " ue ap SopAthleteMari btp. M.iA n'.i..x'sr, t.'ii ls 1bu ti 0 i em ~ nsI tc - It. a tn sqaoire oIt..oa ,-ne , sientfic, tS 't i l s. *.'r~ Snday.. Ie s'sets-. Cndarss .by.... hosiesd''....ittis tie- norvusig it Sed fo il'd cm" G. si& .A ...hicago. segh' Annsri-' 27'wle arc. Ittr~25e- He ii..thar..15roti I). jO~a Cutue,9 atr4fli.PAP P N::h nisYor.k.s- de" Tol5edoi , nn Abrand.. Noirth I ie legi n ito ecr.., sueay, N TRENH IE CEAM FIESTFRECH - eGigNrt.ISTTSe oin.. suh C.I,'Y ST POPIEOR ...P. i. .avea tA rriii r M /k.1 No. 3an 5 ~higONE tOHT- ONiLY - -___Mich,__ TltttrIt6YRi sn tyisEvde H ov.es50 4ni28 1So unhoa u5510u512O2oi0gSr5"'" for lirt ' ..... 4 0 617..... Dneet-t.. . 6A . ... ,..B - 50.... ae 7 ... asn ..s.... lliS .7112 """^_ .... 4 5 4 , - Du..ttsfiesd-... 1 R 94 ".' ...... i07 07.AN itHhltg .K 9 26""" _____6___32__B 5. t 5 ..EtHtwalta.. 1018. PRICES -- S~9c1.1711.3AND $1.00.H..W . AHEY . I7ASL4 . sO. et2SaleToss Oy, Sa ,T-.O . .:.::t. 92711 5 hat. Lo ot. 7 at5e". Y N.ews9 B5om. me...BBA0 ..t li 4 50 .