+ = q Y _ - '%.. -O- -Q ' . ' ' a. VOL. I. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1890. PaRICE t+;u i FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. CROEEDINGS OF THE CORO- NER'S INQUEST.--MANLY {S HUNG IN EFFIGY.-- 1= GRANGER'S ILLNESS.:. ig9ht of the Militiamen Arrested.-- Their Version of the Case. Ford Belford, Denison's room-mate, olil what lie and Denison did up till tii" of the fatal blow. Dr. Nancrede alloWed With the facts of his death. 1MLITIA NOT HE3DIED IN. r'ank S. Prettyman saw Dennison struck, IIe said the soldiers went bout forty feet before they reached . Dennisoi Ile also testified that ere W ere no students oilthe north- est Corner when they filed in lie. he crd was following, none ahead. heard the oflicer say, "If you don't hee still over there, you - I'll ieak YOur neck," speaking to some t le it0 was jeerig him, sThe officer as tNyhiug to say something to the tthd- If anything had been thrown at the solaiejs I think I would have wl tit- swvnothing thrown. heard teats made. After making the remfkthe officer tried to say some- heig, When the crowd gave the Uni- ersity yell. Ile drew his sword, and tl i it, said: "Knock hell out of them boys." At once they charged on e boys It was five or ten minutes eee they reformed again. Didn't he officer after the first charge. A MILITIA MAN'S TESTINONY. Robert C. Itaywood, of Company A, tetiaiet that he was out with the com- al ast night. We were firing mus- ktas a salute to one of our comrades W as married. After the salute, W ereinvited in to supper. We htarhalf to three-quarters of an hour. We W s a disturbance outsile while ye were there, made by the students, and noise. ~No stones were °Rn against the house. When we star g we formed single file and by the fdown Division street followed th strudents on the other side of eht setret' yelling, until we got to Lib- t e ret, where we were in twos and down Liberty street. About ?etY feetbeyond the German church t ere ordered to form a line across ett, whichwetdid. It was form- mo ake a charge on tie students ad been throwing mud and punch- T h e e r w g u a rd w ith t h r cw t t s .e 1rdr Is giwen to charge with the butt end of the guns. Saw no blows struck. The company went away from the house in order to lead the students away and then we were going back. The mud was thrown before we formed the hine. I was not in the rear and did not see any mud slinging or cane punching myself. I was told that the company had a permit from the mayor to fire a salute. Mr. Granger told me. I am nineteen years of age. Among the members of the company present were Thos. Corbett, Henry Luce, Adolph Glatzel, Wm. Seery, Sheldon Granger, Fred Parsons and Will Binder. I think there was thirty or thirty-five men in line. At the house, Mr. Gran- ger spoke of leading the crowd away, He first proposed going out the back door, leaving the guns inside. We found no trouble in marching along. Didn't hear Granger say anything be- fore he gave the command, I heard no command but did as I saw the others do. When we were in line, Granger told us to use our muskets as clubs. The company charged immediately after receiving the order. Itis words were something like "Charge and give it to them, boys." HE SAW DENNISON STRUCK. Paul Meyer saw Dennison hit. Ile said: One man hit him across the arm with the butt end of a gun. An- other soldier stepped up and told him to go, and I think he said, why shall I go?" One of the soldiers said, "I'll show you why?" and swung his gun around and hit him across the face. The soldier went across the road to the northwest corner after he struck him. I was about ten feet away. The man who struck Dennison was about five feet eight inches in height and stout. It was dark and I couldn't tell whether he had a beard or not. The inquest was then adjourned un- til this morning at nine o'clock. THOMAS HALEY. Thomas Haley a citizen was sworn the last witness before noon. Ile lives at No. 34 E. Liberty, second door from Division st. Heard a command, but could not catch the words. Did not know who gave it. Did not see him have a sword. Saw the charge. Did not see them strike, although he saw them run after them prepared to strike. Saw a stone thrown. Thought it came from student. Saw arm that threw it. He was across street and stone struck about 100 feet from Division street, where I stood. Stone was thrown before charge wasmade. When it was thrown there was a stop pi:the march. As I started to go home I was headed off by the line of the militia. They turned into the street across the road and formed a line there. Heard a command, but could not distinguish the words, but immed- iately saw the guns inverted, militia then charged. Students scattered, some running into my yard. At least three of the militia men followed them. After charge they formed in line again near Division and marched down north side of Liberty. One militiamen fired a gun. Did not see any second charge. Mr, Haley was recalled the first thing afternoon. The witness said on cross-examination: "They (militia) immediately formed in line across the street and charged. They came back and re-formed in about three minutes, and made another rush, but I consider it all one charge. When they formed I was on tmyot about 100 feet from Liberty street. The students ran away at the charge, buit I did not see them come back. The column of uilitia had all got by when the stone was thrown.. Then there was a kind of a halt made-" Robert C. Mhaywood requested to make a correction to his testimony of yesterday. lie said lie made a mistake when he said Wm. Seery was among the militia.. He was not there with a gun. When asked if any others were there whom he had not named, Mr. Lawrence objected and the Coroner sustained the objection. DAMAGING EVIDENCE. William Neumann, son of Rev. John Neumann, was nextcalled and testified: Live at 53 S. Fourt'h street, am High School student and live here in the city. I was attracted by drums and firing of guns. I saw them form on North side of Liberty street by red church. Thought they were drilling and I got out in street to see them drill. There was quite a crowd and Granger was trying to say something and boys yelled so he got mad and lost his temper and drew his sword and swung it and said "give them Hell, boys." They gave a charge. I saw two soldiers attack a man, a student, who kept them off with a cane. A militia man camd up behind the student and stuck him on head. Do not know name of man who struck student but I know him. He was a litle over five feet high, has black hair and mustache, dark complection and somewhat freckled. Continued on third page. Wright, Kay & Co. Foreign Bugers, Importers of Gems and Art Goods, Jewelers ard Op- ticians, Manufacturers of the Finest Society Badges ade ir the country. Samples-sent upon pro- per refererces, Detioit Ocura IrHos Pe BfR., 140 WOODWARD AVE., lotroit Michiga. WHEN IN YPSILANTI, STOP AT THE Special Rates t Students. --------------------------- - --- - - ------- TRAGEDIAN LOUIS JAMES AS JULIUS CIESAR. An important Engagement at the Opera House. Next Monday Evening. An event of unusual importance to all lovers of legitimnate acting will be the appearance of Mr. Louis James at the Opera House, next Thursday eTening, in Shake- speare's greatest tragedy, "Julius Cesar." Mr. James is now con- sidered our leading actor of trag- edy on the stage to-day, possess.. ing the intellectual dramatic at tributes of Edwin Booth and in physical qualifications far sur- passing him; Mr. James, in char- acters like "Brutus" in "Julius Cesar," "Virginius" and "Othel- lo," stands to-day without an equal. His dramatic education has been long and enthusiastic. His conceptions of a character are true and his presentation of them in harmony with his ideal. We are free to aver that there will be no other occasion so fertile in interest at the Opera House this season.